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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, April 30, 19^3 Mr. J* P. Maekt Mr* J* M* Anderson advises that he will start installation of the pumps in Wells % J and 10 next Monday, May 3rd, and that Mr* Hleholson, Installation Engineer of the Byron-Jaokson Pump Company will he on hand to supervise the installation* However, 1 understand the derrick on Well Ho* 8 has not yet been moved to Well Ho* 10* fhis should he done as soon as possible so as not to dtlay Cleaning out o f Well Ho* 10 and installing the pump in it* Also, 1 understand repairs have not been made to the weirs. Will you please rush all this work, as warm weather is now approaching and our walls and water faelllties should be placed in the best possible condition* H* L. Adamson a/q VV M i APR I! 1943