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Vol. CLV, No. 34 Friday, lung 1 959 _rr 100 MILLIONS DEFILERONT la nuitprochaine au Lid TV WEB < Price 10 Cents ?╟≤ LEONARD Coldenson started some- thing that might well ruin what form- erly was one of the best ticket-selling centers in the U.S. We called your attention to the act of Coldenson double-featuring two of the best pic- tures, in some of the best B&K Chi- cago houses, some weeks ago. This was the first time that ANY big FIRST CLASS theatre went to such extreme to grab ticket sales, and, as we men tioned at the time, ?╟úthis is only th start.?╟Ñ Now several of the bette chains of theatres around Chicago hav taken the B&K lead and are double billing two of the best ticket-sellei of the day, ?╟úShaggy Dog?╟Ñ and ?╟úRn Bravo.?╟Ñ This is an insane piece of bookin a destructive piece of showmansh l and a foolish act of distributing organ zations in permitting such a thing happen, especially when there?╟╓s su a shortage of good pictures. Both ?╟úShaggy Dog?╟Ñ and ?╟úRio Brav can stand on their own feet AN', WHERE and the fact that the Leone] Coldenson - operated B&K theatr are joined by the Stanley Warr theatres and those operated by Jan Coston in Chicago, is a disgrace to J picture business and the men who i it. our many years of looking mais si joliment denude faaSSSa-j (heureusement traduit en anglais) annonplif . 4?╟╓ ,?,.plai repetitions de la nouveUe revue ?? ?╟Ñ 5 t : * RelSche f Avec THE ORIGINAL Cette revue, intituUe n 4JkV(5, plaisir sera pr<?║sent?·e mercre tu a minuit.Ses auteurs en sont, comine tou jours, Pierre-Louis Guerin et Rend Fraday. En pdndtrant au Lido par ies sous-sols, le spectacle est fantas- SJ5?½* ?Σ≤ apergoit un phoque qui s ebat dans une piscine (il est en- toure de femmes nues). Mais void que les decors changent, c est la Russie au temps des tsars, avec Moscou sous la neige. Des patineurs s?╟╓elancent sur la piste et, devant la somptuositd des costumes des girls, Rene Fra- day soupire ?╟≤ 1 THE OKIwin/u. gg RomeikF ?√ß1 PRESS CUPPINGS " 330 TOMPKINS AVE. STATEN ISLAND 4, N. Y. Tel. Gibraltar 7-6800 costume?? avec. le tissu, les fourrures et les bijoux, re^ vient k 600.000 francs par gfrl. Pierre-Louis Guerin enchains : Je crois que ce ?╜ show ?? sera trepidant, Bonn Arden le met en scene avec beaucoup de rytnme et nous avons decouvert des attractions etonnantes, com- ma Liny Yokol, Frank Libuse, les Zemgano Air-Ballet et?╟╓ pour un tableau ecossais, nous Girfpipers. Venlr les Dagenham Henri Betti, qui, avec Lan- ceft??** lcr?╟ú *a __ musique de le corps de ballef I?╟╓Opera: nouvelles' demissions possible" ?╟? Le inalaise persist?? ir- yon parmi les dameurs. t Apr?║na r ?╟╓ nnsSio,i de Josette Vsiuch?╟╓elle, i If?╟╓wood est convoy A ttoage* nistrateur, A.-JMt. jiiiiln' Lbs Angeles, Oct. 28. mandd au <Jbrpa difbailat. de Sherwood^Pank presenter devant Jui, ??t notemm Jl Dervrt Ardetfs , , a v. k M. DucMne, cause d*m ?tabifC Prch mh aurvenu k sa femme qdi' fait igj lenient partie du corps de bailor This Clipping Fr om VARIETY NEW YORK, N. Y. NOV 5 - 1958 night club shows, supper club attr r?,v?e* ? constamment la tions and the big productions sta ?½ c es* a*nsi que nous 1 . x/______ _ Vj*_____: 4.^ ^.4-4-1 uecouvrons une . d^couvrons une innovation tT?r,clJ.e,stre de Delvincourt est install^ au-dessus de nos t&tes. i aNuiU8 u ?,vons. encor?½ vu les to Bluebells qui descendaient un escalier et qui faisaient des ela- ^essler tan - SUTOen et Alice corps de ballet On s?╟╓attend h de nouvelles diti missions parmi les danseurs. Ch* on pr<5voit que Georgi Skibine et Marjorie Tallchieff m renouyeHeront pas leurs contratj*/ AUe P!ter van ****'* W* tentlon de retourner * ?√ß?√ß revue, W Stabile $2.50-65.50 package. tW nrettv hard to follow an ele- ehe did come on alter ciau . iTiffi SidSiSffS, MW ?½. comm* avaient prOc^denunent dl.!, Pige?niw^t?╜ and rain (onstage). in Las Vegas and Miami, to att the public, we have never seen a | thing to compare with the show opened at the Stardust in Vegas Ti day night. It?╟╓s staged with the ?╟úLe Lido De Paris?╟Ñ but because j the wide range of its numbers, limitation of tagging it a Parisian r< evidently was done to attract the business brought in by its predeoj in the same place. This entertainr does not need anything other what it actually has on its stag give it the longest run, the biji t boxoffice dollar ANY such attra) ^ ?Θ╝r ?? & P* dites pas ever had before. It?╟╓s a great, great show?