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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 4, 1988






Includes meeting agenda and minutes with additional information about senate bills. CSUN Session 18 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000579. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 18-8 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1988 3:30PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER , II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 18-5, 18-6, 18-7 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS - CSUN President State of the Campus Address V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Approval of Corrine Goldstein to NSA chair. B. Approval of John Fazi as member to the Elections Board. C. Approval of Thomas Jordan as member to disciplinary Action Committee. D. Approval of Jack Spicer as member to Disciplinary Action Committee. E. Approval of Allen Chastain as member to Disciplinary Action Committee. F. Approval of Carl Cook as member to Disciplinary Action Committee. G. Approval of Tristam Harrington as member to Disciplinary Action Committee. H. Approval of David Donovan as member to Disciplinary Action Committee. I. Approval of Kristi Carlson as member to Disciplinary Action Committee. J. Approval of Palma Wesely to Elections Board Committee. K. Approval of Mike Chastain as Chair to Elections Board. L. Approval of Sharon Docter as Chief Justice to Judicial Council. M. Approval of Mike Dupalo as Associate Chief Justice to Judicial Council. N. Approval of Kurt Hildebrand as member to Disciplinary Action Committee. VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Approval of Senate Bill #7. (Majority Vote) [Senate President Evenson] B. Approval of Senate Bill #9. (Majority Vote) [Senate President Evenson] UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE AGENDA 1 8 - 8 2/4/88 C. Approval of Senate Bill #10. (Majority Vote) [Senator G, Smith] D. Approval of Senate Bill #11. (Majority Vote) [Senator G. Smith] E. Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill #8. (Majority Vote) [Senator G. Smith] VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of$250 for Organization Board "Organization Day" to buy refreshments. (CSUN Vice President Denise Gentile) [Majority Vote] B. Approval of Executive Board nominations. [Majority Vote] C. Approval of $750 for co-sponsorship with MSU, CSUN and Alumni Association for Career Week. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) [Majority Vote] D. Approval of Senate Bill #12. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) [Majority Vote] E. Approval of Senate Resolution 18-2. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) [Majority Vote] F. Approval of $1015.20 from 900 account for Skyline Display. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) [Majority Vote] G. Approval of deducting $50.00 from Mike Mixer, Bar Manager stipend. (Executive Board) [Majority Vote] H. Approval of $500 of MSU calendar. (CSUN President Hendrick) [Majority Vote] Iji. Approval of Mike Chastain for stipend pay of $50.00 for the month of January to be paid in February, $200 stipend for the month of February, $200 stipend for the month of April. (CSUN President Hendrick) [Majority Vote] J. Approval of PMT camera to shoot 1/2 tones for $1500 for Yellin' Rebel. (Kurt Hildebrand) [Majority Vote] K. Approval of $300 for Entertainment and Programming 12 February 1988, "Back To School Party" for Face First to perform. (John Fazi) [Majority Vote] L. Approval of transfers for the following: 1) Transfer of $200.00 from 906-1401 to 900-1401 2) Transfer of $250.00 from 906-1401 to 901-1401 3) Transfer of $300.00 from 906-1500 to 903-1500 4) Transfer of $3,000.00 from 906-1101 to 905-1101 5) Transfer of $2,000.00 from 901-1101 to 907-1101 6> Transfer of $2,000.00 from 906-2100 to 903-2100 7) Transfer of $2,100.00 from 906-3000 to 908-3000 SENATE AGENDA 18-8 2/4/88 L. CONTINUED- * Due to shortage in budget lines, the following transfers are urgently needed. Please note that these are not cash transfers; only budget transfers so the CSUN departments may spend out of the line items. The beginning of each account is 8-2-457-4120. The corresponding revenue lin$ for the 906 transfers, will be from object code 9952 (balance forward). The corresponding revenue line, for the 901 transfer, will be from object code 9200 (revenue). M. Approval of contract with Robert Windolph for Leap Year Party for $250 on February 29. (Ric Jimenez) [Majority Vote] N. Approval of Mike Dabari Trio for February 8 for $100.00. (Ric Jimenez) [Majority Vote] 0. Discussion/Approval of Black History Month for $1,000- $1,500. (Senate President Evenson) [Majority Vote] P. Discussion of Senate Reapportionment. (Senate President Evenson) Q. Approval of $2,200 for Primary Executive Elections. (CSUN Preisdent Hendrick/Mike Chastain) [Majority Vote] IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT SEE/pw CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA SENATE MEETING 18-8 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1988 3:30PM MSU 201 VIII. NEW BUSINESS R. Approval of $50 clean up for LDSSA February 12th for "Back To School Party". (Ric Jimenez) [Majority Vote]. