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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, April 2002



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Tan u rfiis The Reform Jewish Congregation of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong April 2002 - Vol. XVI No. 7 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer C. Weiner Assistant Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Stewart Blumenfeld President Social Action Shabbat April 19 The Social Action Committee in con?junction with Child Abuse Awareness Month will sponsor a Child Abuse Awareness Shabbat on April 19 at 7:30 p.m. Our guest speaker will be Ms. Ann Rubin, who is the Assistant Man?ager of the Child Protective Services of the Department of Family and Youth ^ervices in Clark County. Ms. Rubin holds a Bachelor?s Degree in Social Work from Stockton State College in New Jersey and a Master?s Degree in Social Work from the Uni?versity of Nevada Las Vegas. She is a licensed social worker in the state of Nevada, a Certified Child Abuse Pre?vention Project Facilitator, and a part time instructor for the Social Work De?partment at UNLV. Ms. Rubin has worked in Child Protective Services in Clark County for 14 years and also developed and supervised the first CPS Sexual Abuse Unit in Clark County. Ms. Rubin will speak on how the com?munity at-large can help in the preven?tion of child abuse by highlighting the symptoms and behavior associated with it as well as the services and programs available in our community for the pre?vention and treatment of child abuse. Oneg sponsored by the Social Ac?tion Committee will follow the services. CNT HONORS LEON MARCO AND JACKY ROSEN ON APRIL 12 From October through February, our trea?surer Leon Marco held down the fort as volunteer Interim Executive Director. At long last, on March 4 Leon was able to pass the baton to our new Executive Di?rector, Irv Duchowny. In September, when Leon volunteered to come out of a very happy retirement to do the job of the Ex?ecutive Director until we could find a per?manent replacement, none of us thought it would turn into a five-month full-time job. As our search for just the right per?son dragged on, Leon hung in there? and Thelma hung with him. Not only for their persistence, but also for the skill and diligence with which Leon carried out the job, the entire Congregation owes both of them an enormous debt of gratitude. Last summer, when we decided to switch from one type of temple management soft?ware to another, we called on one of our favorite volunteers, Jacky Rosen, for help. Jacky, in case you don?t know, is a com?puter systems analyst by training. Her skills and her insight greatly facilitated the smooth transition from one piece of soft?ware to the other. But when Leon took over as Interim Executive Director, instead of ?retiring? to her regular volunteer for?mat, Jacky took on the job of Leon?s right- hand lady. For several months, she was in the office many hours almost every day, ready to take on any task Leon needed continues on page 13 19 Nissan - 18 Iyar 5762 Irv Duchowny Executive Director Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Lois Bergman Preschool Director Andrea Brunner Bulletin Editor Rabbi Alan Henkin will be our guest speaker, April 5th at Friday night Shab?bat Services. The title of his sermon will be: ?Counting What Matters; Re?form Jewish Living?. Rabbi Alan Hen- kin has served as Regional Director of the Pacific Southwest Council of the Union of American Hebrew Con?gregations since July, 2000. Before that, for ten years he was the rabbi of Congregation Beth Knesset Bam- idbar in Lancaster, California. During the 1980s he was the rabbi for Tem?ple Beth Solomon of the Deaf in Ar- leta, California. He has taught Modem Jewish Thought, Bible and Rabbinic Literature and ?the Rabbi in the Hos- continues on page 13 In This Issue... Worship Services 2 Rabbi's Message 2 Message from our President 3 Religious School/Preschool 5-6 Auxiliaries 7-8 April B'nai Mitzvahs 8 Birthdays & Anniversaries 18 Tributes 19-20 In Memoriam 21 Yahrzeits 21 (the Bulletin is published monthly) JA SpeciaC Place. Po PekingWorship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Rabbi Jennifer Weiner, & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman April 4 Yiskor 10:00 AM April 5 Tot Shabbat 6:30 PM Shabbat Service - Rabbi Alan Henkin guest speaker 7:30 PM Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood April 6 Bible Study 9:00 AM Karen Goodheart Bat Mitzvah 10:00 AM Kiddush sponsored by the Goodheart Family Minyan and Torah Study 10:00 AM Torahthon 3:00 PM April 8 Yom Hashoa - Temple