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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    42*OC SM 0-6<3 TO; general telephone directory company 1775 Ximeno Ave. 1-ong Beach, California , 90815 BILL NO. 48102 r Cole, Usher & Rogov, InCa 8920 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, California 90211 m V-J: U date Pay 29, 1970 L Nqtional Yeilow Pages Service per the attached Billing Invoices for THE SANDS HOTEL. Marin Co., Calif. Sar Mateo, Calif. Less 15$ Agency Comm, m .234.00 m.oo / 543.00 V _ 81.45 if. 461.55 V ecretary - treasurer distribution general telephone directory company 1775 XIMENO AVE. LONG BEACH. CALIFORNIA 908 1 5 i S 5-29-70 bill no. 48102 H $ 461.SS AMOUNT^ f A A NAME Dole, Fisher- ?· Rogov Tr^ -BfigerOy Hin?╜ pouf -THB-jSANDS__HQTEL. % i I t PLEA5?· DETACH THIS STUB AN CM ?Σ≤,s STUB AND FORWARO^TlT^VAY?╜rn pittance and we need IT ENT,n?·S S