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 18-8 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1988 3:30PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Pro Tempore Jack Spicer called the Senate meeting to order at 3:30PM. Due to no quorum the meeting was recessed for 10 minutes. I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Pro Tempore Jack Spicer called the Senate meeting to order at 3:40pm. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT Senator Ax Senator Bailey- Senator Bennett Senator Bosma Senator Carlson Senator Clay- Senator Cozin Senator Donovan Senator Lowe Senator Mangual Senator McGinty Senator Sanchez Senator C. Smith Senator G. Smith Senator Spicer Senator Varela III. ANNOUNCEMENTS ABSENT Senator Giff Senator Hoffman (Excused) CSUN Vice President Denise Gentile announced that Organizations Day will be February 10. After the event there will be a meeting for the Organziations Board. Senate President Steve Evenson retained the gavel. IV. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS August Corrales the Appropriations Board chair explained to the Senate how the budget works. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MINUTES 0§/§/88 Seriate President Evenson announced that the reapportionment for the Science, Math and Engineering College will be probably divided up with giving 2 seats to the college with the most majors in it, leaving the other seat open to the college with the remainder of students. The Parking, and Traffic committee will be dividing up into subcommittees of Policy, Appeals, and investigation of Parking Fees. He also mentioned that Cari Cozin will be nominated to General Education committee. Kurt Hildebrand of the Yellin' Rebel announced that since the 1st of Jul}?- they have made $31,475 in advertising. This total is equivlent to the weekly edition of an entire year of publication. Quicksilver received a bid for $1300. The issue will be a creative arts magazine. It is due out in early February. Nancy Clark, CSUN Business Manager requested that item L. of New Business to be approved as soon as possible so that if there are any questions she could answer them. Ric Jimenez, Director of Entertainment and Programming announced that there will be a Jazz band playing in the Student Union. Friday will be the Back To School Party. III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 18-5, 18-6, 18-7 Motion to approve Senate Minutes 18-5, 18-6, 18-7 as a whole by Senator Bosma. Seconded by Senator McGinty. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Approval of Corrine Goldstein to NSA chair. B. Approval of John Fazi as member to Disciplinary Action Committee. C. Approval of Thomas Jordan as member to Disciplinary Action Committee. D. Approval of Jack Spicer as member to the Disciplinary Action Committee. E. Approval of Allen Chastain as member to the Disciplinary Action Committee. F. Approval of Carl Cook to the Disciplinary Action Committee as a member. G. Approval of Tristam Harrington as member to the Disciplinary Action Committee. H. Approval of David Donovan as member to the Disciplinary Action Committee. I. Approval of Kristi Carlson as member to the Disciplinary Action Committee. SENATE MINUTES 18-8 02/04/88 PAGE 3 J. Approval of Palma Wesely as member to the Elections Board Committee. K. Approval of Mike Chastain as chair to the Elections Board committee. L. Approval of Sharon Docter as Chief Justice to the Judicial Council. M. Approval of Mike Dupalo as Associate Chief Justice to the Judicial Council. N. Approval of Kurt Hildebrand as member to Diciplinary Action Committee. 0. Approval of Jack Spicer to the Bylaws Committee. Motion by Senator Spicer to move out of the order of the day and into item L. of New Business. L. Approval of transfers for the following: 1) Transfer of $200.00 from 906-1401 to 900-1401 2) Transfer of $250.00 from 906-1401 to 901-1401 3) Transfer of $300.00 from 906-1500 to 903-1500 4) Transfer of $3,000.00 from 906-1101 to 905-1101 5) Transfer of $2,000.00 from 901-1101 to 907-1101 6) Transfer of $2,000.00 from 906-2100 to 903-2100 7) Transfer of $2,100.00 from 906-3000 to 908-3000 "Due to shortage in budget lines, the following transfers are urgently needed. Please note that these are not cash transfers; only budget transfers so the CSUN departments may spend out of the line items. The beginning of each account is 8-2-457-4120. The corresponding revenue line for the 906 transfers, will be from oject code 9952 (balance forward). The corresponding revenue line for the 901 transfers, will be from object code 9200 (revenue). Seconded by Senator G. Smith. