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    /ournal American D. 506,746 SUN. 640,586 HOLLYWOOD HIGHLIGHTS New York Journal-American * Tues., June 9,1964-13 Peppard Patching It Up? By LOUEtLA O. PARSONS HOLLYWOOD, JUNE 9.?╟÷AFTER STATEMENTS FROM both to the effect, "it's over?╟÷we are through, don't mention our names together In the future," who should be out at the airport to meet Elizabeth Ashley's plane on Sunday but George Peppard! What's more George was the only person on hand to meet Liz, who is here for "Ship of Fools'* for Stanley Kramer. The lady specifically gave orders to the publicity men on the picture that she did not want them on hand, and no photographers. I guess when one is on the verge of patching up a broken romance a gal needs privacy. It will be very interesting to see what we shall see developing between Liz and George. * URSULA ANDRESS, some- times known as Ursula Undress, |H will star for Seven Arts headsJEliot Hyman and Ray Stark in "She," the H. Rider Haggard story which over the years has served several screen sirens. "She" tells the story of an enchantress who rules a jungle Kingdom. And you can bet it allows Ursula a chance for suitable "exposure.'* The film carries a $2,500,- I 000 budget. Michel C. Carr- dras is the producer and 1 Robert Day, the director. MGM releases the film I everywhere except the United Kingdom where it will be shown as a Hammer Films of England venture. Ursula is off to Africa in August for I the opening scenes. * I DON'T KNOW whether I Barbara Stanwyck and Bob 1 Taylor know it or not but 1 they're working with a Itoloomin* business tycoon in their "Night Walker" movie. She's Rochelle Hudson, former Demure Ingenue of the I old Will Rogers movies. Rochelle needs a movie I salary like she needs an extra head. She merely likes now and then to get back in front of a camera for old I times sake. What she has going for on the outside is a t? and-a-half million dollar hospital being constructed on I Wilshire blvd. Also a large I janitor service with a basic | staff of 50 workers to say nothing of her real estate holdings here and in Palm Springs. Rochelle is successful proof that not all former screen stars wind up broke. * JOEY BISHOP is rapidly becoming court jester of President Johnson and the Democrats. On June 20, when the President and the First Lady's plane in from Sah Francisco for the $100 per plate fund-raising dinner at the Palladium, pal Joey will be the master of ceremonies. The affair is being sponsored by the Democratic State Central Committee headed by Gov. Pat Brown. Recently when the witty Joey was in Washington for( the press dinner, he and his! wife were honored by an in-j vitation to dine at the White | House. * HOLLYWOOD SNAPSHOTS: When Elke Sommer | flew off the set of "The Art of Love" to demonstrate the real' article in the arms of her writer boy friend, Joe Hyams, Joe turned from the ardent embrace to crack, "You can see we are just | good friends." rfudi Meredith, well enough to be back at work (in "The j Night Walker" for William Castle), weathered an extremely difficult childbirth, I "I lost 32 pounds in 30 days ] and had to remain flat on my | back for three months." But I she says her beautiful baby is worth every bit of it. Didn't Jesse Kaye, of MGM Records, quietly marry his secretary, Sara Krantzler, at the Sands in Las Vegas over the"l^eTCha? Speaking of the Sands, congratulations to Jack Entratter just elected chairman of the board of the hostelry for three more years. Jack's newest official act is starting an 18-story addition on the property. You'll get a look at Skip Homeier's pretty bride, Delia Sharman, in the new "Virginian" TV segment now shooting at Revue. The star, Lee J. Cobb, talked Delia into doing a scene with Skip. Jill St. John;has narrowed the men in her life down to one, stockbroker Bart Bur?. nap. There should be less con* fusion around the Universal publicity department where publicists Eddie Fisher and Danny Thomas always are": * getting calls from people wanting the stars of the same name. Eddie Fisher has0 moved Over to Paramount to become publicity managef there. That's all today, see yo/ tomorrow. Hearst Headline Service