Beth Am 7:00 PM April 12 Family Service with Shabbatones 7:30 PM Oneg sponsored by the Plotkin Family April 13 Bible Study 9:00 AM Jared Gilman Bar Mitzvah 10:00 AM Kiddush sponsored by the Gilman Family Minyan and Torah Study 10:00 AM April 19 Social Action Shabbat with Adult Choir 7:30 PM Oneg sponsored by Social Action Committee April 20 Bible Study 9:00 AM Rebecca Husney Bat Mitzvah Kiddush sponsored by the Husney Family 10:00 AM Minyan and Torah Study 10:00 AM April 26 Shabbat Services - Zoe Alterwitz-Greene Bat Mitzah 7:30 PM Oneg sponsored by Aimee Altenvitz April 27 Bible Study 9:00 AM Minyan and Torah Study 10:00 AM Rabbi?s Message "Capital Campaign Revisited" Timing in life is everything. As far back as the Bible, Ecclesiastes taught us, ?To every thing there is a sea?son, and a time to every purpose under the heaven? The poet reminds us that life is filled with many special and sacred moments. And often we don?t realize the uniqueness of those moments until time has passed. Last Rosh Hashana morning I deliv?ered what I felt was to be the ser?mon of my life. A sermon which would express the vision of our Con?gregation that would lead us into the 21st century. Literally two years in the making, this sermon sought to embody the will of our membership as reflected in the information gath?ered through months of focus groups and conversations with members per?formed over an 18 month period of time. Who would have guessed in planning for this sermonic launch of our capi?tal campaign that 911 would happen? Not even the greatest prophet would guess the occurrence of these events, their effect on our economy and per?haps even more significantly the ef?fect on the psyche of the American people. I spoke, but honestly I wasn?t quite sure how many were listening. Yes, timing is everything. But sometimes, time cannot be cho?sen, it chooses you. As we as a na?tion, and we as a Congregation begin to raise our eyes beyond 911 and our lives return somewhat to normalcy, we know that though our world is for?ever changed, there are some things in our lives that have taken on additional importance and urgency. Religion and faith are among them. Nationally there is a realization that helping others, car?ing about one's community, and rever?ence for God are among our most cherished ideals. As a Congregation we began to realize that our mission of com?munity service, worship and study are a vital part of instilling these values in our own children and encouraging these val?ues to be put into action. The events of September 11th did not destroy our faith; they emboldened our faith. As a nation and as a Congregation. In revisiting my thoughts of last Rosr^^ Hashana I am proud of what I shared and thought it worthwhile to revisit that vision, a vision who?s urgency for a va?riety of reasons is perhaps even greater today. Of all the institutions in Jewish life, it is said that only the Synagogue ?makes Jews.? It is a recognition that Jewish identity at its core is formed in the most basic of places the schul. It is here that we learn our prayers, our songs, and our culture. It is here that our Jewish friendships and cultural val?ues are formed. It is here where our core identity to Jewish leaders and lead?ership are created. But these things don?t just happen. They happen because of how the Synagogue membership and leadership-both lay and professional work together to create programs, learn?ing and worship opportunities to allow these values to develop naturally within the synagogue environment. continues on page 9 Congregation N e r Tam id April 2002 r. Stewart Blumenfeld President Scott Stolberg VP Administration VP Membership VP Religious Activities VP Education & Youth VP Member Activities VP Social Action Richard Granich Ira Spector Hilary Torchin Mindy Wadkins Scott Dockswell Leon Marco Lynn Sasso Esther Saltzman Jacky Rosen Robb Worth Beth Bromberg Cookie Olshein Esq. Cecilia Schafler Ira Miller Gina Polovina Esq. Doug Unger Esq. Ruth Urban Michael Milano Samantha Saltzman Sandy Pittle Drew Levy Bob Unger Esq. Jerry Gordon Esq. Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Michael Cherry r. Bernard Farrow Iugene Kirshbaum* avid Goldwater* Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer Weiner Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Sisterhood Brotherhood NTTY Golden Chai PastPresident Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio Ex Officio *Deceased Tuesdays zvitb Rabbi Af(sefrad 12pm-lpm/ ?Board?Room /April2 & 16 Saturdays zvitfi ?