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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, January 29, 1996






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 26 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000850. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 26-08 Monday, January 29,1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:00p.m. i. ii. HI. IV. V. VI. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS B. DIRECTOR REPORTS a. Nevada Student Affairs, DIRECTOR TURNER; b. Elections Board, DIRECTOR ARAIZA; c. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR COLE; d. Student Services, DIRECTOR GREENHALGH; e. Entertainment and Programming, DIRECTOR SALIBA; C. FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS D. RESIDENCE HALL LIAISON REPORT E. BUSINESS MANAGER REPORT PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/approval of an additional 3 credits per semester plus a $100.00 per month increase in stipend for Brian Saliba, Director of Entertainment and Programming, to be encumbered out of the fy 95-95 CSUN 2702 (GenAcct), as submitted by SENATOR CAMPBELL (tabled at 26-07); VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/approval of expending an amount not to exceed $2,000.00 for co-sponsoring a landscape transformation in front of the Flora Dungan Humanities Building with a local business, to be encumbered out of the fy 95-96 CSUN 2702 (GenAcct), as submitted by SENATOR MOORE; VIII. GOOD OF THE DAY IX. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law(N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Wright Hall and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President MmJNuTyJTuFSi ^ nca.uem SENATE MEETING 26-08 Monday, January 29, 1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Smith called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Jeremy Aguero Heather Anderson Phoebe Block Shawna Campbell Terence Carroll Dan Fendell Leia Fleischman Marlon Howard James Kimmet Bryan Lawe Joe Laxague Terry Moore Veronica Perez Robert Soloman Craig Spanton Joaquin Trujillo Julie Wong Laura Zurek III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ruled out of order. IV. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS Bylaws agenda needs to be changed-the date listed is January 31, it should be February 1, 1996. Campus Safety and Awareness is still one Senator short. Ad Hoc will be having a meeting next week. Motion to nominate SENATOR ZUREK as interim Ways and Means Chair made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. SENATOR ZUREK is appointed to position by unanimous acclimation. B. DIRECTOR REPORTS a. Nevada Student Affairs, DIRECTOR TURNER-this is his last meeting. Working on a policy for students that will remain for a while, rather than having it change every year. Spoke with the President's office regarding attitudes directed toward students from faculty and administration; CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 26-08 / JANUARY 29, 1996 b. Elections Board, DIRECTOR ARAIZA-Waiting for the filing dates to start, just waiting for the elections to start. SENATOR CAMPBELL asked which service has been hired to conduct the elections, Director Araiza replied that they had been decided; c. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR COLE-Meeting next Tuesday; d. Student Services, DIRECTOR GREENHALGH-Thursday is the last day to become a career day host. Next Tuesday will be the notification date for announcement of career day hosts; e. Entertainment and Programming, DIRECTOR SALIBA-Comedy Cafe went pretty well for it being the first one. Hopes to see more Senators there from now on. Needs help promoting the event, next one is Thursday. Feb. 7 is a noon scene. Spring Fling is looking good. Needs Senators on his board, has openings. C. FACULTY/SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATOR TRUJILLO-Library will be having a meeting this week. SENATOR KIMMET-Academic Budget had a meeting last week, he was notified of the meeting an hour after it was supposed to have started. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN-Academic Standards has a meeting Thursday at 10:00 a.m. and she needs a proxy to attend. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH- Student health is meeting on March 9-please direct concerns to him. D. RESIDENCE HALL LIAISON REPORT People who are in charge of the services board in the dining commons would like to offer student government the responsibility of that, they feel they are not knowledgeable enough to utilize it. E. BUSINESS MANAGER REPORT Business manager Karla Kirk advised the Senate of the financial situation of the campus radio station, KUNV. Made recommendations for balance budgeting for KUNV. General Manager of KUNV, Don Fuller, spoke regarding the confidence KUNV has in the lack of threat for the budget of KUNV. Senate President Smith requested if Don Fuller could come by once a month and assess the budget situation regarding KUNV for the Senate, Don agreed. V. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] Carl Tolbert announced that he was no longer a Senator for the semester. The rumors regarding the fact that he resigned because of grades are false, he is resigning because of health and medical reasons. Thanked Senate President Smith for conducting all business pertaining to him (Carl Tolbert) according to the CSUN Constitution. Lori Callison addressed the Senate regarding the KUNV budget situation from the controller's office. VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/approval of an additional 3 credits per semester plus a $100.00 per month increase in stipend for Brian Saliba, Director of Entertainment and Programming, to be encumbered out of the fy 95-95 CSUN 2702 (GenAcct), as submitted by SENATOR CAMPBELL (tabled at 26-07); Motion to remove from the table made by SENATOR LAXAGUE, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Motion approved by unanimous acclimation. 2 SENATE MINUTES 26-08 / JANUARY 29, 1996 Motion to approve made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR KIMMET. SENATOR ZUREK stated she believes this motion is excessive and unfair to the other directors especially since E&P has a paid assistant director. SENATOR LAXAGUE stated the pay increase is justified. Looks at it as a merit pay increase. Director Saliba has done an outstanding job, and in the year and a half that SENATOR LAXAGUE has been involved in CSUN, he believes Director Saliba has done more to impact students than any other officer in CSUN. SENATOR MOORE agreed with SENATOR LAXAGUE. Cannot compare Director Saliba's job with other directors. Have to compare him to past E&P director's jobs, and his work has been exceptional. SENATOR CAMPBELL dispelled any myths that Director Saliba asked her to place this item on the agenda. Director Saliba's workload is twice any other director's and his assistant is paid a minimal amount. