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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    A m fflmmm Roecoe Moss Co., ^360 Worth, Los Angeles (33)* Calif, h22 West 6th Street, Los Angeles (1^-),Calif. August hth, 19^3 Gentlemen; Confirming telephone conversation date, I am enclos­ing herewith two copies of logs of water wells Noe. | and 10, Las Vegas. No. 10 came in flowing at 131 GPM, and in June, 19^3* dropped to || GPM, flowing. In May we Installed a submersible pump at l6o*, and for about half a month produced 2SO GPM. Throughout June and July, however, with steady pumping this well averaged 202 GPM. Mr. Anderson and I are of the opinion that the well may be sanded in at the bottom, restricting the flow. The submersible pump, of course, would not pull the sand out. Vhat we would like to do with this well is to run a line down and see if there is sand in the bottom, and if so, bail it out. As to No. 6, this well has not been put on pump. It flowed steadily from July, 19^2, until May, 19^The latter part of May it dropped down to 202 GP3M* aa*n da biosu tc on5t5i^n GuP­M. ing at that rate and throwing considerable sand. We are oertain this well is sanded in and would like to have it cleaned out. There is a derrick over each of these wells. Can you let me have an estimate of the cost of perform­ing the work? Yours very truly. 194^