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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, September 2009



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    EXCITING THINGS COMING UP! First Shabbatone Service of the Season Fall Hebrew Classes Polish Heroes Photography Exhibit ?Dry Bones? Cartoonist Mitzvah Day High Holy Day Service Schedule Selichot Saturday, September 12 6:00 pm - Bring-Your-Own Picnic Dinner 6:45 pm - Program 8:00 pm - Service Erev Rosh HaShanah* Friday, September 18 6:00 pm - Family Service 8:15 pm - Traditional Service \Rosh HaShanah Day One* Saturday, September 19 9:00 am - Preschool Service (Ages 2, 3, 4 & Pre-K) 10:00 am - Traditional Service 10:00 am - Youth Program (Grades K-7) 10:00 am - Teen Service (Grades 8-12) 2:30 pm - Tashlich at Sunset Park Rosh HaShanah Day Two Sunday, September 20 10:00 am - Service Sukkot Shabbat Friday, October 2 5:45 pm - Decorate Sukkah 6:15 pm - Potluck Dairy Dinner 6:45 pm - Tot Shabbat Service 7:30 pm - Sukkot/Religious School Shabbat Service Simchat Torah Friday, October 9 7:00 pm - Consecration/ Shabbat Service Yizkor Shemini Atzeret Saturday, October 10 10:00 am - Yizkor Service * Services require ticket. To purchase tickets, contact Nancy Weinberger in the Temple office. Shabbat Shuvah Friday, September 25 6:45 pm - Yahrzeit Plaque Dedication Ceremony 7:30 pm - Shabbat Service Ko! Nidre* Sunday, September 27 6:00 pm - Family Service 8:15 pm - Traditional Service Yom Kippur* Monday, September 28 9:00 am - Preschool Service (Ages 2, 3, 4 & Pre-K) 10:00 am - Traditional Service 10:00 am - Youth Program (Grades K-7) 10:00 am - Teen Service (Grades 8-12) 12:30 pm - Family Promise Program 1:00 pm - Social Action Program 2:00 pm Healing Service 3:00 pm - Afternoon Service 5:00 pm - Yizkor Service 6:00 pm - Neilah Service 6:45 pm - HavdallahAs we prepare for the New Year we have an exciting new addition at Congregation Ner Tamid. As many of you know, our school facilities were designed to accommodate a full-time day school but because of current economic conditions, it has been necessary for us to postpone those plans for the foreseeable future. Additionally, we continually look for added sources of revenue to maintain our facilities, programs and staff. This summer, we were approached by the Yeshiva Day School of Las Vegas about the possibility of renting the six upstairs classrooms for the upcoming school year. After meeting with representatives of the school, collaborating with board members and staff, we entered into a facility license agreement with Yeshiva Day School. Yeshiva Day School will conduct classes from first to seventh grade. Led by headmasters Rabbi Moshe Katz and Rabbi Zev Goldman, the Yeshiva Day School is affiliated with Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, based in Queens, NY, which is a major American, Lithuanian-style Talmudic Haredi, but non-Hasidic, yeshiva. ?Our goal is to educate children to the point where they can attend a Jewish yeshiva high school?, says Rabbi Goldman. ?We offer a full Limudei Kodesh (Judaic studies) program and a full Limudei Choi (secular studies), as well as phys ed, art, music, karate, and even pre?law for older students.? These arrangements will generate additional revenues forCNT over the next year. There is also an opportunity for this agreement to be extended a second year. The agreement also allows us to more fully utilize our facilities by extending our campus to another organization in the Jewish community. Part of the vision of our Temple has always been to build bridges and partnerships wherever possible. Who would think that a reform and an orthodox community would be living side by side? But we look forward to this marriage of mutual interests. We can learn from each other and fill our classrooms with the sound of Torah, Tefillah and Tradition. I hope you will welcome Yeshiva Day School to our Greenspun Campus for Jewish Life, Learning & Spiritual Renewal. Bruce Matza, Temple President Sukkot Potluck Dairy Dinner & Decorate Sukkah Friday, October 2 Decorate Sukkah - 5:45 pm Come with your family and help decorate our Sukkah! Potluck Dairy Dinner - 6:15 pm Bring a dairy dish for 8-10, to shara with your CNT family. Suggestion^ tuna or egg salad; veggie or fruit tray; noodle kugel; vegetable lasagna; blintz souffle; mac ?n cheese. RSVP appreciated to Roberta Unger at 733-6292 ext 202, Please let her know what dish you are planning to bring. 