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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT SP E C IA L RATE FOR PRIVATE AUTOMATIC F IR E SPRIN KLER S E R V IC E ; 1± inch connection, per month 6 inch connection, per month 8 inch connection, per month $ U.oo 1 6 .0 0 * 8.oo m Each inch or under inside hose connection, per month Each 2 inch inside hose connection, per month .50 .75 If not otherwise provided for, each private fire hydrant owned and attached by the consumer to aprivate automatic fire sprinkler service shall be charged for monthly at the same rate as charged for a municipal fire hydrant. The above rates are applicable only to private automatic fire ' sprinkler service to which no connections for other than fire protection purposes are allowed and which are regularly inspected by the under­writers having jurisdiction, are installed according to specifications of the company, and are maintained to the satisfaction of said company. The company may install the standard detector type meter approved by the Board of Underwriters for protection against theft, leakage or waste of water. If a distribution main of adequate size to serve a private automatic fire extinguishing system in addition to all other normal service does not exist in the street or alley adjacent to the premises to be served, then a service main from the nearest existing main of adequate capacity shall be installed at the cost of the Applicant.. For water delivered, based on monthly meter readings, "General Use" charges shall apply. Charges now in effect.