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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, May 1994



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    ?CONGREGATION NER TAMIE* Sanford D. Akselrad: Rabbi BELLA FELDMAN: CANTORIAL SOLOIST JACQUELINE FLEEKOP: EDUCATION DIRECTOR DOTTY GROSS: PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR MAY 1994-IYAR-SIVAN 5754 GERALD GORDON: PRESIDENT BURTON ROSENBERG: ADMINISTRATOR ANDREA GALE: BULLETIN EDITOR Esrad Jnciepen.rfen.ce JOcimj Come join the community in an inter-faith celebration of Israel?s 46th year of independence. Festivities will be held on Sunday, May 1st at the Sands Hotel/Casino?s Grand Ballroom from noon till 4:00 p.m. There will be traditional Jewish and Israeli foods, folk dancing and lots of activities for the children. Information booths will be set up throughout to answer any questions you may have concerning Jewish organizations or synagogues in town. Tickets are available at the door. For more information call 732-0556. SCHEDULE OF WORSHIP SERVICES Conducted by: Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist Friday. Mav 6th 7:30 p.m. BarMitzvah - Kevin Walton Oneg sponsored by The Fried Family Saturday. Mav 7th 10:00 a.m. TOT SHABBAT *Fridav. Mav 13th 7:30 p.m. Thank G-d It?s Shabbat Service Oneg sponsored by Marilyn Glovinsky and Dr. Marvin Glovinsky honoring their daughter Melissa?s engagement to Christopher Roth. Monday, Mav 16th 10:00 a.m. Yiskor Service *Fridav. Mav 20th 7:30 p.m. CONFIRMATION Oneg sponsored by the parents of the 1994 Confirmation class. Saturday. Mav 21st 10:00a.m. BarMitzvah David Schomaker Kiddush sponsored by The Schomaker Family Friday. Mav 27th 7:30 p.m. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE SHABBAT SERVICE Oneg sponsored by the parents of the graduating High School Seniors *Baby Sitting available? 2 Congregation Ner Tamid 4 RABBI?S MESSAGE ii At this time Jews all over the world are marking a special period observed during the seven weeks between Passover and Shavuot. This period is called the ?Counting of the Omer? or ?Sefirat HaOmer?. The Omer was a Biblical measurement of a sheaf of barley. The ancient Jewish farmers cut down the barley sheaf and then brought it to the Temple as a wave-offering on the second day of Passover. With the onset of Spring, these farmers were seized by terrible anxiety. They worried about how fertile their land would be and how plentiful their harvest. They knew that barley is the quickest fruit of the earth to ripen and is the most fertile. Thus barley was chosen as a test crop to see how productive the land would be. The wheat crop would not be ready until fifty days later. During those 49 anxious days, the farmers were ordered in the Torah to count each day. Today, in more traditional synagogues, a daily ritual for the counting of the Omer still takes place. In more liberal synagogues the custom has been abandoned as anachronistic. Still, as part of our tradition we need to ask ourselves, ?What meaning can this period of the Omer counting have for us urban, ?sophisticated? Jews whose livelihood no longer depends upon the soil? This period does have tremendous meaning when we consider it carefully. The counting of the Omer serves to connect us to two important events in Jewish history, Passover and Shavuot. Passover celebrates our liberation from Egyptian slavery, and Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to all Jews. Passover marks a moment in history in which we began our journey as a people. But we were still missing something important. Therefore, Shavuot marks that special moment that we came close to G-d by becoming a relisious people. TEMPLE BOARD JERRY GORDON...PRESIDENT ALAN MANN...VICE PRESIDENT, ADMINISTRATION STEPHEN J0SEPH...V.P. WAYS & MEANS LOIS D0CT0RS...V.P. MEMBERSHIP STEVEN WEISSMAN... V.P. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES DENISE SCHNITZER....V.P. EDUCATION JACK NITZKIN...TREASURER PAUL COHEN...TRUSTEE NADINE CRACRAFT...TRUSTEE ROGER EWAN...TRUSTEE DAVID GROSS...TRUSTEE DEBBIE LEVY...TRUSTEE JERRY POLIS...TRUSTEE STACEY YAHRAUS...TRUSTEE BOB UNGER...TRUSTEE RON WORTH-TRUSTEE HELEN ZLISER...SISTERHOOD LENNY GR0PMAN...BR0THERH00D RONAE FINK...GOLDEN CHAI JUDY KOLLINS...NTTY CAL LEWIS-PAST PRESIDENT EILEEN KOLLINS...PAST PRESIDENT KENNETH SCHNITZER...PAST PRESIDENT DR. DAVID WASSERMAN...PAST PRESIDENT DR. STEVE KOLLINS...PAST PRESIDENT MICHAEL CHERRY...PAST PRESIDENT LEO WILNER...ADVISOR JANIS ROUNDS...RECORDING SECRETARY RABBI SANFORD AKSELRAD...EX OFICIO CORRECTIONS Our ApoloqiES foR liAvinq OMimd tUe followiNq YaIirze/ts foR rliE Monrh ot April: Too many Jews stop at Passover. We relish the cultural aspects of Judaism, but we neglect the ?religious? aspects of our faith. We all know of ?gastronomic? Jews, ?cultural? Jews, and ?assimiliated? Jews. While a sense of Jewish identity is vitally important for us all, we must not forget that our goal is always to look forward to ?Shavuot??a time in which we embrace and celebrate the giving of our Torah. The ?Counting of the Omer? is a reminder that we must continually strive to connect with the religious aspects of our faith through study, ritual, prayer, and personal observance. B?shalom, Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi 4 GpeciAt Pfact Tv Nancy HeIene Huqbcs Sara/h SeIma AbRAMs IN THIS ISSUE CNT TIME ENDS page 3 MAY BAR MITZVAHS Page 7 MAY MILESTONES Pa?e 10 & 11? Congregation Ner Tamid 3 ? RABBI?S BIMA REQUEST It is a special privilege to be called to the Bima to participate in the Sabbath Service. At most Friday night services, congregants can participate in a special way by accepting honors to be proud of, such as lighting the Shabbat candles, opening and closing the doors of the Sacred Ark, dressing and undressing the Torah, and to have the Aliyah and bless the Torah. the Hebrew prayers, assistance is available. Contact Ronae and she will be pleased to help teach you all the appropriate blessings. Participate in Shabbat Services. If any congregant wishes to have such honors, contact Ronae Fink at 733-6292. If you are unfamiliar with SANDY ZISKROUT RUTH RACHEL!) ROSE DUNN SARA WEIL ARTHUR RACHILD MAX BLUMENFELD BARBARA SHULMAN ROSE SELTZER & PHIL SELTZER HELEN ZLISER TIM COOK DIANE BRADY NADINE CRACRAFT MAXINE MOLINSKY NATALIE BERGER JOE CRACRAFT ERIC POLIS ARTHUR BERGER ALAN BREWSTER PRESIDENT?S MESSAGE A CpeeiAt Place Jo &ebh$Congregation Ner Tamid 4 As you know, this month we will present the final concert in the ?Buffet of Jewish Music? series on Monday, May 9th at 7:00 p.m. The last program is entitled Broadway and Pop by Jewish Composers and will include many of your favorites from Rodgers and Hammerstein, Irving Berlin, Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim, and many more. I will also be featuring many of my favorites by Barbara Streisand. It is a rare opportunity for myself and the choir to share this exciting secular music with our temple family and the community. Following the program we will be serving delicious desserts and coffee. Join us for a wonderful evening of entertainment and delicacies. B?shalom Bella Feldman notes from the Cantor From the Administrator?s Desk As members of Congregation Ner Tamid we are about to experience one of the most exciting times in the twenty year histoiy of our temple...The building of a new Sanctuary! This event is the culmination of the efforts of many of our fellow congregants. However, the work is far from over. Much more needs to be done if we are to achieve all of our goals. All of us can help by just doing our part in very small ways. Keeping up with dues payments is one way to help. Another is to purchase SCRIP from the temple office. If you spend $100 a month at Vons, Smiths or Albertsons, you can help. (Script order form on page 17) Another small way to help is to use the Gift Shop for some of your needs. Finally, support the organizations that advertise in our buEetin. We support them and they support the temple. On Saturday, April 9th, the temple held it?s Fourth Annual Goods and Servies Auction. This event has become a much anticipated event on many calendars.. This year?s program allowed attendees to