2009-10 Temple Board Bruce Matza, Gregg Solomon, VP Del Acosta, VP Ritual… Lisa Skurow, VP Member Marsha Goldberg, VP Member Recruitment...................decagon Brett Primack, VP Social Barry Lewisohn,Treasurer.............................................................b… Amy Matthews, Corporate Trustees Rick Ca rter..................................... Jeff Jonas… lllisa Polis… Pam Poster… Randi Sarno… Danny Socolof… Joh n Sparer… Sandy Stolberg… Steven Strasser… Michelle Blank, Sisterhood Susie Sernoe, Sisterhood Michael Unger, Men's Club Stephanie Dreiman, NTTY Past Presidents Harry Sax Marla Letizia Scott Stolberg Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman JeffKahn Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow *EugeneKirshbaum *David Goldwater *deceased 2 W W W .LVN ERTAM ID.O RG Rabbi Sanford Akselrad As I sit down to write this bulletin article, it?s only natural to become reflective of how quickly the year has gone by. So close to Rosh Hashanah, it would seem that the holidays are ?early? this year. Early, not only in terms of where Rosh Hashanah falls upon the secular calendar, but early in terms of my preparedness to reflect, change, and move on. Denial, procrastination, and the every day distractions of life are often more pleasant than taking a good hard look at one?s life. At the end of July, I suffered a water leak in my home. It caused the ceiling in my main closet to collapse and was a huge mess. But if there was ever pause for celebration, it was that I was finally forced to go through my closet and get rid of ?stuff?. If it didn?t fit, hadn?t been worn in years, no longer ^as in fashion or I just simply didn't ?ce it any more-out, it went! For a clutter bug, that was hard work. Seven 30-gallon trash bags of ?stuff? came out of that closet. And trust me, it isn?t that big a closet. I am just very good at packing ?stuff? in. I have found in life that often times we don?t get rid of ?stuff?? we needlessly collect until a crisis hits. The death of a loved one; a move to another community; our spouse gets so mad, that we are forced to just ?do it?. The stuff may be physical or it may be emotional. Times of crisis are times of transition, reflective times, that can wade us deeper into the morass of life as we dig in our heels and become further entrenched or we can simply ?let go" and move on. 1 don't know if the Holydays ever come ?on time?. They may feel too ?early? but let me assure you it is better than ?too late?. Too late to apologize, change or improve, and the ceilings that provide us shelter come crashing down upon us. The beauty of Judaism is that our new year provides us with a spiritual time of transition from the past, to the present, to the future. The sheer majesty, emotions and spirituality of the Holydays when taken seriously are a force for change. So I challenge you to unpack and then repack, to throw ?stuff away? and find new things that suits your own personal growth. While it may be easier to live in denial or to procrastinate, the true beauty of life and the mitzvah of these holydays is in allowing our lives to become enriched by new experiences, healing relationships, and personal fulfillment. May this New Year be for you and your loved ones a year filled with the sweetness of health, joy and the renewal of spirit. L?shana Tova! SELICHOT Saturday, September 12 Join us for a picnic dinner, enlightening program and moving service under the stars in our amphitheater. 6:00 pm Bring-Your-Own Picnic Dinner 6:45 pm Selichot Program 8:00 pm Selichot Service SEPTEMBER SERVICE SCHEDULE Friday. Sept. 4 6:30 pm Tot Shabbat 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, Sept, 5 10:00 am Gollard Bat Mitzvah Friday. Sept. 11 6:30 pm Prospective Member Wine & Cheese 7:30 pm Prospective Member Shabbat Service Saturday, Sept. 12 Selichot (See page 3) Friday, Sept. 18 Erev Rosh Hashanah (See front page) Saturday. Sept. 19 Rosh Hashanah (See front page) Friday. Sept. 25 6:45 pm Yahrzeit Plaque Dedication Ceremony 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Friday Shabbat Services are led by Rabbi Akselrad and/or Rabbi Adar; our Cantorial Soloist is Philip Goldstein. Services begin at 7:30 pm (unless otherwise noted) and are followed by an Oneg. If you would like to host an Oneg. contact Roberta Unger, 733- 6292 ext 202. Saturday Morning Service & Study 9:00 am Adult Ed 10:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 11:15 am Torah Study Saturday morning Adult Ed and Torah Study meet in the Conference Room; Shabbat Service is in the Beit T?fillah. September 2009 3 CVcle of Lift September Bat Mitzvah Gina Gollard September 5 proud parents are Lisa & Russell Mazel Tov To...... Brittany and Scott Feiwell on the birth of their son, Griffin Palmer, born July 24. Proud big brother is Maverick. Just a Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist We Mourn the Passing. HarrietNovins, beloved sister of Bette Stahl, sister-in-law of David Marion Lempell, beloved sister of Stella Fleischer, aunt of Karen Fleischer May Raicheiie, beloved wife of Nathaniel Harry Coodheart, beloved father of Gary, father-in-law of Jody, grandfather of Karen & David Those Who Rescued Jews Q, K tOrzy Katowau ZydOw oJW Photography Exhibit at CNT September 25 - October 12 Polish Heroes: Those Who Rescued Jews was created through the cooperative effort of the Auschwitz Jewish Center, the Galicia Jewish Museum and the Polish/American/Jewish Alliance for Youth Action (PAJA). The exhibition is the first stage in an ongoing educational project to pay tribute to the more than 20,000 individuals honored as Righteous Among the Nations by the Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Rembrance Authority in Israel, paying special attention to the over 6000 Polish recipients. The exhibit in Las Vegas is being sponsored by the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles and the new Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Las Vegas in an ongoing cultural and educational series of events planned for Las Vegas. We are honored to have been chosen to host such an exhibit. This auspicious event is free and open to the public. The exhibit can be found in our Library. Questions? Contact Beth Bowman at 733-6292 ext 205. with nusach would be at an Orthodc; or Conservative Synagogue. Even so,^ believe a Cantor from any movement should know the nusach for each and every prayer and holiday to truly understand the roots of our musical heritage. I have tried to bring a variety of different styles of music to our Congregation. You will hear some nusach, some of the melodies the Rabbi or I grew up with, and also some of the more contemporary compositions at most of our services. This year you will hear a traditional High Holy Day melody for the Chatzi Kaddish. You will probably recognize this melody as several other prayers are chanted very similarly due to the nusach of the High Holy Days. Our Adult Choir has been working since July to prepare for the High Holy Day Services and I hope you will take the time to let them know that they are appreciated. My thanks go out to of the Adult Choir members, chc^^ conductor John Smith and accompanist Lillian Kollar for their hard work and dedication. I also welcome any feedback on the musical choices 1 have made and hope that you enjoy and are moved by this music. The Shabbatones return on September 11th! The band members, Ira Spector, Glori Rosenberger, Alan Molasky, Jay Poster, Brad Torchin, Mike Adler, Eddie Birch, Trade Burch, Shawn Bailey and Bruce Gellarwill all return, plus Mike Adlers? stand-in drummer, Paul Kessin. The power of music can teach, renew, revitalize and move us all. As we approach the New Year and Yom Kippur, we need help in attaining change in ourselves. I hope that we can help facilitate personal growth and continue to attract so many people to our vision in the months to come. Please tell your friends and family come and worship with us. I wish everyone a happy & healthy new year! WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Nancy Weinberger, Executive Director As we prepare for our 3rd High Holyday season on our beautiful campus I would like to share just a few highlights and successes of the past year. ? Our CNT membership has grown to 732 families, welcoming 116 new families in 2008 and 47 new families since the beginning of 2009 to our CNT community. Many of these CNT members are active and we have significant numbers participating in synagogue activities. ? The Gary & Lynn Kantor ECE began the 2008 school year with 46 children and we will open our doors next week with 67 children registered. ? Over 1000 people attend one or more Adult Education programs. ? More than 100 congregants have been successfully placed in a chavurah over the past year. ? The new 55+Social Group has touched