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upr000037 138


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    «> tt* Company »ay charge llvt and aoAOOths dollars ($5.00) for fteefe tapping of eater Mains, to i# paid Ip the owner m eoneumer ordering the e&me* Xi* yiftt Monthly rates for any sarnie# sot herein apooifiaally rated shall be fixed bp epeei&l contract, subleet to tbe appro®*! of the Public Semes Soaaisaioa. 'n) 13. the Cteapauy say make any further rales and regulation# it way deem necessary or adrleabls, subject to tbe approval of the Service Oonmlasion. Im£ id WW&B&k Q&ffi&tltfr that the Las Vega# Land and Water *"* ***** m*h appropriate fa@ar.oy allowance is monthly apart- ft honees, bungalow eearti and auto @aap serrioe# as to be uaoeoupled and that the monthly elmrge shall he •* accordingly, PIOVXS^, however, that the minimum monthly shall not be less than Six Sellars (#6.00) per month for apartment houses, Four and 5©A00ths dollar# per month for bnti|p£Msw' eonrts or auto c&btns where three (3) or nor® of these seme® are Maintained* Ssr: -«»• 9 «* «• - 8 -