partake of a number of desserts as well as gourmet coffees. All the noshing was accompanied by a calypso band. As usual, the silent auction was lively with buyers jockeying for position to be the last number on the list. The live auction was spirited and handled expertly by our auctioneer, Eric Nelson. Special thanks go out to Joni Akselrad and Debbie Levy, the co-chair persons, without whose tireless efforts this event would not have been the success it was. Additional thanks to Jacky Rosen, Freed?s Bakery, Yvonne Gordon, ?Windjammer", Sandy Ewan, Audrey Mishalow, Jodi Berger, Nadine Cracraft, Ronae Fink, Marilyn Glovinsky, Maxine Gratz, Steve Joseph, Eva KaEick, Karen Kruger, Rita MaEtin, Jennifer Ohriner, Malka Rosenberg, Katherine Scott, Natalie Shaw, Carol Sussman,BROTHERHOOD, Golden Chai, SISTERHOOD, the temple staff and last but not least, Josh Rosenberg and Kevin Spoor (the runners) and CJ and Sam Akselrad (who helped Mom) and Jenna and Sarah Levy (for cutting and pasting). And let us not forget to thank the bidders, without you..... Finally, Rabbi Akselrad for his constant encouragement and patience, and for allowing his study to be turned into a warehouse. Burton Rosenberg emple Administrator MAIL BOX LETTERS April 4, 1994 Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89121 Dear Sandy: I had such a great time! I want to thank you for makeing me feel welcome... It is quite rare for me to visit a congregation and have everything run so smoothly. Everything flowed perfectly. The hospitality was genuine and loving. The concert was wonderful. I was especially moved by the beautiful singing of the adult and children?s choir. It is obvious to me that you are setting an example and a tone to which your congregants have responded in a very sensitive way. Kol Hakavod! I also have to tell you what a priviledge and a joy it was to work with Bella. What an exciting and talented pulpit your congregation has! Stay in Tune Douglas Cotier 22628 Erwin St. Woodland Hills, CA 91367 A Gpecint Pfaee Jo? Congregation Ner Tamid 5 * We invite you to share with the 3rd annual B?nai Mitzvah class, SIMCHA, as they are called to the Torah on June 11th at 10 a.m. We hope to see you all there to share this special ocassion. Lois Doctors Janet Evans Gilbert Flores Sheila Kaufman Erik Levin Rona Mendelson Maxine Molinsky Rickie Orzen Freema Robbins Linda Schnitzer Natalie Shaw Nancy Silber r Tot Shabbat May 7th at 10:00 a.m. is Tot Shabbat time! Tot Shabbat is a special Shabbat morning religious program geared especially for tiny tots, 3-6 years of age and their siblings. Rabbi Akselrad and Bella Feldman will conduct a wonderfully exciting Saturday experience. The theme for our next Tott Shabbat is ShavuoL Mark your calendars now. Return the form below or come by the temple office to make your reservation. Give your children a full-filled and meaningful morning. NAME ADDRESS. PHONE TINY TOTS NAME We plan to attend May 7th Yes___ No_ INTERPRETIVE SERVICES NOW AVAILABLE AT CNT SABBATH WORSHIP SERVICES On a monthly basis, starting on May 13th, CNT will provide a certified Interpreter for the Deaf at the Sabbath evening Worship Services. In an attempt to reach out to members of our congregation and the general community who are deaf or hearing-impaired, this experimental program will be offered for the next 6 months. Interpretive services will be offered the second Sabbath of each month. Sharon Katzman, a graduate of Gallaudet University, will interpret. Sharon has a Masters degree in Deaf Education. For more information, contact Sharon Katzman 458-6199 days, or Lucille (evenings only) at 222-9699 (tdd). We, the 1994 confirmation class of Congregation Ner Tamid invite you to share with us a special day in our lives ^ Please join us in worship at Shabbat Services on Friday, May 20,1994 at 7:30 p.m Congregation Ner Tamid 1994 CONFIRMATION CLASS RONN BERGER DANIEL CHENIN JEFFREY GORDON JENNIFER KATZ SHAYNA KATZ LISA PLATT ABBIE SPOOR JOSEPH UNGER A CpeeiAt Pfaee 7o '? X ? > X "? 