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. Motion by Senator G. Smith to move out of the order of the day. Seconded by Senator Carlson. Motion by Senator G. Smith to approve Senate Bill #8, Item E. of old business. Seconded by Senator McGinty. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Mo"f| on carried, unanimously. SENATE MINUTES 18-8 02/04/88 Page 4 VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Approval of Senate Bill #7. (Majority Vote) [Senate Preesident Evenson]. Motion by Senator G. Smith to approve. Seconded by Senator Bosnia. Senate President Pro Tempore the gavel. There was discussion. Motion by Senator Mangual to the Publications Board until Seconded by Senator McGinty. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion failed with one in favor, and three abstentions, twelve in opposed. Call for the question by Senator Carlson and end debate. Seconded by Senator Bosma. Call for the vote. Motion carried, unanimously. Call for the vote on the main motion and adding the following changes: III. Duties D. As acting publisher, the Publications Board reserves the right to require the inclusion of coverage of events or activities in a specific CSUN publication provided the requirement is made within a reasonable time and does not produce a hardship upon the publication. 1. This shall not include any rights of censorship of anything which is legally publishable. Motion fails with two in favor (Ax?Bosma), nine cypObQD and five abstentions B. Approval of Senate Bill #9. (Majority vote) [Senate President Evenson]. Motion to approve by Senator Bosma. Seconded by Senator C. Smith. There was discussion. Call for a vote; motion carried with fifteen in favor, one opposed and zero abstentions. Jack Spicer retained table and take to they look over it again. Senate Minutes 18-3 02/04/88 Page5 C. Approval of Senate Bill #10. (Majority vote) [Senator G. Smith] Motion to approve by Senator G. Smith. Seconded by Senator Clay. There was discussion. Call for the vote. Motion fails with one in favor (G. Smith), twelve opposed, and three abstentions (Bosma, Clay, C. Smith). D. Approval of Senate Bill #11 (Majority vote) [Senator G. Smith] Motion dies. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of $250 for Organziation Board "Organization Day" to buy refreshments. (CSUN Vice President Denise Gentile) [Majority vote] Motion to approve by Senator Bailey. Seconded by Senator Sanchez. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. Motion to move out of the order of the day and approve items K.M.N.Pv,. of New Business, by Senator Spicer. K. Approval of $300 for Entertainment and Programming 12 February 1988, "Back To School Party" for Face First to perform. (John Fazi) [Majority Vote] M. Approval of contract with Robert Windolph for Leap Year Party for $250 on February 29. (Ric Jimenez) [Majority Vote] N. Approval of Mike Dabari Trio for February 8 for $100 (Ric Jimenez) [Majority Vote] R. Approval of $50 clean up for LDSSA February 12th for "Back To School Party." (Ric Jimenez) [Majority Vote] Seconded by Senator Bailey. John Fazi addressed the Senate. SENATE MINUTES 1 8 - 8 02/04/88 Page 6 There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. Motion by Senator Spicer to move out of the order of the day and approve item 0. of New Business. 0. Discussion/Approval of Black History Month for $1,500 (Senate President Evenson) [Majority Vote] Seconded by Senator McGintv. John Fazi addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Motion carried, unanimously. B. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. [Majority Vote] Motion by Senator Spicer to approve Items: A. Approval of Corrine Goldstein to NSA Chair. B. Approval of John Fazi as member to the Elections Board. C. Approval of Thomas Jordan as member to the Disciplinary Action Committee. D. Approval of Jack Spicer as member to Disciplinary Action Committee. E. Approval of Allen Chastain as member to the Disciplinary Action Committee. F. Approval of Carl Cook as member to the Disciplinary Action Committee. G. Approval of Tristam Harrington as member to the Disciplinary Action Committee. H. Approval of David Donovan as member to the Disciplinary Action Committee. 