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Holocaust Education Committee letters and meeting minutes, document 13



Holocaust Education Meeting minutes for June 04, 1980.

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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    HOLOCAUST EDUCATION MEETING Wednesday, June 4,1980 At the request of Edythe Katz, a luncheon meeting was held on the ~bove date at the Jewish Federation office with the following people: Terry Manninrr Director, Secondary Education, CCSD Rosemary Clarke - State Board of Education Jim Bean - Nev. Department of Education, Carson City Greer Gladstone - Education Dept., Nev. Dept. of Education, Carson City Edythe Katz Mimi Katz Jerry Countess- Jewish Federation The following are some suggestions and connnents as a result of a Nevada delegation attending the "Holocaust Conference" in Los Angeles this past April: 1. A Resource Center should be established to house all types of materials -- films, tapes, books, displays -- dealing with the Holocaust. Though the North 9th Street building was suggested, it was felt that the Jewish Federation office was more centrally located. Jerry Countess said that the Connnunity Board room would be: available~. and it would be up to all the various Districts to make their people aware of this Center. Edythe Katz will work with Debbie Bach, ADL in Los Angeles, regarding the various displays, literature etc. for this Center. Terry Manion mentioned one particular tape she felt necessary to have .??? "An Interview with a Young Nazi Party Leader". She also felt it would be less expensive to buy the pertinent films than to make copies. 2. Tl1e L;:1.s Vegas contingent felt it necessary to have a further in-service training conference .??? especially for all history teachers and those teaching related subjects. Representatives from the North would be invited to sit in. 3. A very important concern would be to get the teachers willing to teach the subject of the Holocaust .... and stress the importance of the Resource Center as a source of material for reference. 4. Funding for any such projects would be a problem ... Edythe K. said we'd have to initiate some type of campaign to raise the necessary money .?. The School District has their own money problems ... Terry Manion will check with Jim Lefevre at the Schtiol Distr~ct '--- about monies available in the Teachers Education Center. 2. 5. Consensus of opinion: a special training conference should be held sometime mid November (before Thanksgiving) .... Terry Mannion would check this out with Augi Orsi of the CCSD, and also look into the possibility of using the Convention Center. Edythe K. will check out the hotel availability. 6. Jim Bean exp~essed concern to get the rest of the State interested in this Holocaust program and Center .... felt they needed special in-put for their study courses. He would like his people up North to participate in any training service available to the Las Vegas people. 7. Re Conferer1ce: with approx. 100-120 9th & 10th grade teachers the cost for a 2 hr. in-service training session could run almost $3,000. Hopefully, it was felt that the State Bd. of Education could assist with the finances. 8. With personnel from the North attending, there could be as many as 150 to 160 people in attendance. 9. A full day's conference was suggested with the hours being: Sessions from 3 - 5 p.m. Dinner Sessions 7 - 9 p.m. This would include "breakdown" sessions, films,dinner with some survivors from the Holocaust. 10. Invitees to conference should also include: Department Chairmen of small Northern counties, Professors at UNLV as observers. 11. Jim Bean and Terry Mannion would like to get the Dept. Chairmen together late in August to discuss the possibility of this type of Conference ...?.? they ~ould be used as group leaders at the sessions. 12. Edythe Katz stressed this is to be an Educators project to get this study into the School system. She will arrange a special call to Debbie Bach with Terry Mannion and Augi Orsi regarding the planning of this program. 13. Edythe K. will also arrange with Debbie Bach to get the "survivors" to attend this November conference. 3. 14. Jim Bean suggested that Greer Gladstone would be the person from the Carson City area working closely with Mimi Katz from the Federation on this program. 15. Greer G. said she thought either Mervyns or Gemco had some t ype of Education Grants where money might be available. 16. Jim Bean also suggested contacting Bob Hirsch, Nev. State Bd. of Education, 385-5277. He's responsible for disbursing educational materials to all areas of the State. He probably would be helpful regarding our proposed Resource Center.