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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Re: Application No. 15754 - Transfer of 1.4 c.f.s. of water. Application No. 15140 - Transfer of 2.5 c.f.s of water. Los Angeles - December 29* 1954 174-2 Mr. R. L. Adamson: cc - Mr. C. M. Cory I hand you herewith copy of letter dated December 27th from Mr. Cory, and copy of attachment referred to therein. As you know, they have a new Water Engineer in Vegas due to the death of Mr. Jameson, and apparently he is having difficulty in ascertaining just what the above subject is all about. I think it might be ad­visable for either you or your representative to go out to Las Vegas and clean up this matter. I suggest you phone Mr. Cory a day or two in advance as to when you or your representative will be there so he can arrange for an appointment with Mr. Thorne. I I do not think there are any particular dif­ficulties involved, but just a question of Mr. Thorne or the office of the State Engineer in Carson City not understanding the situation, and I think the matter can be cleared up in a relatively short time. E. Bennett DEC 29 1954 L_» C« C«