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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr# Mokerbocher: #3 Sfcreh IS, 1936. worth while In view of the sentiment for municipal ownership of public utilities, not only hex® but throughout the State a M the country# I had Is mind cairn sera® outside attorney as legal »«r for this proposed political organisation, and again two years from now when a new State legislature is elected. I recall to your attention the fact that the city election will he held mlt'Ms a very few week a, fal ling on the 7th day of Hay, end there raost he some speedy work dene prior to that time for our Ultimate protection. 11.11 he glad to have your views on thi® subject. Yours very truly, u m r T r m m m : P.S: I asight say to you confidentially that the contents of ‘his letter have not been mentioned to Leo. who will probably object to the employment of Ham, but my Idea In this setter in to put- Bam away fro^ the clique which is wording so strenuously in as underhanded manner to .perfect their, cads,— that -is, municipal ownership ©f all utilities here in Las fe®a»* . . - x (Bersonal) Hr. S’. H* Enlekerb ocher, Los ^ngoles, California.