6 Congregation Ner Tamid 4 KEVIN WALTON MAY 6TH BAR MITZVAH DAVID SCHOMAKER MAY 21ST BAR MITZVAH Bar Mitzvah Hi! My name is Kevin Walton. I?m in the 7th grade at Thurman White Middle School. When I?m not doing homework or Hebrew, I enjoy soccer, tumbling, roller?blading, and of course, Nintendo. Family members from Colorado, California, Connecticut and Canada will be celebrating my Bar Mitzvah with me on May 6th. I hope the congregation will also join in my happy occasion. Hi! My name is David Schomaker and I am becoming a Bar Mitzvah on May 21st. I am lucky because it is my actual birthday. Thirteen years ago on this date, I was bom in Panama City, Panama. If we were still there, my Bar Mitzvah would be on a Thursday. I?m glad we are in Las Vegas. I attend James Cashman Middle School. After school, I enjoy playing sports, such as soccer and Little League baseball. This year I am also umpiring games of younger kids. Among my other interests are Boy Scouts, collecting comic books, and mountain biking. I am looking forward to my Bar Mitzvah where I will have family and friends coming from the East Coast and the West Coast. A SpeciAl 'ALmi To* Congregation Ner Tamid FRIDAY, MAY 13TH, 12:15 P.M. -1:15 P.M. ALL STUDENTS WHO REACHED THE REQUIREMENTS OF ATTENDANCE AND THEIR PARENTS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE SHABBAT AWARD SERVICE. K-5TH GRADE - 9 REQUIRED SHABBATS 6-9TH GRADE -12 REQUIRED SHABBATS PIZZA PARTY TO BE HELD IMMEDIATELY AFTER SCHOOL. WE WILL AWARD THE SUPER SHABBAT ATTENDANCE PRIZE FOR 18 OR MORE AND AND THE GRAND PRIZE! EDUCATIONAL CORNER LIVING VOICES - AN AMAZING PROGRAM OF A CHILD?S VIEW OF THE HOLOCAUST WELL TAKE PLACE AT 7:00 P.M. ON THURSDAY, MAY 12TH. OUR STUDENTS, CNT MEMBERS, CLARK COUNTY HISTORY TEACHERS AND HEBREW HIGH ARE INVITED TO THE LIMITED SEATING PROGRAM During the month of May, our CNT preschoolers will be busy preparing for preschool graduation. Our celebration will take place on June 3rd and promises to be a very special day for the children, parents and staff. This has been a wonderful and productive year for our preschool. We have truly had a great group of children and parents and will miss those who are leaving us. In addition we would like to thank Rabbi Akselrad, Bella, Ronae, and Joe Fink for the time they have devoted to our preschool. We are currently accepting registration for both our summer and fall programs. We are offering a six-week summer program which lasts from June 27th through August 5th. Our fall program will begin on August 29, 1994 and end on June 2, 1995. Parents will have the option of sending their child for three or five days per week. Our program is child-centered and includes many age-appropriate activities. Music, art, movement activities, Judaica, reading and math readiness; and of course, play, are a part of our curriculum. We believe that children leam through play, and it is essential to any successful preschool program. Please call Dotty Gross at 733-6292 for more information regarding the preschool. We wish everyone a terrific summer and a special congratulations to our ?graduates . Shalom, Dotty, Leah and AnnetteTNT NEWS On April 17th we had our April event. Everyone had a great time bowling! On April 29th we had our big TNT weekend. Friday night we went to temple, then had our sleepover. at the Spoors?. On Saturday, we had our last TNT event which was a farewell lunch at Hard Rock Cafe. We had a great year! Thank you to everyone! I would like to thank Sheryl Chenin Webb and Debbie Karasik for their help, time and support. 1 would also like to thank Lindsey Bemy, Vice-President, Aimee Worth, Secretary, Kevin Spoor, Historian and Scott Gordon, Sergeant of Arms. Thanks for your help, time, and support. Jolie Alhadeff, President Congregation Ner Tamid Congregation Ner Tamid Maccabia Reminder ft 8L eg, % eg, ? Sunday, May 22nd, from 10:00 a.m. to 1;00 p.m.. Please come to Paradise Park Remember: This is the last day of Sunday School. We are asking each family to bring one of the following with enough for 18 people Grade: K-l Side Dishes/Salad 2-3 Desserts 4-5 Sodas Congregation Ner Tamid is providing hot dogs, chips, papergoods and