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Executive committee minutes, April 12, 1994



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    JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 12, 1994 MEETING PRESENT ABSENT Dr. Allan Boruszak Daryl Alterwitz Amy Boruszak Dan Goldfarb Michael Cherry Art Marshall Gene Greenberg Douglas Unger Sandy Mallin Mike Novick Dr. Marvin Perer Dr. Neville Pokroy Leslie Simon STAFF Ronni Epstein Tony Figueredo Sharon Heiman I. WELCOME AND ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES Dr. Allan Boruszak welcomed members of the Executive Committee to the April meeting. Dr. Marv Perer motioned to accept the Minutes from the March 2, 1994 Meeting, Michael Novick second and motion carried. II. GOLDBERG LECTURE SERIES Allan said this coming Sunday evening is the last program for the Goldberg Lecture Series. He said it was crucial for everyone to attend this session. Rabbi Irwin Kula will be the guest speaker and unlike the other speakers he will not be available on Monday to meet with the Women's Division. He said this would be the only opportunity to hear him, and he understood Rabbi Kula is the best speaker with CLAL. III. STRATEGIC PLANNING Allan said most of the Committee participated in the two day Strategic Planning Process. He said everyone was given assignments which were due April 1st, and how important the process is as it will shape our direction for years to come. He said he had spoken with many of the individuals involved regarding the completion of the Action Steps. He requested all of the forms to be completed no later than the end of next 1 week so we can move into our next stage. He said he would hate to see the time and effort given by Dennis Stein and the Committee to not bear fruit. IV. CAMPAIGN REPORT Allan called on Dr. Marv Perer to give the Campaign Report. Marv said it was his privilege to announce the 1994 Las Vegas Federation Campaign is rated Number 1 nationally for growth and increases. He said the Campaign is now at $1,044,076.00 with over 1,159 cards in, and was over $300,000.00 ahead of last year's Campaign, card-for-card reflecting a 41% increase, card-f or-card from last year. Marv said the total Campaign figures reflects 203 contributors are brand-new first givers to this Federation and equates to $98,637 in new money. Marv said the outstanding cards will be reviewed and contacted after the next Campaign Cabinet meeting on April 18th. He said the second Campaign Cabinet meeting is scheduled for May 12th when an evaluation of this year's Campaign will be done, and a third meeting will be on June 13th to begin planning for next year's Campaign. He said almost 1,000 new names entered recently onto our mailing list were contacted either by a Super Sunday phone call, a Passover Mailing, or an invitation to the upcoming "Bubbe Meises." Marv said Super Sunday was held on Sunday, March 2 0th here at the Federation's office where volunteers raised an incredible $60,000. He said during Super Week, an additional $24,000 was raised and the total for the Super Sunday Campaign was $84,188.00. He added his personal thanks to the tremendous effort put forth by everyone involved in making this project the most successful it has ever been. Marv said the one-woman show, "Bubbe Meises" is scheduled for next Saturday evening, April 23rd at the Alexis Park Resort. He said Melanie and Gene Greenberg and their committee were working to personally contact people and to encourage their attendance. He requested members of the Executive Committee return their r.s.v.p. tonight. Allan thanked Marv for his work as Chairman of the Campaign Cabinet and for the best Campaign in our history. He thanked Amy and Leslie for the work they did in the Women's Division's Campaign. He said he was pleased with all the new people that attended the Major Gifts Event. Allan said the key to campaigning was solicitors. He said Super Sunday was a great event and next year the event would be even better. V. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Allan said Doug Unger has agreed to chair the Nominating Committee for this year. He said every member of the Executive Committee was sent a copy of a letter requesting names for nomination to the Board. He said if the Federation is to expand it is imperative that we bring new qualified members to our Board. He asked every one to fill in a 2 Nominating Form, with names of individuals they feel could add to the existing Board. VI. WOMEN'S DIVISION Allan called on Leslie Simon to give the Women's Division Campaign Leslie said of the $1,044,000 raised by Federation $391,000 was raised by the Women's Division with over 520 gifts and reflects a card-for-card increase of 37%. She said the women will go over the $400,000 mark this year. Two potential large gifts are still outstanding, and several lower-end gifts, not yet in, will be contacted before the close of Campaign. She said there were seventy-four brand new women who made first time gifts to Federation with gifts amounting to $40,552. There were thirteen women who "skipped" their gifts over the years, but came back to Federation with gifts reflecting $3,375 this year. Allan thanked Leslie for her Campaign report and called on Sandy Mallin. Sandy thanked Amy Boruszak and Leslie Simon for their handling of this year's Campaign. She said the Women's Division could not have reached the incredible figures they did had it not been for their caring, and expertise. Sandy said the Women's Division's last fund-raising event was held at Mortons at the Fashion Show Mall last Tuesday. She said almost $4,000 in additional money was raised at the event; there were twenty-six first-time givers; and, twenty-seven previous givers raised their gifts to $3 65 or more to come to the event. She said the guest speaker, Midge Costanza was enjoyed by all present. VII. ANNUAL MEETING Allan said the Federation is fast approaching the end of the fiscal year which means it is time for our Annual Meeting. He said he was in the process of selecting a member of our Board to chair this program. Allan said the date, at this time, is scheduled for Tuesday, June 7th at 7:00 p.m. He requested anyone wishing to volunteer to serve on this committee to please contact him. VIII. SECURITY Allan said a memorandum was sent to us from NJCRAC reflecting security arrangements for our offices. He said although we have been very fortunate not to have any incidents of vandalism, etc. even with our sign so visible out front. The memo said we should take the necessary precautions to secure this facility. Ronni said we were in the process of receiving bids to make the fourth floor more secure. IX. ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY Allan announced that Dr. Neville Pokroy has agreed to chair our Israel 3 Independence Day Program this year. He said the event will take place on Sunday May 1st at the Sands Hotel. He said this has always been a wonderful opportunity for the community to meet each other and celebrate Yom Hatz1 maut. X. FINANCIAL REPORT Allan called on Ronni Epstein to review the Financial Report for the period through February 28, 1994 due to the absence of Dan Goldfarb. Ronni reviewed the Financial Report reflecting an estimate of expenditures through the rest of the year. She said that the Federation held the line and most expenditures were on target. She said at the end of the year we will be under budget by approximately $10,000. Ronni said an overview on the expenditures will be presented to the Board of Directors. Amy Boruszak asked about overages in certain budget lines. Ronni said she would look at the individual line items and see what the expenses included. XI. BY-LAWS CHANGES Allan said everyone has a copy of the proposed changes to our By-Laws. He called on Dr. Neville Pokroy who as second Vice President serves as Chairman of the By-Laws Committee to make the report. Neville said everyone received, in the mail, a copy of two proposed changes to our By-Laws. He said one reflects the purposes of the Jewish Federation to include planning as a key role of this organization, and the second one reflects an expansion of the Federation Board of Directors from 3 0 to 40 members. Neville said it was felt that in order to broaden our base and bring new people onto our Board it was necessary to expand. He said, although we have not yet done our Demographic Study we feel estimates of 40,000+ Jewish people in our community is not unrealistic. Neville said in order to have a significant representation it was felt this increase is necessary. He said this report was for information only as our By-Laws reflect that the full Federation Board is the body which votes on By-Law changes. Allan said that by enlarging our Board of Directors it will afford an opportunity to get more people involved in the Jewish Community. Mike Cherry expressed concern regarding increasing the size of the Board. He felt that 40 would be unmanageable. Ronni explained that most communities our size have larger boards, and we need to bring new people into the process. Allan explained that the quorum would remain the same. Allan thanked Neville for his report. 4 XII. PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT Allan said the Planning Committee has been working diligently to develop a proposal for a Demographic Study and Needs Assessment. He called on Amy Boruszak, Chairman of the Planning Committee, to give a report. Amy said the Committee is meeting and the members are very knowledgeable. She said there are several proposals for Demographic Studies under assessment. Amy said during this next week both Demographers will be brought in, separately, to discuss their proposal, and hopefully, by the Board Meeting the Planning Committee will have a recommendation of the person to conduct the Demographic Study. Allan thanked Amy for her report. XIII. UJA SPLIT Allan said that every year we are called upon to make a very difficult decision regarding the allocations of the funds we raise to the United Jewish Appeal and our local needs. He said the past two years the Federation has given 35% of our Annual Campaign to UJA. Allan said we have had a very difficult time raising enough money to meet the needs here in Las Vegas. He said significant changes have been made in our Federation operation, and we are attracting many new people to our community. He said the Federation needs to increase our allocations to our local community this year in order to just keep pace with the exploding needs. He made a recommendation to the Executive Committee that we retain our percentage, this year, of 35% to UJA pointing out more money has been raised this year and, therefore, there will be an increase in our contribution to UJA which is given off the top of our Campaign after shrinkage. Amy said that it was difficult to vote on the percentage without knowing what would be left for local allocations. Amy asked Ronni for an estimate of what was being projected for local needs. Ronni explained that the 1994/95 Federation budget was in the process of being developed and any figures would just be "educated guesses." The estimated figures were calculated before the motion was voted on. Michael Novick motioned that the Federation retain our percentage this year of 35% to UJA. Gene Greenberg second. After discussion the motion carried. XIV. ALLOCATIONS REPORT Allan said the Local Allocations Committee has made changes in the way it is doing business this year, and called on Mike Novick, Allocations Chair, to make a brief report. Mike said a letter has been sent out requesting agencies/synagogues to prioritize their needs and to adhere to the following guidelines: 5 1. Each agency will be required to submit an audited financial statement for the previous year including the number of people served in 1993/1994 and projections for 1994/1995. 2. Each synagogue will be required to submit a financial statement for their religious school program including the number of students served in 1993/1994 and projections for 1994/1995. 3. Requests for allocations should be presented by program packages, each with a requested amount. Allan thanked Mike for his report. XV. COMMUNITY MISSION GUIDELINES Allan said the Federation was looking into having a Community Mission to Israel in the Fall. He said space is being held the week of October 16, 1994, at a cost of $2,250 per person. He said materials were in the process of being developed to promote the Mission. He said there was a need for a guideline from the Executive Committee regarding a minimum gift to the 1995 Campaign, and a decision as to whether or not we wish to subsidize this program. He recommended that Federation does not subsidize this trip or set a minimum gift, however, we will publicize that every participant will be expected to make their 1995 gift in Israel. Mike Cherry motioned that the Federation does not subsidize or set a minimum gift for the Community Mission to Israel October 16, 1994, but to publicize that every participant will be expected to make their 1995 gift in Israel. Sandy Mallin seconded. Discussion followed and the motion carried. XVI. GOOD AND WELFARE Mike Cherry complimented the Medical Division for the incredible job they did in the Campaign and said he hopes the Brandeis Division could be as successful in the future. Allan thanked everyone for the work they did during this year's Campaign. A discussion was held on the minimum gift needed to attend "Bubbe Meises" on April 23rd. In light of recent discussions Amy Boruszak recommended that the minimum gift which was set at $125 per person be changed to a donor off $250 or more would be allowed to invite one guest. The Executive Committee approved the recommendation. XVIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned. 6