/Rabbi ?Weiner Study & /Minyan 9am / Library Lvery Saturday ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT PESACH: ARE WE CELEBRATING MYTH OR HISTORY? Coming together for seder is one the strongest traditions many fam?ilies maintain. Is there anyone who does not remember sitting at Grandpa's table surrounded by rel?atives? Even if we kvetched that things went on way too long before the gefilte fish arrived, still this was a night filled with the warmth of being with our mom and dad, sib?lings, aunts and uncles, cousins, and sometimes stray characters who had no place else to go. And Oh Boy! Gelt for finding the afiko- men! We don't question much when we're kids, except maybe how come the service lasts so long and how come we can't keep track of the place in those darn Manischewitz haggadot. But when we grow up, one of the more fascinating questions is, are we celebrating something that re?ally happened in the dim memory of our people's past or something that?s entirely mythical? It's a question that also intrigues historians, but is responded to largely by archaeologists. And the answer goes both ways. There is a group of archaeologists called bib?lical minimalists who contend that there is no convincing evidence that a people who could be called proto- Israelites ever were in Egypt, and very little evidence that some unique tribe of people might have left Egypt and conquered Canaan as we are told in Exodus. As they put it, on these points both the written evidence and the archaeo?logical evidence are "mute". Given what they see as lack of solid indi?cators to the contrary, and given? as everyone agrees?that the ex?odus story was written at least six or seven hundred years after the "fact", their opinion is that the Hebrew bible as a text was written with the intent of rein?forcing a national identity for a people who had, by then, coalesced into a distinctive people. A much larger group of archaeolo?gists insist that there is more than enough archaeological support for an Israelite sojourn in Egypt, an exodus therefrom, and a sub?sequent occupation of the land across the Sinai called Canaan. First, the Egypt evidence. There is no direct proof of that our an?cestors dwelt in Egypt, but there are some indirect indications. Egyptian records in the period of the 13th century BCE do refer to Asiatic peoples living in Egypt, that is, people who definitely were not Egyptian or African. Moreover, a papyrus exists in which an officer overseeing the construction of Ramesses II's new capital refers to grain dis?tributed to, among other, the "Apiru who transport stones" for the work. Egyptian hieroglyphics sometimes call these people "Api?ru", sometimes "Habiru" (draw your own conclusion). There is oth?er evidence that seems to be too much for coincidence between the Bible and the factual record. For example, we know that the Egyp?tian army fortified the common and easy Mediterranean seashore trading route between Egypt and the rest of the Fertile Crescent. continues on page 10 S pecial Place April 2002 To Belong *^ 3^ This month we were all asked to be visionaries with our bulletin articles. To think about the future of our congregationj its programs and the prospect of building the first Jewish Campus in Las Vegas. I had to ask myself, ?If we do build our dream facility, what would it look like, and why?? My main area of responsibility has to do with music, but the prospect of a healing center at our new Temple also intrigues me. would be held. The band could store all of their equipment in this room and use it for rehearsal purposes as well. Sunday school music sessions could be held in this room, rather than a Sanctuary, giving it a much more relaxed atmosphere. Eventually, we may even be able to purchase rhythm instruments for the children to enhance their musical experience. There would be music stands for all singers, a place to hang all of our robes and an area for a music library. (Over the years I have collected quite a lot of music and currently have no space that is convenient to access or store it all!) It would be close in proximity to the bima for easy entrance. Can you imagine an outdoor performance area for plays, concerts and unique worship services? Personally, I feel a deep sense of spirituality when I am outdoors. Some of my most memorable ?moments? were during outdoor evening Shabbat services at Camp Pearlstein with our youth group. This area could also be used as a concert venue, bringing in all different types of entertainment and perhaps a perfect place for healing services. When Rabbi Akselrad told me of his vision for a healing center my ears perked right up. Over the years I have taken many journeys of healing both physically and spiritually. To be able to integrate ?professional healers?, sacred