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    L A- ""7?╟Ñ"/ ^We DM 0Y & LAS VEGAS New ?╟ America?╟╓ to Premiere BY JOHN L. SCOTT ' Times Stiff Wrltir . LA'S VEGAS ?╟÷ "Hello, America," lavish musical stage production which re- captured thrills, pageantry and drama of/. American history for a year at the peserit Inn, premieres its 1 Sfecond, all-new edition in ?╟╓the Crystal Boom March 1. Produced by Frank Sonnes -and staged and directed, by Domi Ardfen, the?╟╓new1 "Hello, America" will; follow its' pfMeces- | sor?╟╓s format -by,presenting seven spectacular scenes, ?╟╓ sach depicting a highlight of U.S. fnstory. Rennes promises surprises in the area of stage effects and is keeping details of the se- ..quences quiet /until the - opening. - Sue Carsoh, a*popular , "entertainment | figure in Las Vegas, will get stellar 'the- show. - Rip CFaylqir, ?╟≤. known &&?√ß-?╟╓ "'The * cfeingt/'Comediari,1 Also will be'Spotlighted, along with Kikf-f?╟╓ai|fo and Yipfor . Julian?╟╓s canine, act, held j ,-bv??r from thofirst "Hello, America;"1 The^Straneks, < balancing acrobats; Chiys Holt of the Ringling Bros, circus, who hangs by her Jiair'high in'the'air; Lilly - Yokoi, a Japanese cyclist;1 Delia Lea, formerly with Esquivel; and a group known?╟╓ as H o'H y^v'o q d Stunt Stars, who will en- gage in a typical western: film barroom brawl. RALPH PEARL t\ VEGAS DA%E AND NITES PEOPLE, THINGS & STUFF Mail Dept.: ?╟úDear Mr. Ralph Pearl: In your Fri- day column you make note of the ?╟úfact?╟Ñ that David Merrick, the producer of ?╟úHello Dolly?╟Ñ is considering movie star Rita Hayworth to play ?╟úDolly?╟Ñ in one of his national companies in the future. Come now, Mr. Pearl, you can pull the legs of the rest of your readers, hut I know that Miss Hayworth is too big a star to play that role in some Midwest, second rate theatre, (signed) Mrs. Charles,A. Gormitch, Reno.?╟Ñ Dear Mrs. G.: A big movie star, including Rita Hayworth, is only as great as her last role. And Rita Hayworth in her last couple of movies hasn?╟╓t exactly set the world or the screen afire. She IS huddling with Merrick, and would like nothing better than to be able to play Dolly Levi ?╟úeven in some Midwest, second rate theatre,?╟Ñ as you put it. Furthermore, is Rita a greater star than the current Dollys, Betty Grable, Mary Mar- tin, Ginger Rogers and Carol Channing??? You can bet me a trainload of silver dollars she isn?╟╓t! But, don?╟╓t get us wrong. We loved getting the letter. It makes column writing that much easier. ? α :M * A pal in Sydney," Australia tells us that Wayne'New- tc^, appearing at the Chevron Hotel there ten days ago, was p ball of fire. Not only did he smash all records including the lohg-standing record of the late Nat King Cole/ but he had thousands waiting in line outside the theatre who couldn?╟╓t get in during the week . . . Get- ting a big play in the record field, Irv Field?╟╓s new disc, ?╟úThe Laughing Horse of Hoo-Dun-Wot?╟Ñ on the Crest label. Irv and his group are in the Park Sheraton in Npw York City. ,t>onn Arden and his staff are at it again these af- ternoons as they start whipping into shape another edi- tion of ?╟úHello America?╟Ñ for the March 1 plush open- ing at the Desert Inn ... Janis Garber rejoins her papa, Jan in the D-I lounge tonight. jk (Ik Items-To-Take-With-a-Grain-of-Salt-Dept.: In a rW cent Earl Wilson column, the bard of Ohio insisted that ?╟ Lize Minelli, then working the Sahara, had to continue conversation, which she was having with Frank Si- natra in the Sands gaming casino, outside the casino because she was too young (20) to remain inside.?╟Ñ Come come Earl, who you kidding? The casinos aren?╟╓t that strict . . . Eddie Fisher ready to shove off Easter week on a repeat trip to the fighting zone in Viet Nam, to entertain the troops . ?╟≤ . Spike Jones?╟╓ widow, Helen Grayco, dating Will Rosen in Hollywood. Guy Lombardo, brother Carmen and company are packing the Blue Room at the Trop with singer Helen, O?╟╓Connell . . . Mia Farrow breaks on the cover of 15 national mags during the next 90 days. Six of the mags will picture Sinatra with her .... . ,The Kim Sisters threw a birthday party for Kitty Sep of the T-Bird?