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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 1989



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    ?A SPECIAL PLACE TO BELONG" 2751 Emerson Ave., LV. NV 89121 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Rita Moses, Executive Director 733-6292 Kenneth J. Schnitzer, President Shirley Gellin, Bulletin Editor Sandra Cohen, School Principal March 1989 ? Adar I - Adar II 5749 Schedule of Services Friday, March 3 TNT Dinner 6:00 P.M. Services conducted by Rabbi Akselrad 8:00 P.M. Adult Choir will lead us in song. Oneg sponsored by Linda Schnitzer in honor of Kenneth Schnitzer's 40th Birthday and Freda Zabinofsky?s Birthday. Friday, March 10 Kindergarten Shabbat Dinner 6:15 P.M. Youth Choir will lead us in song. Services conducted by Rabbi Akselrad 7:30 P.M. Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood. Friday, March 17 Purim Family Services conducted by Rabbi Akselrad 7:30 P.M. Children are asked to come in costume! Friday, March 24 Services conducted by Rabbi Akselrad 8:00 P.M. Adult Choir will perform. Oneg sponsored by Hadassah Friday, March 31 Services conducted by Rabbi Akselrad 8:00 P.M. Oneg sponsored by Etcoff Family in honor of Granddaughter. Note special service schedule, early family services will start at 7:30 on March 10th and 17th. Rabbi?s Message The beginning of January ushered in the annual con?ference for the Pacific Area of Reform Rabbis (PARR). The theme of this year's conference was presented by Dr. Walter Jacob, Rabbi of Congregation Rodef Shalom in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Dr. Jacob is one of the leading authorities in the fascinating area of responsa literature, and serves as the current chairman of the Central Conference of American Rabbi's responsa com?mittee. Responsa are authorative answers to actual questions that various individuals and/or Congregations have asked, and have served as a major guiding force in shaping Jewish observance through the centuries. Dr. Jacob's task was to chronicle the history of Reform responsa. Though his discussion is too detailed (to outline in this column, what is fascinating to note is that over the past 100 years, literally hundreds of ques?tions have been asked of the responsa committee cover?ing almost every area conceivable from dealing with mixed marriages ? to rites of passage ? to recent developments in medical technology. The answers to the questions, and indeed the ques?tions themselves provide a fascinating look at the challenges that our movement has faced as it has sought to deal with modernity and what being Jewish means in America. A closer look at this body of literature will be the subject of my next ?Meal and a Shpiel" on Saturday, March 4th at 10:00 a.m. B' Shalom, Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Save March 19th, 4-8 p.m. for our FIRST ANNUAL PURIM CARNIVALV. ?Mixed Marriages ? Mixed Blessings? On March 9th at 7:30 p.m. at the Temple, Rabbi Akselrad will act as Facilitator during a discussion period following the showing of the film ?INTERMARRIAGE: WHEN LOVE MEETS TRADITION.? Intermarriage: When Love Meets Tradition is a film for everyone who has ever shared a relationship with someone of another faith. This new documentary focuses on five young couples who want to build successful marriages and families. Each couple has one Jewish and one Christian partner. Each wants to make their in?terfaith relationship work. Yet each faces common problems of acceptance and adaption. This penetrating film examines these problems along with the challenges of love, marriage and raising children in an interfaith relationship. All the couples are struggling with their differences and must examine their com?mitment to each other and to their respective religions. The couples speak openly about their concerns and the conflicts they face. Through them, the film raises specific questions concerning the religious upbringing of children, observance of tradition and holidays, spiritual harmony in the home and family acceptance. Come One! Come All! This program, sponsored by Sisterhood, is open to all men, women and older teens. This is a good time to have many of your questions answered. Choir News New Members Morris & Libby Raynes Herman & Trudy Schneider Mike & Leslie Schuminsky Charles & Ellerie Cleveland Welcome On Friday, March 3rd, our Congregation Choir, under the new leadership of Hallee Wash, will join the Rabbi and lead the Congregation in Sabbath prayer. The members of the choir have been diligently working with Hallee to put forth a per?formance that the Congregants have come to ex?pect. They will not be disappointed. The Temple is now scheduling Bar Mitzvah dates for 1990. All those who are to be Bar Mitzvahed during 1990, please call the Rabbi to schedule your date as soon as possible. On Friday, March 10th, the Youth Choir under the direction of Rochelle David, will per?form. They have been working very hard and will sing at Sabbath services on these dates.REEMBRACE AN ANCIENT JEWISH TRADITION AND HELP THE POOR AT THE SAME TIME The leaders of the Reform Movement are urging all congregants, in the days prior to this upcoming Pesach, to participate in the tradition of "Bedikat- Chamets" searching for chamets (leaven) and removing it from our houses. There is, however, a Reform twist to this ancient ritual - to donate the forbidden food stuffs to those who are hungry. This modern search for chamets is not only in response to Jewish law, but is a