1. Approval of Kristi Carlson as member to the Disciplinary Action Committee. J. Approval of Palma Wesely as member to the Elections Board. K. Approval of Mike Chastain as Chair to Elections Board. N. Approval of Kurt Hildebrand as member to Disciplinary Action Committee. 0. Approval of Jack Spicer as member to the Bylaws Committee. Seconded by Senator Bailey. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motioo carried, unanimously. Motion by Senator Spicer to approve items L. and M. for Executive Board Nominations. SENATE MINUTES 18-8 02/04/88 Page 7 L. Approval of Sharon Docter as Chief Justice to Judicial Council. M. Approval of Mike Dupalo as Associate Chief Justice to Judicial Council. Seconded by Senator McGintv. There was discussion. Mike Dupalo addressed the Senate. Call for a vote. Motion carried, with fourteen in favor, one opposed (Bosma) and zero abstentions. C. Approval of $750 for co-sponsorship with MSU, CSUN and Alumni Association for Career Week. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) [Majority Vote] Motion to approve by Senator Spicer. Seconded by Senator Bennett. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. D. Approval of Senate Bill #12. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) [Majority vote] There was discussion. Motion by Senator Bailey to waive bylaw 1. Seconded by Senator Carlson. Call for a vote. Motion carried, thirteen in favor, one opposed (G. Smith) and one abstention (Spicer). Call for a vote on the main motion by Senator Bailey. Seconded by Senator Spicer. Call for a vote. Motion carried with fourteen in favor, zero opposed, and one abstention (Spicer). E. Approval of Senate Resolution 18-2. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) [Majority Vote] Senate Minutes 18-8 02/04/88 Page 8 Motion to approve by Senator Spicer. Seconded by Senator G. Smith. There was discussion. Robert Gomez addressed the Senate. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. F. Approval of $1015 from 900 account for Skyline Display. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) [Majority vote] Motion to table for one week until other estimates are looked into by Senator Spicer, motion made by Senator G. Smith. Seconded by Senator Spicer. There was discussion Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. G. Approval of deducting $50.00 from Mike Mixer, Bar Manager stipend. (Executive Board) [Majority vote] There was motion was out of order. H. Approval of $500 of MSU Calendar. (CSUN President Hendrick) [Majority Vote] Motion to approve by Senator Spicer. Seconded by Senator McGinty. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. I. Approval of Mike Chastain for stipend pay of $50.00 for the month of January to be paid in February, $200 for February, $200 for March, $200 for April. (CSUN President Hendrick) [Majority Vote] Motion to approve by Senator Bailey. Seconded by Senator Ax. There was discussion. Senator Bosma stated that someone should make sure he is doing his job, otherwise to dock some of his pay. _2nate Minutes 18-8 02/04/88 Page 9 Call for a vote by Senator Bailey. Motion carried with fourteen in favor, zero opposed, and one abstention (Bosma). J. Approval of PMT camera to shoot 1/2 tones for $1500 for Yellin' Rebel, (Kurt Hildebrand) [Majority vote] to come out of the 900 account. Motion to approve by Senator McGinty. Seconded by Senator Bosma. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. Motion to move out of the order of the day and approve item 0 of New Business, Senator Spicer. Q. Approval of $2000 for Primary Executive Elections. (CSUN President Hendrick/Mike Chastain) [Majority Vote] Seconded by Senator G. Smith. Mike Chastain addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. P. Discussion of Senate Reapportionment. (CSUN Senate President Evenson) Motion by Senator Spicer to limit debate for ten minutes. Seconded by Senator Bailey. There was discussion. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION Dan Richmond was nominated to the Academic Advising Seat. Craig Brooskywas nominated to the Science, Math and Engineering Seat. Tammy Fountain was nominated to the Science, Math and Engineering Seat". Nicole Wanger was nominated to the Science, Math and Engineering Seat. Phillip DaQuino was nominated to the Science Math and Engineering Seat. Senate Minutes 1 8 - 8 02/04/88 Page 10 Senator Bosma thanked Kurt Hildebrand for his report regarding the PMT camera, he said it was "very professional". Senate President Pro Tempore Spicer thanked the ones who made the last two Senate meetings even though there wasn't quorum. X. ADJOURNMENT Senate President Evenson adjourned the Senate Meeting at 6:00pm. CSUN SENATE PRESIDENT