╟╓s Korean Kittens the other afternoon in their home . . . A San Francisco stripper calls herself Granny Goose! v. . Talking about strippers, one of the great ecdysl- asts of all time, 'tffliySfc .(^/dbLHcrapihg/tN bottom of the barrel working a third rate burlesque joint in low- er' Los Angeles1. And we can remember the days here in Las Vegas when she got top dough working for Bel- don Katleman at El. Rancho Vegas. Vikki Carr joins the Smothers Brothers at the Sa- hara June 7. Both Carr and the Smothers used to play the Flamingo ... KEAM radio boss Ted! Oberfelder recovering at Southern Nevada Memorial Hosp . . . Xavier Cugat and his Charo open tonight at Jake Koz- loff?╟╓s International Casino in Aruba . . . Long time Ve- gas favorite, Pete Marshall, now the darling of Broad- way as he stars with Julie Harris in the musical, ?╟úSky- scraper.?╟Ñ . . . The handsome singing lad on the Ed Sullivan TV show last night, Gino Tonetti, played the old Tallyho (now Milton Prell?╟╓s Aladdin) three years ago . . . The D-I bosses just picked up the option again on the Costa, Sheldon quintet in the Skyroom. MON. THRU FRI. ?╟úCOLUMN OF THE AIR?╟Ñ K-LUC RADIO, 4:85 PM. "HELLO AMERICA' ON THE WAY By GEORGE H. JACKSON The Desert Inn?╟╓s new efil- ttonwipf ?╟ú Hello, America?╟Ñ- doipjgates the show news this r,week along Lag Vegas?╟╓ entertainment sfrip. It Is scheduled to start off an indefinite run Tuesday night- with Sue h Carson, songgtress, satirist-impres- sionist, as the comedy star. Appearing also in promi- nent spots will be Rip Tay- ' lor, who has achieved pop- ularity through his ?╟úcrying?╟Ñ routine, -and Chxys Holt, German beauty who cli- maxes her high wire per- formance by hanging from a Wise by her hair. Miss Hqjt?╟ 5| a well known circus performer. Another popular per- former in the cast is Della Lee, whose astounding vo- caljzing1 was a highlight of Esquivel and his marvelous troupe. fieldover from the pre- vious edition will be Kiki Page, who has a new song repertory, and Victor Juli- an and his dogs. Prank Sehnes is again serving as produce^ with . Watt Arden staging and directing. , .' H '?╜ ? α. f Las Vegas Shows SECOND EDITION ?╟ Hello America?╟╓ Sets March 1 Premiere Here The gifted mimic - ess- oomedienne Sue Carson has been signed as comedy star el the11| - new. second spectacu- lar, ?╟úHello1 America,?╟Ñ which wArld premierepfat theLas Ve- gag Desert Inn's (Jry^ial Room jMardf.?╟╓l. . ?╟╓Miss ' Carspn, " a petite1 bru- 'nette,? Is a rare phenomenon, a comedienne who?╟╓s v?╜ry prefc- ?╟╓ty and very talented. As m impressionist -Sue is equally at home .satirizing a lethargic' Pearl-' Bailey, a sac- ebarime - Dinah Shore, 'a feline Lena Borne and an emotional Barbra Streisan'd. 'As. a singer I she can* caress a soft, senti- * feental ballad one .mpment and ?╟╓bej^out a strident, fait-tempo tune the next. As a ,comedienne she tail. quiekly, switch to a jiggling,^mmcing conlo^famist and completely mesmerize the audi?½tee-?╟╓ with her patter and impersonations. Her talent - packed personal- ity has won heir fans from" coast to coast and many national tele- vision shows, including, ktints with Ed Sullivan and Jack Paw. The pert and mobile . faced Miss Carson brings Slrffio^ stopping wares to a ?╟úHello America?╟Ñ cast that includes 60 dancers, singers and showgirls .and a total of six specialty acts/ ?√ß g I Produced by Frank Sennes 1 and created, staged and ?╟≤direct- ed by Donn Arden, the new ?╟úHello America?╟Ñ show recap-J [tures the thrills, pageantry and drama experienced | by '{three generations pf Americans. In (seven breath - faking scenes* never before presented on ai Isjage the star-styled qasf-will relive 60 years of Americana. I DESERT INN AND COUNTRYCLUB US VEGAS HELLO AMERICA OPENS MARCH 1 22 las VEGAS SUN Monday, Feb. 14, 1966 Coming March 1st- the roaring,thrilling, glad, mad history of America lj THE DESERT INN AND COUNTRY CLjJB FLAG PRESENTATION - Col. Carroll Stanton, vice commander of Nellis Air Force Base, presents an American flag from House Speaker John W. Mc- Cormack forwarded by air to Director Donn Arden, left ,and Producer Frank Sennes on the rehearsal stage of the Deset Inn?╟╓s new ?╟úHello America?╟Ñ show, which premieres at the Strip hotel March 1. Wit- nessing the presentation were members of the show?╟╓s cast.