spaces for meditation and different resources for healing is a very exciting vision. ^ There are endless ideas in all of our heads. Together we can build our dreams! or to remember when to send a payment to the Temple. The first is to authorize us to charge your Visa or Mastercard each month a specific amount. The second is to provide us with the necessary information so that we can charge your checking account and transfer the same amount to the Temple account each month. Both of these transactions are safe and makes it much easier for you to keep your Temple account up to date. We urge all congregants to consider either one of these methods of payment. All it takes is a phone call to our Bookkeeper Michelle who will be happy to help you set up the procedure and can answer any other questions you may have. Thank you for considering these options. check out ? First and foremost, I see a dedicated ?music room? where rehearsals and warm up before services for all of our choirs B?shalom, CBe[(a THE CNT PAY-EASY PLAN We have written to all of our Congregants in the past about two easy ways for you to make regular payments on your account. It is considerably easier for us to manage Temple finances if payments are coming in on a regular basis. To try and accomplish this we have set up two choices for you, and which eliminate the need to write a check Congregation N e r Tam id April 2002 Religious School News Religious School Calendar April 2002 Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 2 No R/S 3 No R/S 4 No R/S 7 9 No R/S 10 11 14 16 17 16 21 23 24 25 26 30 2nd - 4th Passover, 7th TGIS Cards Due, 9th Yom Hashoah, 21st TGIS Sunday "We must be dreamers to teach our children to dream. Without dreams, progress cannot happen". -Anonymous pril is a time of new growth and remembering freedom, hen the Jewish people followed Moses into the desert, they looked back at what they had left behind and went forward to the unknown new life in the promised land. Torah states?Moses said Hineini -?I am here?. At CNT we say Hineinu??We are here. We are ready to open our eyes, minds and hearts to new visions. We are ready to roll up our sleeves and prepare to see what needs to be done and then do it?. CNT offers wonderful programs in a warm and friendly congregation. We are a great place to have fun and be involved (Nowhere in the Torah does it say ??Thou shall not have a little fun?. Our children are given a quality religious education and a strong Jewish identity. We teach the past to create the future for the Jewish people. CNT realizes it has an obligation to reach out to our community and offer each person, adult and child the chance to make Judaism their own by study, worship and acts of kindness. I remember hearing Rabbi Akselrad say that we are Congre?gation Ner Tamid because the people are the inspiration for the Temple not the building for the people. Well, I agree and disagree, which I am sometimes known to do. We are a Reform Congregation, a fairly progressive congregation. Our ?uest is to enlighten people spiritually, educationally and emo?tionally. The school we have now is crowded with broken tables and chairs and without computers. We fail to offer April 2002 our members a place to have a physical outlet such as a camp or recreational area. Our library is not people friendly or up to date. We need tutoring centers instead of having to sit in the foyer or the courtyards to teach. The classrooms are too old and it would be too costly to replace the lighting. Our building is crowded with too few rooms. We do not have space to have school, speakers, auxiliary meetings, family education and adult learning on a Sunday when peo?ple have time and it is convenient to enjoy our Special Place to Belong. All of us must embrace the idea of L?Dor Va Dor, and go forward to new growth and freedom (with more space), Yod b? Yod, hand in hand we must work to make the idea of an expanded campus and school happen. My dream is to have an environment that will be an exten?sion of our homes. A place to pray, study, heal, grow and connect with our congregational family. I hope you will be part of the dream. Soon CNT will be able to say: ?Hineinu? We are here and it will happen with you. for you and because of you. Shalom, Jac/(ie f(ee/(gp A S pecial Place To Belong ?NT roE/CHMI AN? KlNftERCARTEN March was a fun filled month here at the Preschool\Kindergarten. Our youngsters began our read-a-thon program, and celebrated Dr. Seuss?s? 99th Birthday. Our Friday Evening Preschool Sabbath Service was a great experience for all of the boys and girls. It was a pleasure to see all of our students dressed in their Shabbat best clothing and performing for all of the congregation. We all kveled, from watching these little ones, with smiling faces singing beautiful Shabbat Melodies. Many of the boys and girls have turned in their change for our pennies for patient?s project. Immediately after Purim we began to prepare for the Passover Seder which was held on March. 