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    RTHE ORIGINAL _ omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS ?√ß?√ß 220 W. 19th^ St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. Tel, CHelsea 3-8860-- Cir. (D 228.228U This Clipping FrotiL BALTIMORE, ME?║ NEWS-POST 1 FEB 'JfclWBiMi.ii.ll'.tt! ??,:ii!i:- .-..?√ß:?√ß?√ß ";?√ß?√ß?√ß<?√ß'?√ß.?√ß,!?√ß?√ß"r:i'iiH.iMi:xi':i';!-!:iii!ii;''iiii!ii!iiiiii;i:i AROUND HOLLYWOOD Lang To Direcm New Merman Film Irving Berlin Epic Will Be In Color By LOUELLA 0. PARSONS Motion Picture Editor, International News Service. HOLLYWOOD ?╟÷ There just couldn't be anyone else but Walter Lang to direct Ethel Merman. She thinks he is the best director in the world, and he thinks she is one of the finest actresses he has ever directed. So, I'm happy to announce that when Ethel comes here in June for "No Business Like Show Business" Walter will take over. Ijhe Irving Berlin epic will be in the new Cinemascope, and in color. Dan Dailey and Mitzi Gaynor already have been signed, and Darryl Zanuck is moving heaven and earth to get Donald O'Connor, who was so good in "Call Me ' with Ethel '"" ?√ß ~ Madam ^-a,.?╟÷^_^__ When "Call Me Madam" is previewed next month it's possible Ethel will fly out here in Bob Six's private plane. She .was at the Pen and Pencil Club party given for me in New York and lent all sorts of messages to the ?√ß gang at 20th. * * * ZSA ZSA Gabor has planed out of New York to Rome where George Sanders is seriously ailing. He hasn't been able to work on the Ihgrid Bergman picture, "Duo," for ' 10 days, and both Bergman and Rossellini, as well as George's doctor, telephoned Zsa Zsa to ask her to come to Rome. It meant that Zsa Zsa had to cancel her "Moulin Rouge" tour, for which she was getting $4,000 a week. But she felt she should go to George*, ffgi/. " She returns in time to open at the Flamingo Hotel March 15. And, by the way, it's the Flamingo In Las Vegas, and not the Sands, where she is to do a FrenchaplSflfS? the Peters gal says she is giving up her career in two years This, I'll wait to see. Meantime, Jean will be the first occupant of the new wing of the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, not as a patient, but to shoot hospital scenes for "Blue Print For Murder." ^f^'$ * * * WHEN JIMMY McHugh and his singing stars of* 1953 open at the Chi-Chi in Palm Springs there will be a new addition, a cute little silver blonde girl named Bunny Bishop. ^^^ She takes the place-of Beverly Richards, statuesque redhead, v^nsang "Cuban Love Song" anfw'l Feel A Song Coming On."H||ny gicl? mSm^^", tioned, bSftBunny won ou|^ The talented singing stars and maestro McHugh auditioned for Joe Pasternak and Lucille Ryman at MGM. Joe wants to put the McHugh act in Esther Williams' picture, "Easy To Love," which gjfetr-co-stars Tony Martin. THE ORIGINAL Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 Cir. (D 60,921) This Clipping From CAMDEN, N. J COURIER-POST RTHE ORIGINAL _ omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS "?╟÷ 220 W. 19tt St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 qjv(D 15,812) This Clipping-From HUNTINGTON PARK, CAL g SfGNAL EVEN ACTRESSES HAVE MOTHERS. JH ?√ßj (Oh yes they do! Even though, with some of them,-you might | I not think so ... .) I But with Anne Jeffreys, one of the nicest of the actresses , I well, the way I met her mother was fairly simple. I It'd been one of the Waldorf's most glittery nights., ([ I All the Mink and Ermine Mob were out to cheer Anne and her, f handsome, talented husband, Bob Sterling, in their new act at the L Empire Room. . m [ "You must all come up for a! drink," Anne said over the house jj [phone after the triumphant-first r .",?·-?·* hi"' * ?╟÷ I show. We' were introduced around, I once we got upstairs.,. "You know my .mother, Mrs. I Carmichael," Anne slid. j I didn'tv-but when Anne went I to change for the midnight show, II moved over beside her, and | Mrs. Kate Carmichael, once a I school teacher of Goldsboro, IN. C, told me what a big night I this was for her. I "You see," she said, "I'd been ?√ß stage-struck myself, and I studied I music in New York before I was ?√ß married . . . but I never made! \gQ99poxx^. x^oTesamxF^vnio a sua- Idenly become the hottest of the j beautiful female personalities ?╟÷ will do summer stock with Charlie Persell directed by Cecil iClovelly. And will probably do a jcomedy TV show with him, too t. . . Billy Eckstein's salary at the ^an^JioteOn Las Vegas will be $15OT aWefk?╟÷plus 2000 ?╟≤ quar-1 Shelfaft Graham in HOLLYV^bD^ r^** ?╜uuu ?√ß quarters to play the slot machines I With . . . This country'U bej flooded in '54 with 8-year-old j Scotch that'll "ripen" soon . . J pey, guys! Many of the beauti-F g i'ul night-club showgirls complain j o about not being dated between) shows?╟÷and have to buy theirj ^pwh dinners,.|jj|e?·Jj L m TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: "De-j spite the high prices of whisky, .'".'ji nickel drink of/it isg^till avail-! able in certain statess^a recentj autopsy shows."?