manifestation of our Movement's profound respect for human life. Reembracing this ancient commandment will give new meaning to the ritual by transforming it into an opportunity to feed the hungry. As you know, the number of homeless people in America today, now estimated between 2 and 3 jMllion, is greater than at any time since the ?pression. Over 32 million Americans live below the poverty line. This includes, 12% of all Americans age 65 and over, 25% of all children under age six, 40% of all Hispanic children under age six, and 50% of all Black children under age six. Recent studies indicate that over 20 million Americans suffer from hunger of severe malnutri?tion. Jewish Community Lecture Series a/ "An Evening of International Jewish Folk Songs" Ladino, Yemenite, Yiddish, Hebrew, and Russian melodies and rhythms are woven to create an enchanting program of Jewish folk music, Sunday, March 26, at 7:30 p.m. Congregation Ner Tamid is this year's facili?ty host. Community-spirited individuals, organizations and four congregations bring this cultural evening to the general public at no charge. The 7th Annual Jewish Community Lec?ture Series has programmed this musical treat by bringing together three distinctive voices with Cindy Paley - songleader, per?former and producer - joined by Ann Brown, Amy Helperin Krivis and Uri Ophir, their music arranger-accompanist to make the ensemble. Their vocal harmonies and in?strumentation feature both new and tradi?tional arrangements that span the many languages reflected in Jewish culture. We are assured a memorable evening! Here is an opportunity to help feed the poor in a uniquely Jewish way! Congregants interested in participating can receive guidelines from the temple office, bring their chamets to the temple, and send their name and address to the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, 2027 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20036, for special mention in the next edition of the national Reform Movement?s magazine, Reform Judaism. ?Meal & a Shpiel? Responsa Literature, the subject of the PARR Convention in January will be commented upon and discussed at the next "Meal & a Shpiel" on Saturday, March 4th at 10:00 a.m. Come par?ticipate and enjoy the light breakfast served in the library. No reservations are required. Subsequent programs will be on April 1st and May 13th. The members of Congregation Ner Tamid are bowling with the members of Las Vegas Lodge No. 11 Knights of Pythias. Both men and women are in?vited. For more information call Jerry Cohen at 363-4669 or Rita Moses at the Temple office.r A Traditional Passover Seder Congregation Ner Tamid will be having a traditional seder at the Temple, 2761 Emersog Avenue, on Wednesday night, April^-gC'1989 at 6:15 p.m. Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad will conduct the seder. The following will be served: Traditional Seder Plate ? Matzos ? Wine Gefilte Fish ? Chicken Soup with Matzo Balls Brisket & Chicken ? Po^$^%jgel ? Carrot Tzimmes Dessert ? Coffee ? Tea Charge to Members: Adults $30.00 Children 5 to 12 $ 15.00 ? Ufidor 5?We~Gbacge Non-Members: Adults $35.00 Children 5 to 12 $20.00 ? Under-5?No-Charge Reservations for dinner should be made by April 1. MAIL CHECKS TO: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89121 Name_____________________________________________________________________________ How many will attend: Adults ______________________________________________________ Children ___________________________________________________ Your check is your reservation. / Oddi 4/S- Parking Lot Sale As the year ends and the new year begins, we want to remind everyone that the temple needs and wants your useable discards for its 4th Annual Parking Lot Sale. The 1989 sale will be held Sunday, April 2, 1989. Congregants may bring articles to the temple office or they may notify the office and arrangements will be made to pick up large items. Volunteers are needed to sort, price, display and sell. Please call if you are able to donate a few hours of assistance. Claude Rosenthal Ways & Means Vice President Men?s Club/ Brotherhood With the Rabbi?s guidance, Art Shreck has assumed the task of revitalizing Ner Tamid?s Men's Club. On Sunday morning, March 5th at 9:30 a.m., the first organiza?tional Brotherhood meeting will be held in the all-purpose room. A light breakfast will be served. Please be sure to attend. Your help and input are needed in order to have a strong Brotherhood. Traditionally Temple Brotherhoods exert a strong influence as a vital arm of the Temple. Can we count on your support?r (? *\ I Noah?s Ark ?WET PAINT! DO NOT TOUCH! ORDERS OF NOAH? This is the sign that appeared on a huge ark docked in the All-Purpose room of Congregation Ner Tamid Religious School. When a class of kindergartners build an ark out of a refrigerator box, paint it, and then discover that it's too big to get back out the door, such a sign is absolutely necessary. On Sunday, February 26th, under the direction of their teacher, Mariane Ander?son, the children are learning about sharing, pairing, and promises made to Mankind. These very sophisticated concepts were practiced by the five year olds by their working in pairs on the ?Ark Committee? (a lot of brown paint!). Their second task was to make very large stuffed animals, again in pairs, as each little group produced two elephants, two lions, two giraffes, etc., stuffed them with newspapers (a lot of newspaper!) and put yarn tails and manes on them. Parents were invited to the class to see their musical presentation, "Noah's Ark? and to view their unique rainbows: jar upon jar of many colored waters, lining the window of their room. And, of course, there was a party. What was served? Animal cookies, what else?! Sandy Cohen Religious School Principal Special Note April 20th to 27th, Special Passover Lunches will be offered to the Jewish children, check April menu for details. Clark County School District Religious School Wish List We truly appreciate the generosity of those who' help our wishes come true. 1. Tape recorders (new or used). 