25th. We all enjoyed hearing our youngsters chant the Four Questions and all of the traditional Passover prayers. The students continue to learn and grow in their secular studies and social skills as well. CNT preschoob kindergarten is a very busy and exciting place to be. Of course this month we will celebrate April fools day and talk about April showers and May flowers. Our Lag Ba?Omer Picnic and Israeli Independence Day Celebrations are always fun. Next month we will be preparing for our Mother?s Day BruncH on the 12th of May (this year look for a fabulous surprise from our Mother?s Day committee). Our school is a buzz with excitement for the plans that are being made for the new location of CNT. We are looking forward to expanding our horizons. Our preschool complex will allow us to have more classrooms, larger play areas, and innovate stimulating environment to meet the needs of our very special youngsters. We are already taking applications for our summer program (Camp Chaverim) for children ages 2 Vi- 9 years of age. We are also taking deposits for next years preschool and kindergarten programs, our waiting lists are growing, and we can only accept a limited number of students in all of our programs. If you have any questions or want to sign your child or grandchild up for any of our classes, please do so sooner, rather than later. One of our classes is already full. Call us at the Temple Office 733- 6292. Have a Happy And Kosher Passover From all of us at the Preschool Lois ?Bergman Early Childhood director Clay Ladd & Airiella Colen work at their computers L-R: Yarn Marciano, Sydney Busham, Tavor Nordheim and "friend" at play Our 100th Day of School Kindergarten celebrates this milestone along with their teacher Joan Albstein Our annual Bike-a-thon for Preschool Congregation N e r Tam id April 2002 Auxiliaries ^ <SLits.xli.ood <zAfs.vcrt 14- Greetings and Happy Passover, If this bulletin arrives at your home as scheduled, you should still have time to RSVP for Sisterhood?s annual All Woman?s Seder which will be held on Wednesday, April 3 at CNT. This will be an extra special Seder because Rabbi Weiner will be participating in it for the first time and adding her special touch. As always, Bella, will be providing her beautiful voice and enthusiasm. I am writing this article just as Purim is ending. For those of you who saw the announcement to help bake Hamantaschen and couldn?t make it, you missed a very fun time. For those of you who helped make more than 1,000 Hamantaschen for the Purim Shabbat and the carnival, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Frances iKlamian, who coordinated this amazing feat, even though "he was under the weather, said we could do it. I was dubious. And a miracle happened here. (Oops wrong holiday!) Women pulling together for the benefit of CNT is what Sisterhood is all about. Sisterhood?s monthly Rosh Chodesh program is going strong, and our next program is scheduled for April 11, at 7pm at CNT. Katherine Scott and her committee got the ball rolling on this meaningful and innovative spiritual program, and she has now passed the torch (yes, I watched the Olympics faithfully) to Fem Percheski. Fern lead the inaugural Rosh Chodesh program. Since that time, Sheryl Chenin Webb and Sandy Stolberg have guided the individual monthly programs in February and March, respectively. Sisterhood also thanks Rabbi Weiner for her support of this program and expertise in Torah. One of Sisterhood's best kept secrets is our Tribute Cards, which is a special way of acknowledging a friend or a loved one on a special occasion or for a special reason such as a condolence. All it takes is $5.00 and a call to Shirley Gellin at 457-6320. Shirley will put whatever you want in the card, or even create a special message if you are at a loss for words and send it to that special someone. Shirley is very efficient, she usually gets the tribute in the mail immediately. By sending Tribute Cards, you help Sisterhood and save the hassle of buying a special card with just the right wording, getting a stamp and putting it in the mail - Sisterhood does all that. (Thank you Shirley!) I like this service so much that I have put money on deposit with Shirley so all I have to do is call her, place my order, and she keeps a tab for