over 200 individual seniors Participating in programs ranging from bus trips to musical performances, a Yiddish club meeting monthly along with speakers, movies, luncheons and game days ? More than 100 holiday baskets were delivered for Rosh Hashanah & Passover to those healing from a recent loss or illness. ? College students of Temple members received a holiday card and gift from the Congregation. ? More than 500 singles attended programs co-sponsored by CNT, the JCC and Temple Sinai. ? High Holiday Food Drive provided more than 1 TON of food for Jewish Family Service?s food pantry. Our size offers many benefits. Most importantly, our size is evidence of CNT?s success at offering prayer, study, and tikkun olam in a meaningful way so hundreds of people can lead more complete Jewish lives. As a Temple, we could not even begin to offer these services and programs without the extraordinary staff we have at CNT. 1 would like to express gratitude to those on our staff who devote themselves on a daily basis to the service of our members. Your perseverance, respect and responsibility are the qualities that make all of you such treasured employees. In no particular order....Rabbi, Karen, Philip, Roberta, Lonnie, Beth B., Lynette, Beth F., Linda, Laura, Becca, Joyce, Judy, Vickie, Bryon, Billy, Chase and Wil, my heartfelt thanks for all you do to make this a ?special place to belong and work.? For those that already consider Congregation Ner Tamid their Jewish home, their Jewish family in Nevada, we thank you for your continued support and devotion. To those who have come across us searching for a connection to Jewish life here in the valley, in the tradition of Abraham and Sarah, we welcome youl Sharia Tova Umevorechet (?A happy and blessed year?) to you and your families. New Members in July: Debbie Faiman & Laurence Meyerson, Lena & Ronald Hunt, Gail Miller, Myra Rosenberg, Craig Barishman, Aviva Gordon-loane & Duane loane, Amy & Robert Hoffman Have you ever thought of giving a GIFT MEMBERSHIP to your children, parents or friends? Just let us know and we would be happy to supply a membership certificate for the appropriate occasion. For more information on how you can give the gift of membership, please contact Nancy Weinberger at 733- 6292 ext 201. King David Memorial Gardens An Opportunity to Pay Homage to Our Loved Ones The Kind David Memorial Garden is a special place where the names of loved ones may be permanently etched to remember and honor their lives. The Garden provides a calm and serene venue to acknowledge and reflect on how they touched our lives. The Garden is open 1/2 hour prior to services on Friday nights to provide an opportunity to those who wish to lay a stone at the name of their loved one or just (sit and enjoy the peacefulness of the Gardens. If you are interested in remembering someone in the Garden, contact Nancy Weinberger, Executive Director, at 733-6292 ext 201. Individual Memorial Space - $500 each Rows of Remembrance (includes 6 names) - $12,500 each row September 2009 5 if, ** CNT is proud to annouce our Menschen of the Year 2009 - Marla & Tom Letizia. Marla previously served as our Temple President in 2006-2007, with Tom supporting her all the way. As well as being involved Temple members, they have donated and volunteered with many different charities. They are founding members of the board of trustees forThe Meadows School, and members of the advisory board of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southern Nevada. Long-time Las Vegans, Marla & Tom have had their hands in both radio and television around town. With this in mind, this year?s event, ?CNT Presents: CNTv - A Special Red Carpet Event?, will feature a broadcast theme. Our Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be Gary Waddell, news anchor at KLAS-TV channel 8. ?Tom & I are grateful for the tribute bestowed upon us,? said Marla Letizia. ?It is so very humbling for us to think we are the focus of such an event in our honor.? CNT?s Menschen of the Year For 2009 Are Marla & Tom Letizia! Since its inception, the Mensch of the Year Award has honored several well-known community figures, including Beverly & Jim Rogers, Ed Nigro, David Dahan and in memory of Yaffa, Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Cherry, Bernie Yuman, and Jon Sparer. Mensch is defined as a decent, upright and responsible individual, and the award is intended to reflect the ultimate values of the congregation, which is to give selflessly of oneself to benefit the community. For event and ticket information, contact the Temple office at 733-6292 or you can find it on the web at… FALL HEBREW CLASSES BEGIN IN OCTOBER! .V ?