condiments. Remember, you may preregister for Religious School on this day, so bring your forms. % \ \ % ft it eg A. eg, ? V % ft it m, m, ft v is, % ti m fit % Map to Paradise Park it. eg ft, t, ft, 5, t* H % % % ? ft fc *t* fete p % ft % p ft fe % % % CNT NEEDS TEACHERS Congregation Ner Tamid is now accepting applications for Religious and Hebrew School Teachers for the fall. If interested, please contact Jackie Fleekop at 369-8633 The Campership fundraising is now over. We thank all of you for your help and contributions. We raised $1800. All of the students who completed all of their Mitzvahs will be awarded money to go to camp. They will be mentioned in next month?s bulletin before they go to their Jewish camps for the summer. We thank them all for taking the time and participating in this program. Melissa Glovinsky Campership Chairperson? Congregation Ner Tamid 9 4 ?Challenging Perional Growth ?Magnificent Sights of Ancient and Modern Israel ?Jewish Pride and Self Esteem ?Superior Programs Designed Specially for Reform Jewish Youth ?Great Fun and Friendship For more information NFTY in Israel contact: PO Box 443 Your Rabbi. Warwick, NY 10990 f914J 987-6300 COMMITTEES & AUXILIARIES SISTERHOOD NEWS GOLDEN CHAI Sometimes things just don?t go right. Such was the case with our attempt to stage a talent show in April. It was impossible to get a piano accompanist in time to have enough rehearsals; so regrettably we had to cancel. Better luck next year! Thanks to the efforts of Eileen Kollins, our Religious Activites Chairperson, the Sisterhood Shabbat service went very well. We also thank Rita Malkin and Frances Klamian for the lovely Oneg. May marks the 2nd of our 3 major Festivals. Just after Pesach (50 days), we celebrate ShavuoL It was 3,306 years ago the Torah was given to us on ML Sinai and Moses walked the L?d into our lives. This was more than just a piece of history! This marked our Covenant with G-d! The Torah changed our world then and is still capable of changing our world today. Be sure to remember our May 26th general meeting. We will have the election ofojficers and a beautiful musical program featuring Frances Klamian, Program V.P. and a talented Temple group. Husbands are also invited to this very special evening. The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. The Torah governs our daily life, it is a ?blueprint?, a guide for our behavior, our morals and our relationship with civilization. At this time, ShavuoL it is customary to decorate our homes and synagogues with fruits and flowers. To fill the air with the scent of creation. On June 5th we will hold our annual Donor Luncheon and Installation of Officers. Also our Great Lady Award will be presented. This year it will be at the Las Vegas Country Club. To refresh your memory, if you have earned your $75 in donor credit, there is no charge. For an additional $75 in donor credit, you may bring a guest who is not a Sisterhood member. Now if we could just practice what is written, we could redecorate ourselves and our covenant with G-d. Our world would be secure and our lives peaceful; and our hearts filled with the scent of the All Mighty. For more information you may contact Ronae Fink, Donor Chairperson. I hope to see veiy many of you there. Love & Shalom, Shalom, Ronae Fink President Golden Chai Helen Zliser, President A Special Pfau To fctbh$? 10 Congregation Ner Tamid 4 ! MAY MILESTONES CNT MEMBER BIRTHDAYS May 1st Joseph Goldstein Anita Posin David Rounds Jack Zimler May 5th Lori Harbach Mitch Ludwig Carol Naiman Howard Zlotnick May 6th Harold Ober Lindsey Ober May 7th Harvey Eisner Alan Kerner Morton Orzen Natalie Sperberg May 8th Sidney Boruszak Arlyse Scheinbaum May 9th Susan Moss Lynn Schuchmann May 10th Nicole Ruvo Lawrence Sasso Nina Tiep May 11th Cara Buchanan Janet Buchanan David Diamond Jeffrey Fine Nikos Gousdovas David Schwimmer Justin Shiroff May 12th Alan Miller May 13th Joseph Chenin Daniel Fuchs Amy Gold May 14th Paul Cohen Douglas Kern Bradley Silverstein May 15th Kevin Walton Robert Worth May 16th Linda Schnitzer May 17th Sylvia Frank Sharon Gordon