me, letting me know when I have to send her more money. If you are interested in finding out more about Sisterhood, please join us at our regular board meetings, the second Thursday of each month. The board meetings are open to any Sisterhood member. We meet in the CNT library at 7:00pm. We will hold a very brief business meeting before each program event. Please feel free to call me at 768-8529, or email me at if you have any questions about Sisterhood. I welcome your input and questions and look forward to meeting you personally. My best, %utfi Urban Sisterhood President April 2002 Sisterhood Congregation 9{er ?Tamid A S p ecial Place To Belong Auxiliaries Continued Men's Shalom. Men?s Club is very excited about the way the Capital Campaign is progressing. The thought of participating in the building of a new Synagogue is quite extraordinary. The Men?s Club is beginning to plan some of the activities they would like to have at the new campus. We hope all of the Congregation continues to support this great endeavor. In another week we will be having our annual golf tournament. We look forward to seeing everyone out there on the links. Please come and buy some raffles because we have some great prizes this year. Howard Layfer and his committee have done an outstanding job. During the weekend of May 10-11 we will be having another Men?s Club week?end. We will be flying our gourmet chef Phyllis Cline out from Tennes?see again and will be cruising on the Desert Princess just like last year. Don?t miss this one. We are holding the line on ticket prices at $50. Please watch for the sign up literature and if you feel uncomfortable driving out to the lake in the evening please call us and we will arrange for transportation. It has been another wonderful year. Our membership has surpassed 115 and that has given us the opportunity to help our Synagogue and com?munity more. We will be having another night at the 5 l?s so if you want to come to the ballgame please get in touch with TJ Coon. The Purim Carnival was a great success and the Men?s Club was glad to provide the beverages. Ocean Spray donated several cases of juice and I picked up the rest of the soda. Oy, thank heavens next year Howard can do that. Once again, as my term winds down I want to thank everyone for their support. I?ve learned, I?ve grown, I?ve made great friends. Thank you so much for letting me serve. Shalom, ?Micfaef ?Milano President to our April B?nai MiBvanfi I am a seventh grade student at the Las Vegas Day School. When I am not doing homework or studying for my Bat Mitzvah, I enjoy playing tennis, being on my school basketball team and playing soccer. I am looking forward to becoming a Bat Mitzvah and my family and I hope you will join us on April 6th. Jared Gilman April 13, 2002 Hi, my name is Jared Gilman. I am 13 years old and a 7th grader at Sig Rogich Middle School in Summerlin. In my free time I love to play sports. My favorite sports are basketball and baseball. I play basketball for my Middle School team and for two other competitive teams. I also play baseball for a Las Vegas traveling team. When not playing sports, I enjoy talking on the phone and chatting with my friends on the internet. I look forward to seeing my friends and family on April 13, 2002 when I am called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Shalom. My name is Rebecca Husney and I am in the seventh grade at Thurman White Middle School. In the Symphonic Band I play the trombone and I am also the Vice President of the National Junior Honor Society at my school. I enjoy shopping at the mall, going online, and dancing. On Saturday, April 20 I will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah and look forward to sharing this day with my family and friends. Zoe Alterwitz-Greene April 26, 2002 My name is Zoe Alterwitz-Greene. I am currently a Meadows student and have been since kindergarten. I have been actively involved in many kinds of art since I was 5 years old. I work with various mediums and am anxiously waiting to hear if I have been accepted to the Art Program at Las Vegas Academy - a magnet school specializing in the arts. I also play the bass guitar and hope to be in a band some day - in my spare time. Two years ago, I watched my first cousin become a Bat Mitzvah and I decided that I too wanted to study to become a Bai Mitzvah. I am very happy about my decision and look forward to' becoming a Bat Mitzvah. April 2002fche Youth & Education committee is busy planning fun end of-year festivities so please pay extra special atten?tion to the fliers that your children bring home about these activities. We will need accurate information