* ? L. Read Hebrew America Mondays, Oct 12 - Nov 9 6:00 - 7:00 pm Cost: FREE Opening it?s doors to all members of the Las Vegas/Henderson Jewish community, CNT will be one of 600 Jewish institutions across the continent to host Read Hebrew America/Canada. Led by Pam Poster, the five week Hebrew reading crash course will focus on teaching the Hebrew alphabet and basic reading skills to students with little or no background in Hebrew. The Read Hebrew America/Canada program is based on NJOP?s popular and enjoyable Hebrew Reading Crash Course. Designed for students with little or no background in Hebrew, the program concentrates on teaching the Hebrew alphabet and basic reading skills. RSVP appreciated to Beth Bowman at 733-6292 ext 205. Hebrew Level One Mondays, Nov 16 - Dec 14 6:00 - 7:00 pm Cost: $18/CNT Members $26/non-CNT Members Level One is designed to teach you the basics - letter recognition and even sounding out words! Perfect as a refresher course for those who might be a bit rusty. Class fee does not include cost of the book. Facilitated by Pam Poster. Hebrew Level Two Mondays, Nov 16 - Dec 14 7:00 - 8:00 pm Cost: $18/CNT Members $26/non-CNT Members Level Two takes your Hebrew skills to the next level. Adults will begin reading prayers & blessings. Class fee does not include cost of the book. Facilitated by Pam Poster. Intro to Conversational Hebrew Mondays, Oct 12 - Dec 7 7:30 - 8:30 pm Cost: $26/CNT Members $36/non-CNT Members Conversational Hebrew will take you beyond Levels 1 & 2. Guided class discussions and directed conversations will incorporate vocabulary, grammer, and basic topics such as body parts, greetings, colors and more. Emphasis will by placed on the skills of listening and speaking in order to practice everyday Hebrew speech. The ability to read Hebrew is a pre-requisifl for this class. Class fee does not include cost of book. Facilitated by Lauren Eisenberg. 6 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG 55+ Senior Social Group One Year Anniversary! Wednesday, September 9 Noon sin us for this very special event. There will be live music from Jewish Jammin, dancing & a complimentary lunch. This event it free to CNT Temple members; $5 to Non-CNT members RSVP appreciated to Joyce Herlands at 733-6292 ext. 253 or The Great Religions October 12, 26 7:00 pm (Formerly Second Mondays: The Educated Jew). Now meeting second and fourth Monday of the month! The topic is ?Five Great Religions?. Each class will begin with a video portion based on the subject, followed by a group discussion with a question/ answer series. Facilitated by Alvin Esbin & Fred Peters. This program is free and open to everyone. For more information, please contact Beth Bowman at 733-6292 ext 205. ^ The Mitzvot - The Commandments and Their Rationale Thursdays, Oct 15 - Dec 17 6:00 - 7:00 pm This class will explore the Mitzvot - commandments from the beginning of the Torah text. You will learn where and what the Mitzvot are and discuss their rationale. Hebrew and prior Torah study not required. This program is free and open to all. Please bring a non-perishable food item, weekly, to be donated to J FSA. Text by Abraham Chill. Facilitated by Mel Kenwood. NEW CNT Book Club First Thursdays - 6:30 pm Beginning October 1st Each month a new book will be chosen for discussion. This club is open to all ages. Our first book will be Wight by Elie Wiesel. For more "formation, contact Beth Bowman at 733-6292 ext 205 or email her at Facilitated by Sheila Oakley.__________ 55 + Senior Social Croup Presents Vaakov Kirschen ?Dry Bones? Cartoonist Wednesday, September 30 Beginning at Noon Join us for an afternoon of fun & complementary lunch. Sit back and enjoy the satire of Yaakov Kirschen. Born in Brooklyn and a graduate of Queens College where he studied art, he went on to become an international award winning political cartoonist. He is a member of the National Cartoonists Society. In 1971, he moved to Israel and began drawing a daily editorial strip, ?Dry Bones?, which has become well known for analyzing, satirizing, and commenting on the ?Jewish condition?, Israeli politics, international relations, and current events. Event is free to