Zachary Grobstein Joshua Kern Jeremy Kohnen Michael Novick Frederic Siegel May 18th Ida Aberman Madeline Adler Eric Glyman Alexandra Gust Eugene Kirshbaum Rob Perlin May 19th Michael Berman Kimberly Cohen Diane Lovelock May 20th Roberts Boyers Karen Kugler Lauren Ober Rene Raynes May 21st Joni Akselrad Dana Benedict David Schomaker May 22nd Hope Cummins Joanne Goldberg May 23rd Richard Berger May 24th Lauren Boyers May 25th Donald Eisner Brian Frankl Rachael Rowland May 26th Barry Cole Garianne Farrish Jodi Goodheart Daniel Unger May 27th Shannon Black Mitchell Cohen Ryan Goldhammer Jack Nitzkin Jerome Ziarko May 28th Sarah Buchanan Leo Diamond May 29th Joseph Cohn Carol Treat May 30th Scott Fischman May 31st Adam Blitstein Harry Bycel Gerald Davis Joel Fischman Abe Levine Shayna Katz Alyssa Robbins Scott Robbins Elizabeth Waters 4 Gpeciat Pfaee T?? Congregation Ner Tamid 11 ? MAY MILESTONES WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES May 1 Joan & Gary Zimmerman 2 Bonnie & Michael Laily 2 Maris & Ron Saccavino 3 Laura & Norm Pena 8 Jane & Richard Seda 9 Elinore & Morton Livenston 13 Debra & Lee Zechter 14 Jane & Jeff Gale 17 Sandi & Steven Fried 18 Ileen & Randy Spoor 19 Gillian & Michael Wells 20 Marilyn & Lewis Etcoff 22 Carol & Frederick Treat 23 Rose & Phil Seltzer 24 Ellen & Jerry Keating 25 Pamela & Gary Goldberg 27 Belle & David Greenspun 27 Deborah & Howard Perlman 31 Gloria & Mark Fine Celebrate our ?Simcha? Please join us at Shabbat Evening Services Friday, May 13,1994 As we celebrate the engagement of Melissa Glovinsky and Chris Roth Marilyn Glovinsky Dr. Marv Glovinsky ARE YOU SINGLE? A group for Jewish singles by the name of NER TAMID JEWISH SINGLES was recently formed. The group is for singles over age 45 and will have once a month social/educational functions. Officers elected are President, Stan Herman, Vice-President, Margo Anastasio, Secretary, Jan Berman, Treasurer, Barry Roberts, Entertainment Chairman, Jan Berman and Publicity-Liaison person, Barbara Shulman. The group will meet at Congregation Ner Tamid on May 9th to attend the ?Buffet of Jewish Music?. For information on membership and attending of events phone 242-5315 or 732-2860. Two New Jewish Networks Started No, it?s not the newest station on cable nor the latest thing in video dating. It is the newest group organized to offer Jewish singles in Las Vegas opportunities to make new friends and have some fun. More than twenty people gathered at a meeting sponsored by Congregation Ner Tamid to address the need for more activities involving Jewish singles and discuss the formaton of a new Jewish singles group. The lively participants had a lot of ideas about activities, both social and community oriented, to bring together Jewish singles from all over the valley. The group, JSN or Jewish Singles Network, looks forward to a full calendar of events and many fun times together. JSN welcomes all Jewish singles, forty-ish and under to participate. For more information please contact Jay Poster at 247-8715. CALL 897-7990 Hot Line THE JSN HOTLINE FOR EVENT INFORMATION.? 12 Congregation Ner Tamid ? /v w TRIBUTES w Rabbi s Discretionary Fund To Rita Malkin With sincere condolences over the loss of Sophie Jeffrey V. Katz To Natalie, Rona, Shelia & Freema The Afikomen Reward in honor of the Bat Mitzvah Girls Gil Shaw Library Fund In loving memory of son, Neil Gordon The Brad Rothermel Family Preschool Fund To Gil Shaw In loving memory of Harriet Gobus Jeanette LaMoutte To let you know, you may be out of sight, but never out of mind. May you have a Refuah Shleymah Love, Shirley Kravitz Cantor s Discretionary Fund Get well soon. We miss you. Linda & Kenny Schnitzer In loving memory of Howard Landun Choir Fund Sincerely, To Bella Feldman The Gratz Family Thank you for performing our To Gil Shaw To Rabbi Akselrad wedding ceremony Nancy & Jack Weedin Wishing you a very speedy Thank you for your concern, recovery. Nadine & Joe Cracraft Noreen Sternberg To Gil Shaw To Rabbi Akselrad Dear Gil, Wishing you a speedy recovery. Passouer Hayyadahs Thank you for performing our Jeff