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    Ogden Street) as seid Ogden Avenue 1b shown on &ap of Clark's Las Vegas Townaite, recorded in Book 1, page 37 of Plats* records of said County; thence westerly paral­lel to the westerly prolongation of the centerline of said Ogden Avenue a distance of 235.2 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence N. 27* 45' E, 7.40 feet; thence S. 62* 15* 2. 14.1 feet; thence K. 27* 45* X. 231.3 feet; thence N. 4* 00' S. 43.7 feet; thence N. 27® 45' S. 191.8 feet; thence S. 62* 15* 2. 17.6 feet; thence N. 27® 45* 2. 59.0 feet; thence N. 17* 04» 30 " w. 160.8 feet to a point designated Point "A® in description of Parcel 1, Easement Strip Five of that certain easement to Las Vegas Valley Water District, recorded July 1, 1954, as Document No. 14123 m Book 14, Official Records of Clerk County, Nevada* The aide lines of the above described strip shall be prolonged or shortened so as to terminate in existing easement strips held by Lae Vegas Valley Water District, f The Second Party, its successors and assigns, their ©f- J! fleers, agents and employees* or any contractor, its agents and employees, engaged by the Second Party, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to enter upon, pass and repass over and along, I and to deposit tools, implements, and other materials on, said easement strip whenever necessary for the purposes above set forth, except that the right of the Second Party and said persons to enter upon, pass and repaas over and along said easement strip at and in Jj the vicinity of the railroad tracks, signals and other appurtenant I railroad operating facilities now or hereafter intersecting, par-elleling or extending along said easement atrip shall be subject j to reasonable regulations imposed by the First Parties, their suc- I ceasors and assigns, from time to time, restricting the time and maimer of passing over the easement strip in the vicinity of said railroad operating facilities for the purpose of avoiding inter­2 * /|