CNT Temple Members; $5 for Non-CNT members. YAC Havdallah in the Sukkah Saturday, October 3 7:30 - 9:00 pm CNT?s Young Adult group, invites you to join us for a very special havdallah service in the Sukkah. Afterwards, enjoy some wine and desserts in the Sukkah, along with schmoozing and games. This event is free and open to everyone age 21-50 (adults only please). All we ask is that you bring a dessert to share. RSVP appreciated by September 28 to Becca Phillips at or call 733- 6292 ext 213. SEPTEMBER LIBRARY HOURS Monday 1:00-6:30 pm Wednesday 11:00-4:00 pm Friday 6:30-7:15 pm Closed on holidays. Genesis with Rabbi Akselrad: Myths, Meaning, & Midrash in the book of Genesis Time & Date TBD Study the Book of Genesis all year long with Rabbi Akselrad; bring your lunch & your Torah Commentary as you study myths, meanings & Midrash in the book of Genesis. Watch for more details coming soon! Lehiyot Shayach Special Needs Support Group Thursday, October 22 At 6:00 pm ?Educating Every Child According to His Ways? - Proverbs 22:6. Lehiyot Shayach means ?to belong?. Beginning this fall, we welcome a new support group, committed to familes with special needs by providing them with a place to share their experiences & thoughts, so that they may help each other through the challenges & joys of raising children with special needs. Guest speakers from CCSD, special needs advocates & many other services will be presented. Facilitated by Ann Roque. Watch for more information. September 2009 7 IBN (Itty Bitty NTTY) - Becca Phillips, Advisor; llene Scharf, Co-Advisor - Itty Bitty NTTY is our youth group for those in grades 3-5. This group will meet at various times throughout the year - game day, lunch & a movie, trips and more. TNT - Arnon Arad, Advisor - The goal of TNT is to involve young people, grades 6-8, in social experiences, in order to strengthen their relationships with each other, their CNT family and with the Jewish community. NTTY - Jolie Brislin, Advisor - This is CNT's high school youth group, for grades 9-12. Our goal is to involve the youth with their peers on a local and regional basis by providing interesting programs that range from social, to religious, to social action. Information on all of our youth groups can be found on our web site High Holy Day Youth Programming Beth Falk, Religious School Principal ?My Week at URJ Kutz Camp? So often we wish What are the benefits of sending yo^fc child to a Jewish camp? The benefit Pjj that we could go back in time and be a child all over again. Remember when life was uncomplicated and all you had to think about was yourself and having fun? Well this past summer, I got the opportunity to do just that. I attended URJ Kutz Camp in Warwick, New York as Visiting Faculty. Kutz is the home and leadership center for NFTY, the North America Federation of Temple Youth. The program at Kutz is designed to foster a sense of Reform Jewish mission, community, identity, commitment and leadership skills for its participants. I had the incredible opportunity to work amongst a talented team of faculty, clergy and educators who strive for excellence in every class, program and encounter that they have with our youth. include the acquisition of many life skills such as leadership, confidence and independence. Every summer, we send several congregation students to Kutz, Newman and other Jewish campuses across the country. Every year we hear back from parents how transforming the Jewish camp experience has been both spiritually and personally for their children. I was able to witness this transformation first hand and it was life changing! Students in 9th Grade - 12,h Grade can get a taste of this by joining NTTY, our high school youth group at CNT. For information on how you can become a member of NTTY, please contact the school office at 632-2250. Shanah Tova! Youth Shofar Choir For 4th & 5th Graders Students who participate will receive their own shofar. They will perform at the Rosh FHaShanah Morning Service. Rehearsals: Tuesday, September 8 @ 5:30 pm Sunday, September 13 @ 10:00 am Tuesday, September 15 @ 5:30 pm Sign-up will be during Religious School on August 30. For more information, contact Bruce Matza, Temple President, at 387-8822. Join us for Tashlich in the Park! Saturday, September 19 - 2:30 pm At Sunset Park Entrance at Sunset & McLeod Rabbi Adar will meet everyone on the A west side of the lake, by the picnic tables." Everyone