Katz wedding ceremony To Mrs. Ruth Shulman Nancy & Jack Weedin To Bella, In honor of your 80th birthday Thank you, Bella, for everything Love, For a needy family at Passover you did for the Junior Choir. Janis, Drew & The Kids Bernice & Charles Etcoff Marcie Goldstein & Family Tree CertiFicates To Rabbi Akselrad Helen Zliser Prayer Book Fund To Dr. & Mrs. J. Post Dear Gil, Get well soon. A speedy recovery. To Lois & Malcolm Doctors Mazel Tov on the birth of your grandchild. On the birth of daughter, Anna Grace Post Stephen A. Kollins, M.D. Love, Lorelei Wojnicz Nadine & Joe Cracraft To Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harris In loving memory of beloved son, Eric Roz & Shel Sbarra A Gpecfat Place Tfr* Congregation Ner Tamid 13 ? & TRIBUTES ? - ............................... General Fund To Gil Shaw Dear Gil, Stay well as Trivia is tough without you. Our love, Carol & Norman Sussman To May & Nat Raichelle Mazel Tov on your 50th wedding anniversary. Many more happy, and healthy years. Rita Rosenberg To Maxine Gratz Thank you for your kindness and Mazel Tov on Andy?s accomplishments. Natalie & Gil Shaw To the Grisar Family In loving memory of your beloved father. The Diamond Family, Marni, David & Michele To Dr. Gary Mono In loving memory of your Grandmother. Judi & Abby Wikler & Family To Dr. Gary Mono In loving memory of your Grandmother. Jackie & David Wikler & Family To Mr. Marvin Frank Happy Special Birthday! Judi & Abby Wikler & Family In Loving Memory of Penny Sheer Gloria & Farley Sheer To Sophie, Our hopes, prayers are with you. Get well soon. Shirley & Art Geller To the Gordon Family In loving memory of Joe Gordon. Portnoff Family Kugler/Ludwig Family To Noreen Sternberg Glad you ?re on the mend. Rona & David Mendelson To Mel Schrager Wishing you a speedy recovery. Rona & David Mendelson To Gil Shaw Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope you ?re back on your feet real soon. Helen Mendelson To Harry Massey Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope you ?re back on your feet real soon. Helen Mendelson Santduart] Fund To Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Kaplan Happy Anniversary. We wish you many more years of loving anniversaries. Joyce & Alfred Karchem A donation has been made by Roz & Shel Sbarra To Gil Shaw Stay Well Phyllis & Cal Lewis Thanks for my good fortune at the Goods & Services Auction. Natalie Shaw To Sharlene Flushman In loving memory of Uncle Linda, Ken, Larry & Allison Schnitzer To Sharlene & George Flushman In loving memory of Uncle Rona & David Mendelson To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie Pisetsky Lil & Don Eisner To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie Pisetsky. Rose & Phil Seltzer A ZpeciAt PtAee TV? 14 Congregation Ner Tamid ? # TRIBUTES & SANCTUARY FUND (continued) To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of sister, Sophie Pisetsky. ?ABG?HAVURAH Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fink Mr. & Mrs. A. Rachild Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. I. Sherman Mr. Lou Friedman In loving memory of Sophie Pisetsky Natalie & Gil Shaw To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie. Phyllis & Cal Lewis To Rita Malkin & Family Our sincerest condolences on the loss of your sister and friend, Sophie. Carol & Norma Sussman To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of your sister, Sophie Pisetsky. Sylvia Frank To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie. Ida Aberman To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie. Ida R. Kaufman To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie Pisetsky Shirley & Hank Marcuse To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie Pisetsky. Shirley Kravitz To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie Pisetsky. Hortense Alper To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie Pisetsky. Irene, Rudy & Marcy Gold To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie Pisetsky. Maxine, Steve & Andy Gratz To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie Pisetsky. Golden Chai To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie Pisetsky. Lorelei Wojnicz To Rita Malkin & Family In loving memory of Sophie Pisetsky. Rona & David Mendelson 4 Gpecifit ?