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    F O R M 3 0 - 1 ( L a s t S h e e t ) 9 • 50 - lOOM W O R K O RD ER A U T H O R IT Y — Detail of Estimated Expenditures LAS VEGAS LAUD AMD WAT E R COMPANY D E P A R T M E N T . .D IV IS IO N MARCH % 9 , l o c a t i o n : L A S V E Q A 5 j NEVADA« < I Presid en t's No, DESCRIPTIO N OF W O RK: Construct 5*K) L F of 6* east iron vatW,.,. Nevada main and 12 L F of 6* fir© hydrant connection to ( J p g i section serve Industrial Area lying he W e e n Utah and Wyoming/ „ Awsnuea east of Fairfield Street. ( p*r,ment N o_ N o _ .19 53 R .A N D E. ACCT. NO. •ITEM Q U A N T IT Y U N IT U N IT COST L A B O R M A TE R IA L TO TAL C H A R G E A B L E TO I N V E S T M E N T A C C O U N T O P E R A T I N G EX PE NS ES *A» '8* MEN ADDITIONAL FRQPERfg truoted - Water main to he c o m expense of Subdivide? 6* cast Iron water pjipe Valves and Fittings La b o r - Contract Arbitrary Percentage^ Fire Hydrant connect .on to at expense of Subdivj.der - subject to Refund 6# east iron water p ^ p e 12 Fittings Labor - Contract Arbitrary Percentage^ at ect LF 1;h# to Refund 1.75 be oo Donate L F ns tract on not 1.75 rd MSfEJ Mr. C.S. Wengort act! a group of property owners latlon of water main to ser\h lyi n g between Utah A m r m e adjacent to and easterly of pursuant to Nevada Public Sej: Rule 9# and has deposited t b covering estimated cost of (10^) percent to cotf; vision subject to & g refund 35$ of revenu^ to customers located and taking service hereunder during the until Mr. C.S. Wenge: refunded the cost of .rsw ttiona r over ^eement d e r i v within o m the follow! actl main ( fr ?j't ng as Trustee for requested. inatal © industrial area Wyoming Ayenue Fairfield S rvl oe Commission e sum of |2^ ?Q.OQ w o r k plea ten 'head alnd sup< r-ty Water Company t^ froa sale the area be! water mains ng tea y e a r li­as ccurs; luspLve. of iltyo of wat« r ng s e n ed installed period or trustee, has teen cost of fire 19*852».0Q0 810.0 3£2x 0 2 1 .0 3 25.03 50.C3 lib 0.1 2 1 3 0 . 00 110.00 M 2240. )Q Total Estimated Expenditure Estimated By_______________ D a t e _________,________________ .19 Approved. .Approved •When labor or material is chargeable to both Investment and Operating Expenses show the items separately for each account.