is welcome!Lonnie Kritzler, Director of Early Childhood Education tour school year has begun, and it is with great pride that 1 announce we opened our doors this year with 67 children in attendance! In less than 3 years, the word is now out that our program is one of excellence! Along with our Early Childhood program, we are looking forward to celebrating the High Holy Days with families with young children. Please mark your calendar for the Tot Rosh Hashanah Service on Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 9:00 a.m., and the Tot Yom Kippur Service on Monday, September 28, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. in the Beit Tefillah. These services, just one hour long, are led by Rabbi Akselrad, and are geared toward children ages 2-5 and their parents and grandparents. They are free and open to the public. If you have any questions about the Tot High Holy Day Services and/or The Gary & Lynn Kantor Early Childhood Education Center, please feel free to call or e-mail me at or (702) 632-2250. Gan Yeladim (Children's Garden) New Religious School Class for Pre-K CNT is now offering a monthly Pre-K class on Sunday mornings. Children will learn about the holidays, traditions and mitzvot. Parents are welcome to join us but are not required. Children must be 4-years old by September 30,2009. Class dates are Oct 11, Nov 8, Dec 13, Jan 10, Feb 21, Mar, 14, Apr 18, May 16. Class Time: 9:30 am - Noon Cost: CNT Members - $200/chi!d Non-CNT Member - $400/child Registration forms are available in the school office or by emailing From the Preschool - A very heartfelt ?Thank You? to the Feldman & Eisenberg Families for their generous donation in honor of Cert Moldave?s 90th Birthday, so that we may purchase a Havdallah Set and Shabbat Set. We will think of all of you each and every time we use them! High Holy Day Preschool Tot Services Rosh HaShanah (First Day) Preschool Service (Ages 2, 3, 4 & Pre-K) 9:00 am Yom Kippur Preschool Service (Ages 2, 3, 4 & Pre-K) 9:00 am For information, contact the school office at 632-2250. TOT SHABBAT IS BACK! Friday, Sept 4th 6:30 pm For children ages 2-5 and their parents. Children will enjoy a fun, lively Shabbat Sing and storytime in the Beit Tefillah. Then, they?ll move into the preschool classrooms for a snack and a craft. Note: Parents must attend with children. Program is led by Lonnie Kritzler, Director of Early Childhood Education, Rabbi Akselrad, and Ellen Cropp. Sponsored by CNT Sisterhood. Stay &. Play Group 10:00 - 11:00 am Session One - Mondays / Aug 31 - Dec 14 (No class 9/7, 9/28) $130- 14 Weeks Session Two - Tuesdays / Sept 1 - Dec 15 $150 - 16 Weeks Similar to a Mommy & Me, this is a great introduction for children 18-28 months old. Children learn to play both cooperatively and independently, all with a parent or caregiver at their side. Each week has all the elements of a traditional preschool day: art, music, movement & dramatic play, Jewish holidays and culture and more! This is a great way to transition your child into our 2-year old preschool program. September 2009 9 SAVE THE DATE - MITZVAH DAY Sunday, October 18, 2009 Mitzvah Day is a wonderful opportunity to practice important aspects of Judaism, coming together and working as a community for TIKUN OLAM repairing the World, one Mitzvah at a time! Plan to participate - theres something for everyone! Blood Drive Blankets for Seniors & the homeless Sorting & Stacking at JFSA Lunch for the Homeless Graffiti Clean Up Baskets for Seniors Nothing But Nets Letters to Deployed Soldiers Gently used clothing & shoe collection for McCaw Elementary Hygiene Packs And much more! Detailed information will be in the October Bulletin. You can also Pre-register online at Or, contact Beth Bowman 702-733-6292 ext 205. McCaw Elementary Community Partnership Are you interested in getting involved in our new community partnership with McCaw Elementary school here in Henderson? VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION Date: Thursday, September 10 Time: Beginning at 4:00 pm Location: McCaw Elementary School 330 Tin Street, Henderson, 89015 Water Street & Basic, by City of Henderson Buildings (702) 799-8930 WANTED - - Volunteers to help in classrooms - Gently used clothes for kids Gr. K-5 - New backpacks, school supplies for the students Please join us in our efforts. If you're interested in helping, contact Beth Bowman at 733-6292 ext 205. RIDES FOR SENIOR