in or?der to plan accordingly. Thanks! I hope everyone had a good Passover, especially those who were enjoying their Barton?s candy ordered through CNT. Please remember to place your order again next year this was a super fundraiser for the Religious School! Youth & Education Committee Over the past 14 years that I have led our Congregation we have experienced remarkable growth. From less than 100 families we are more than 600 families. Yet, the past three years have shown a trend that we dare not ignore. Our membership is aging. With nearly double the member?ship units we had seven years ago, we have nearly the same number of children in our religious school. Younger families are moving further from our Temple, not closer. If we are to plan for our fiiture, we must act now out of a position of strength, and a vision that is clear and con?sistent with the desires of our membership. continued from page 2 (Rabbi's Message) We?re still basking in the glow of the fantastic Purim Carnival run by Trish Messinger and a fantastic commit?tee of dedicated parents. The Silent Auction was a big hit and we?ll try do it again next year. This committee is made up of volunteers who met on a monthly basis over coffee and bagels, shopped and solicited prizes together, stuffed raffle tickets together, set-up while having a fami?ly pizza party... but mostly, a group of people who got to know each other and became good friends. If this sounds like something you?d like to be a part of, please contact jaie at 242-9068 or sign up for next year?s Purim Cami- Pal committee at registration in September. It?s a great way to get involved. The Youth & Education committee meets in the Board room on the 1st Sunday of each month starting at 9:30. Everyone is welcome! We?re keeping our ears open for new ideas for the 2002/2003 year. Stidary dbrcftin Please note... Torathon has been postponed until further notice. Look in future bulletins for more information. April 2002 Timing is indeed everything. May we as a Congregation be able to look back upon this crossroad in our Congregation?s life and know that we acted wisely and with care for our future. B?shalom, %g6Bi Sanford Slfsefrad Annual All-Women?s Seder April 3 Rabbi Jennifer Weiner will join with Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman this year to conduct Sisterhood's annual All- Women's Seder on Wednesday, April 3. This popular event is enjoyed each year by women of all ages. Mothers, daughters, and grandmothers often come to?gether. Sisterhood's Party Shop is again preparing a full, traditional seder meal. The cost is $18 for Sisterhood members and $24 for non-members. Girls 12 and under are $10. Please mail your checks to Congregation Ner Tamid, c/o Mary Zone, 2761 Emerson Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89121 The custom of an All-Women's Seder has been popular across the country and our own celebration has evolved and grown. More than 100 women have participated the past several years. A Women's Seder follows the traditional seder format while celebrating the contributions of women in our history. The saga of the Exodus and what it means to us is told from a woman's point of view. We welcome all women to join us for this year's All- Women's Seder. For more infromation call the Temple at 733- 6292 or email ip;"Everyone Is Invited" TO THE SIMCHA FAIR 2002 Sunday, April 7,2002 12:15 pm-2:00 pm CNT Social Hall Vendors will be present to help you Plan the perfect party B'nai Mitzvah Anniversary Wedding Birth Occasion Birthday No charge to the entire community Tom Hashoa at Temple Beth Am April 8th at 7:00 p.m* Come join the entire Jewish community in observance of Yom Hashoa. This year?s com?memoration will be held at Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road, Las Vegas, NV 89134, 254-5110. The observance will begin at 7:00 p.m. and feature readings by community rab?bis and local survivors. In addition area can?tors and cantorial soloists will perform music from the Shoa. As always this is a most mov?ing and important community event. That forced anyone who wanted leave Egypt surrep?titiously (one needed permission to enter or leaved Egypt at that time) and avoid confronting the Egyp?tian military to try to go by way of the Sinai desert. There are papyruses that in fact record these mili?tary outposts reporting that some groups escaped into the desert; the local commanders were quite certain that these escapees would die there. Final?ly, recall that in Exodus we are told that the Israel?ites fled Egypt only after ?borrowing" silver, gold, and clothing from their Egyptian neighbors. In 1972, a stele (a slab of sto