(??? Tfr i$ IN MEMORIUM BETTY BUDOFF Beloved Great Aunt of Jay Poster JOSEPH GORDON Beloved Father of Ray Gordon SOPHIE PISETSKY Beloved sister of Rita Malkinr Sisterhood Tributes To Mrs. Sheila Alperstein In loving memory of your mother, Libby. From Sandy Ziskraut To Rita Malkin and Francis Klamian ?Thank you? for all the work you did for the Purim Carnival. From Helen Zliser To A1 Brownstein & Family In loving memory of wife, and mother, Sylvia. From Libby and Morris Raynes In loving memory of my Uncle Barney Wentraub From Libby and Morris Raynes? Congregation Ner Tamid 15 ? A Gpecfat Pt^ee To? 16 Congregation Ner Tamid ? May 6,1994 Ida Starr Sidney Warren Herman Bulavsky Rose Grobel Gary Kugler Delia Stearns Eli Bittner Hiram Lewis MaeLiebert Max Waxier Lucille Goldstein Sarah Shachter Murry Spiegel Robert Worth Shirley Richardson Justin Hochman Jack Davidson Louis Shulman Brian Fox Gussie Wender Frieda Zabinofsky Hden Nass Maurice Rachild YAHRZEITS May 13,1994 Esther Coira Bessie Kreisman Samuel Biennan Louis Giordano Hannah Silverstein Milton Wasserman Trade Hirshorn Louis Robin Jerry Best Betty Wexler Jeanette Rostov May 20,1994 Yetta Goldberg Abraham Schwartz Joseph Persion Saul Miller Abraham Goldstein Sylvia Lane Sidney May Celia Zimmerman Jacob Newman Harry Klemow Mollie Brownstone Alex Adler Davis Steams Jack LeBow Frieda Zabinofsky Abraham Buf&nan Jacqueline Mandel Frances Rostov Michael Gould Morris Aronoff Samuel Freedman Bessie Chaiken Sarah Kravitz I A?na Cohen LenaAksdrad Ida Grossman May 27,1994 SamudBossak Bessie Grower Phillip Rosen Andrew Jackson Ada Dorf man David Eisenberg Kathe Silberstdn Samuel Kishner Abbey Jane Kravitz William Weintraub Bertha Martin Paul Meltzer Jacob Dunn Dorothy Mittleman Lillian Dockswell Rachel Flgelski Samuel Newman Joseph Molinsky A ZpeciAt 'Abet To feefr*?$4 Congregation Ner Tamid 17 ? NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY & ZIP: STUDENTS NAME: CHECK ONE: TEACHER: Send home with student Will pick-up on Sunday at $crip Table Will pick up at __________________ meeting I will be attending Mail to above address Denomination Albertsons Smith1s Vons Total $5.00 $10.00 $20.00 Grand Total 1 _1 CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE AND ENCLOSE IN ENVELOPE WITH TOUR CHECK Make check payable to: congregatxon ner tamid Check No. ____________ A NEW ORDER FORM & ENVELOPE WILL BE ENCLOSED WITH YOUR SCRIP ORDER. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF CONGREGATION NER TAMID.? 18 Congregation Ner Tamid ? HOURS BY APPOINTMENT (702) 454-4338 DR. MARK A. RUBINSTEIN, D C. Southwest Chiropractic 4680 S. Eastern Ave. Las Vegas. Nevada 89119 YOUR AD OR YOUR BUSINESS CARD WOULD LOOK GREAT IN TfflS SPACE! COf'FECTION CONNECTION, INC. Candies, Nuts and SPECIALIZING IN GIFT PACKAGES 2867 Green Valley Parkway Henderson. NV 89014 (702)456-9020 COINFECTION connection The Prudential Southwest Realty 3110 S. Valley View Btvd. Suite 104 Las Vegas. NV 89102 Bus. (702) 871-1444 Fax (702)367-4246 Res. (702) 458-3474 Pager 381-7624 & RYAN PRETNER REALTOR* tit ill?g n independently Owned end Operated Member o? The Prudential Reel Eaieie Att-ueiei C R OWN REAL ESTATE Brentwood Photo Studio ? Bar l Bat Mltzvhs ? Part** li/--i-*r----- ? IrtHURyi Professional Photography and Videos 386-0506 3863 S. Valley View Bird., Ste. 6 Memorial Estate Plans, Inc. (702) 382-0060 JAY H. POSTER Pre-Arrangement Counselor 1325 NO. MAIN STREET. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89101 RES: (702) 254-81 IS OF GREEN VALLEY NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER Linda Gelinger Administrator 100 Cosada Delmar Drive (702) 361-6111 Fax Jbl-2508 A Delmar Cudeni' tnltrpritr Henderson, Nevada 89014 (702)?7MBt1 JEFF HEIT PLUMBING CO. Sue CcwkWi l.lrw?fto-Tow 2730 ErSiwnd SL Luvygw. wae?02 VERTICALS "MINIBUNDS "WOODS "DUET TE -SHADES ? DRAPERY BEAST-WEST BUND & DRAPERY COMPANY frame tlvutd