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upr000031 120


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - July 24, 1941 R-l Hr. Charles Adams, . B/w and fax Agent, Las Angeles, California* Dear Sirs ? Supplementing ay letter yesterday, with regard to sale of acreage on north Main Street, Las Vegas. sending you herewith photostat showing notes and measure* ments taken by Engineer Nash. City Engineer Hesse completed the measurement of the tract and advises there are 87*7 acres therein, we have emitted from the parcel to be sold the 400 feet frontage on North Main Street, commencing at north line of Stewart Street, as a portion of this was sold in previous years and the north end, near Las Vegas Creek, Is at present under lease to Harry Hack as a junk yard Will you please return the enclosed photostat for my files, after it has served your purpose* In accordance with your telephone request 1 am site Tours very truly WAH EH TTTHXBm--- Special Representative AMF/m