╟÷-a lu ous piece of entertainment?╟÷beat girls, beautifully costumed, exqr settings. Additionally the producers brought together the greatest number of top specialty acts we have ever seen on one stage, even at the height of vaudeville. The whole thing must have cost a fortune to stage, but it will bank eight or ten times its invest- ment. Don?╟╓t miss it. paraissaient resplehdis^ sautes de beauts et d?╟╓allure. Ces i demoiselles Kessler ont raison I de vouloir se falre un nom et duUlL?do.PlUS 'tre leS jumelV what it actually has on its stagi Soyez discret, dit encore give it the longest run, the bij ^itrfe?╟╓Loui? Guerin, ne devoilez amv mck otfrJ pas ies c clous ?? et ne dites nas I |Hfjl| IMHUI JII a cofttd 100 rnu j VollS qui est fait Marcal IDZKOWSKI. *?╟ú*?╟≤ Q?╟úant ^ Claire MotteT* p?╟╓;;:! and ^"?╟úiollowed by wlfere danseuse, sa photo a disparu wlt^ (3) flights of du Programme x?╜n6ral do I'OWra the elephants w?╟╓?╟╓hosDiforescent comma avaient precedemment dls!, pigeons, smoke, _ P Paru lets ntinEns r t paint ,:e1 Hestrai R<Blt?╟ it would take more than a horses to ruffle* WiisS Sher- wood. She may be, as |heu say^ ?╟ ?╟ the bewest oldest ..otTn ^ Iff. ?╟úre" we years of seasMine 1her Wednesday. November II; tien of Helene & I j irrmm. ?√ß TbP Latin Quarter?╟╓s new producrl yBdERMEv wEutm Uke a top nitery show should^ Th _ proceedings are sfast^ t the Barrv?╟╓sliumor is designed f-or the tmnact on the assemblage. Bariy Sr strength lies in the fact that he deals in familiar themes A lot of it is kdniittedly ' cnrpb^L But it?╟╓s all treated professionally With the skill,of a knowing per- Helene & Howard, heralded as lust back from the Lido, Paris, are in the -comedy ballroomologists AU LIDO: Duel Dior-Balma idiom but their% zanyisms are an! extension of the usual breakup tei p routines. She has an excellent sense of humor and he?╟╓s a suave^foiL ' Their small-talk is off a par y worthy of a standup comic and a couple of nifties, especially m that I beatnik routine, got spontaneous I customer applause. The other acts ffmain as is. Channing Pollack the tall hand- ?╜5f>me magico, is an extremely i smooth operator. He m^kes doves I aopear and reappear and tops it 1 a?l off by making the birds and I case vanish. In addition, he mamp- ulftes cards expertly. The femme assistant is a looker and adds an 1 added touch to the turn. The Gimma Bros., are stiJl around to provide nimble acrowork with a touch of comedies to en-l Sven the turn. The imports.give strength to the early part of the I hill In the production, the Kimo j tee Dancers, comprising two hoy* and a hula hip weaver, provide novelty in the aft portions with fire and machete dances. IV13ST Simone Berriau qui le ??eul ehgpeau A da la soiree au nouveau spectacle du Lido : une ravUs- sante cloche rouge a aigrette. C?╟╓egt en cbien de faience que Ginette Spanier, de cbez Hal- main, regardait Suzanne w ling, de cbez Pi: toutee deux encadraiept l'eur amie Marlene Dietrich qui venait de comman- der dee robes cbez Balenciaga. C'est la chanteuse Lena Hor- ne qui itait vltue avec le plUZ d?? flimpUcit^ ?╟≤ ehe portait un tailleur modest?? a paillettes et un turban blanc dans lea ebe- veux, C?╟╓est ?½n rube neire k dental- les que if duebefse de Windsor patent Elle avail auasi une coIIt fure gonflee (ea n?½ se fait plus). G?╟╓est ah bras de ?╜on marl qoe Francine Weisweller arpiva fc pour la premiere fois depuis le dkbut de la saifion. O^est en fidMes amis de la famWe que Jean Cocteau et Dondou/ sun fils, leg aeenmpa- ?√ß ?║naient. p?╟╓est au vestiaire qu?╟╓on remit A Mme Houesae une pochette d?╟╓aUumettes gur laquelle il y avait aa pbotogpaPbie. Per usual, Jo Lombardi provides m. >* ?╜?√ß?? *...?╜?╟≤. s Harlowe spelling the Lombardi Cr Show errs on length. A little tightening, especially #on the spec production num^r^. wpwa ^ ^ prove considerably. The globetrot is squared away effectively by that cuffo (?) Pan Am commercial ana extending the Donn Arden ensem- eon ^pou3? en lul dlsant ^ Mets-ia vita dans ehe. H L?╟╓une des Blue Hell a son diadlme, G?╟╓eat M. TPrey .qui Ta ramass^ et ??mphrtk en souvenir. (Test l?╟╓dpaule rebauss^ Stole de ohlnchllla que ; ^e^TutinesTs TncUned to?╟╓drag the Loren p^nt. Le deuxifem. Jose. | chilla, d^sormsis traditimr^vr^^^^^i dans lef soirees ?√ß parisiennes, appartenait k la coiffeuise Heine, Marline Dietricb, tr^s attenr due. n?╟╓avait fait son entree qu?╟╓k I b. 2$ du matin, au bras de Haf Vallone*