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN agrees that Director Saliba has done an exceptional job and deserves a raise. SENATOR SOLOMON questioned if the next E&P Director would receive this new stipend amount, Senate President Smith supplied that the new Executive Board, and then the Senate would make that decision. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/approval of expending an amount not to exceed $2,000.00 for co-sponsoring a landscape transformation in front of the Flora Dungan Humanities Building with a local business, to be encumbered out of the fy 95-96 CSUN 2702 (GenAcct), as submitted by SENATOR MOORE; Motion to approve made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR LA WE. Motion to yield the floor to Tara Pike made by SENATOR MOORE, Senate President Smith granted. Tara Pike addressed the Senate regarding the landscape project. Motion to amend the amount to read $1,000.00 made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. SENATOR CARROLL voiced concerns about loss of grass areas on campus through this type of process. SENATOR KIMMET agreed with SENATOR CARROLL and does not want to be responsible for changing an area that his constituents enjoy. SENATOR MOORE disagreed with SENATORS CARROLL, KIMMET. This is a desert environment, and the grass is making the existing water shortage worse. His constituents realize the need for turf reduction on campus. SENATOR BLOCK questioned if this was an organized event for SCOPE. Tara Pike replied that SCOPE is helping to sponsor it, but it is not a SCOPE event. 3 SENATE MINUTES 26-08 / JANUARY 29, 1996 SENATOR FENDELL is in support of the item. SENATOR CAMPBELL stated that this is a project sponsored by organizations on campus, and since CSUN is not an organization, it is unfair that CSUN give out the student's tuition money like this. If CSUN would like to help, they should do a fund-raiser and give the money to the project then. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN is in support of the item now, with the amount now being much more economical than the cost of the water in the long run. SENATOR ANDERSON supports participation in this. The goal is only one third of the campus to be converted, there will still be two thirds of campus that will be grass. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-3-1. SENATORS CAMPBELL, LAXAGUE, KIMMET opposed. SENATOR CARROLL abstained. VIII. GOOD OF THE DAY SENATOR FENDELL-Glad Director Saliba was supported. SENATOR SPANTON-Glad the stipend increase was passed. Believes there needs to be some type of differentiation of job performances of the Directors. $1,000.00 is not a lot of money to spend, and it will hopefully set an example for other organizations on campus. SENATOR KIMMET-Disagrees with the article in the Rebel Yell about Student Government. SENATOR PEREZ-Hasn't seen any advertising for the filing dates for Executive Board positions. SENATOR TRUJILLO-feels that the landscape project was a good investment. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN-Sorry of the loss of Director Turner. Director reports should be gone over with the Director's before being given to the Senate. VICE PRESIDENT JOE MILLS-Would be happy to speak with the Director's about their reviews, if they would be willing to meet with him. Expressed an idea to the Senate about having target goals for the director's with end of the semester bonuses if they reach those goals. Nominees for academic excellence for teachers applications are due tonight, needs people on the committee to decide the recipient of the award. SENATOR AGUERO-Feels that passing the landscape project sets a good precedent that CSUN is looking to the future of the university. SENATOR LAXAGUE-Reason he voted against the landscape project is because it is a small strip of land in front of Maryland Parkway and that the university is probably the most beautiful place in Las Vegas and we could save as much water if the space is watered right. SENATOR CAMPBELL-Two thirds of the Senators in this room are involved in other organizations and if the Senate is so anxious to give away students money, then you should be just as anxious to put your organizations to the test and do a fund-raiser to give another $1,000.00 dollars to the project. It was not within CSUN's right to approve giving of that money. Is also on the Health Committee, so concerns can also be addressed to her. SENATOR SOLOMON-Supports the pay increase to Director Saliba, but also supports the fact that something should be done about Directors who do not uphold the obligations of their positions. SENATE MINUTES 26-08 / JANUARY 29, 1996 SENATOR ANDERSON-Important that the landscape project was approved, need to set the precedent that CSUN is willing to spend the money now to spend less money later. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MOORE-Was a caucus today with low attendance. There is a caucus on February 12. S member of the Sate Senate will be there to speak. CSUN co-sponsorships of Rebel Ski Club's trip went well, a good time was had by all who attended. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH-In the opinion page article of the Rebel Yell regarding Student Government, what was said in the article as a quote by Pat Smith was not said by him and he does not appreciate the fact that the Rebel Yell would fabricate material. Questioned where the integrity of the Rebel yell was going. Suggested to the Senate to speak to their classes and constituents to provide more advertisement about the Executive Board positions. Announced that the schools of Architecture, Student Development, Communications, Business & Economics, and Health Sciences now have open Senate seats. IX. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR FENDELL. Move into a vote. Motion passes by unanimous acclimation. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH adjourned the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Note: All minutes are subject to summation.