╟÷Charley Jones, | ^ ftVichita. ~\.; jg i WISH I'D SAID THAT:/ ?√ß"There's no diet that'll reduce a |ffat head."^-Myron Cohen, j RUSS LANDI HEARD the sad, tale of a man.troubled by five] o'clock shadow?╟÷as soon as he [finished work his. wife was there, [to meet him.^T^. That's earLJ brother. jri Marlon Brando has rented a garage in Beverly Hills just for himself and his motorcycle?╟÷no j room for his racoon or Movita. j Gene Tierney is dug in at Ho- j tel Belman in Paris. She's ex- j pecting agent George Chasen J while Prince Aly's still chasing. Dahling Tallulah will set the date for April or May to sing for her supper at S<mds?╜iJakel in Las Vegas. This is one act I'll fly to see. A recent tea party at the Dor- | Chester House in London fea- \ tured a tough trio, George Raft, \ Humphrey Bogart and Clark ,' ; Gable?╟÷all well-mannered with | j poised pinkies. ... . And when j someone asked Raft: "Have you ever worked with Humphrey?" | j George drawled, "Yeah, Bogart ; worked with me "in a coupla i films." . . . But we may have to j I bring Humphrey home in a hur- ?√ß j ry, he's taken to wearing a suede i cap with a "buckle in the back, f ( After Nunnally Johgson saw J cinescope he said: "Weft you can sit back and relax. If you have ; a good Apt and a boy and a girl 42 feet tall, you've got nothing to worry about." * # * Betty Hutton spent $1500 for a new wireless recorder that she can wear while she sings. . Em the original _ DomeikF " PRESS CLIPPINGS ?Σ≤ 220 W. 19^ St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y* Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 Cir. (D 94,031) (S 88,228) This Clipping From MIAMl/FCA. NEW$ . I FEB 1 04953 mistro Biz Los Chavales de Espana, still the classiest act on Miami I! Beach, remain at the Saxony's Pagoda Room with a new set of ji routines and a new price policy: no cover charge . . . Betty j! Lse Taylor is winning plaudits for her organing at the Vene- 1 tian Hotel's Baroque Room,. . . Ezio Pinza will collect a cool I fifty grand for three weeks work at the San^s Hotel in Las II V%asf his first night club stint . . . Charlie FalrrenTtnirBro'ok I Lounge doll, dips his tootsies into TV tomorrow night. Sup- I posed to have had'the show offered to him after guesting with I us over WIOD . . . Michel Rosenberg gitzells into the Beach- I comber Club tomorrow night, too. * * * people 1 Fat Jack Leonard, the 350-pound comic who likes to be known as the world's largest comedian, will play a sailor in i "Three Sailors and a Girl" for Warner Bros. The other two j are Gordon MacRae and Gene Nelson. The girl is Jane Powell ! . . . Joanne Gilbert, recently a Clover Club headliner, guests I on Bing Crosby's air show on the 19th . ^tgPhylis Dome, a "Pal Joey" prancer, is vacationing at the Nautilus, which will ' offer Gene Baylos and the Barry Sisters in tomorrow night's \ new Driftwood Room show . . . Drum-beating Bill Miller's Ri- I viera (Miami Beach branch) is supervised by Les Simmonds. ?╟≤ Seth Babits; it has explained, is charge d'affaires of the northern branch. Everybody happy now? Anyway, Ray Bolger hoofed | out of the headline spot and comic Jack Durant takes over to- ! night . . . Irving Berlin's at the Sans Souci . ... Auditions for dancers for Horace Heidt's American Way show set for the Martinique Hotel tomorrow afternoon. ^ RTHE ORIGINAL _ omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS ?√ß?√ß 220 W. 19th St., NEW YORK11, N.Y. Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 Cir. (D 160,824) (S 172,057) This Clipping From OAKLAND, CALIF. TRIBUNE ?√ßfig- I I 1853 Viewing tv I Future Bright for xSanta Claus' Lad By HAL HUMPHREY HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 14.?╟÷ Boyds are willing to let Jimmy When Jimmy Boyd boarded continue with his career is that an airplane here this week 9 now seems the quickest way to for New York_and_ two ap- save eno^gh money for a d?Σ≤n pearances on Ed Sullivan's "Toast of the Town" TV show, he didn't have to lie about his age anymore. Besides taking more than 60 . per cent of the young hillbilly star's earnings, Jimmy's attorney charged that his former employers were in the habit of knocking a couple of years off the boy's; age to save half of the travel fare'. .%a?╟?,. %aLJnriHffl5&ji payment on some Southern California acreage. It shouldn't be long before they realize this ambition. Jimmy is getting $1000 a week TV and radio appearances now. (He'll be on Bing Crosby's show next month.) Under the! contract settlement he will re-j ceive 50 per cent of all royalties! on his "Mommy" recording and others made before January 23. ii ii i in iiw piii' i j. Thokfiar^g one of those lush' The H-year-old^recordingstar moe TrfgV^ has offered banta Jimmy $5000 for a two-week engagement. But the Boyds aren't sure their boy should strum his guitar and sing "in a place likel that." They're, still thinking it>| over. who "saw Mommy kissini Claus" is free of his contract mfeAbner J. Greshler Produc- tiom?'. Bernard Reich, trre- Boyd's attorney, obtained final approval from the court here this week of a settlement.