2. Selectric typewriter. 3. Camcorder. 4. Desk top copier. 5. Office desk and chair. 6. 35mm camera. Purim Carnival Mark your calendars for our first Religious School function on Sunday, March 19th from 4 to 8 p.m. On this date we'll be holding our First An?nual Purim Carnival. This will be full of fun, games, food and prizes. Much help is needed to make this a huge success. Please call Debbie ?Stone at 876-6218.Congregation Ner Tamid invites you to join RAbbi & Joni Akselrad on an Exciting Family Cruise for 3 Nights & 4 Days aboard the Azure Seas ADMIRAL CRUISES Los Angeles to C$|alin?Island to Mexico ? Shabbat Services on Board ? Exciting Entertainment ? The Charm of Ensenada ? The Beauty of Catalina ? Outstanding Food ? Bring the Kids ? Youth Counselors on Board December 15th to 18th prices start at $350* perl person, double occupancy 3rd 8s 4th person, sharing $220* INCLUDES PORT TAX ?DOES NOT INCLUDE T^NSPOR^ION TO & FROM LOS ANGELES LIMITED SPACE For further information & reservations call Ken or Linda Schnitzer at 456-4080 ? ?????Sisterhood News Many thanks to Rabbi Akselrad for presenting a book review on "When Bad Things Happen to Good People.? The huge turnout was wonderful and the lunch, prepared by Maxine Gratz and Debra Schreck was delicious. All in all it made for a delightful day. We look forward to Thursday, March 9th. At 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Akselrad will present a program on intermarriage entitled ?Mixed Marriages ? Mixed Messages.? A video tape entitled ?When Love Meets Tradition" will be shown at that time. Who is the Jewish woman? The Jewish woman is many people ? mother, wife, daughter in her fami?ly circle. In the larger sphere, she is a Sisterhood member, a member of a Congregation, of a local community, and of the world community. In fulfill?ing herself, she must play each one of these roles because they add up to the total woman. The Jewish woman is resourceful, tough, dedicated to Jewish ideals, and able to translate ideals into prac?tical fact and achieve constructive solutions. Mary Fox Sisterhood President The nominating committee consisting of Phyllis Mark, Rose Dunn, Nina Tiep, Dotty Gross and Rita Moses met and are presenting the Slate of Officers for the upcoming year: President: V.P. Ways & Means: V.P. Membership: V.P. Programming: V.P. Public Relations: Corresponding Secretary: Treasurer: Recording Secretary: Hortense Alper Sandy Ewan and Audrey Michalow Maxine Gratz and Jeanne Schomaker Betty Schloss and Gail Allen June Newmark Marni Diamond Phyllis Lewis Frances Klamien Please Note Sisterhood is starting a craft corner. The ladies will meet every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. Bring a sack lunch. Instructions will be given for hand crafted projects, which will ultimately be sold as a fund raiser for Sisterhood commitment to Ner Tamid. Oneg Cake Drive Once again 1 would like to take this opportunity to thank our sisterhood members who donated forA our ONEG CAKE DRIVE. Ladies, you really came^ through and we truly appreciate it. Our thanks to the telephone committee, Dorothy Herman, Florence Weinstein and Trudy Schneider, for get?ting the word out and to our wonderful donors, Eileen Kollins, Dorothy Herman, Eleanor Joffe, Luana Jaffee, Hyla Worth, Phyllis Lewis, Joan Dunn, Betty Schloss, Barbara Rosen, Marcia Goldman, Emilie Wanderer, Shirley Gellin, Bernice May, Trudy Schneider, Rose Dunn, Edie Glasser, Sandy Greenblatt, Phyllis Mark, Georgia Ames, Rhonda Glyman, Sandy Ewan, Lois Doctors, Lill Eisner. Thank you ladies for the great baked goods brought in. For each item brought in, you will receive cost value and, or ingredient and time value for donor credit. Please make sure you fill out your donor credit form and send it to Julie Ross. There is still time to bring in baked goods for the Oneg Cake Drive. We always need baked goods to serve at our Friday night Oneg. If I have missed your name or if you have just brought in some baked goods, please let me knov^ and it will be my pleasure to announce your nam^ in the next bulletin. Maxine Gratz Poppyseed Kugel Dr. Steven Kollins 1 lb. medium egg noodles - cooled as directed 1 /8 lb. sweet butter and 3 tablespoons butter 5 eggs beaten 1 tablespoon genuine vanilla 1 /3 cup sugar 1 /2 cup poppyseeds mixed with 1 /2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 /2 tablespoon grated rind of lemon (for zest) 1 cup white raisins (Dole) 3 tablespoons Triple Sec liquor Add 1 /8 lb. butter to hot cooked noodles and mix in large bowl. Add 5 eggs and mix. Add re?mainder of ingredients to noodle mixture and mix. Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in bottom of baking pan. Add 1/2 cup of poppyseed/sugar mixture to pan and cover bottom. Add noodle mixture and spread out evenly. Cover uniformly with rest of poppyseed/sugar mixture. Bake in 350 degree oven until done - about 50 to 60 minutes. Enjoy!Sisterhood Tributes To Jack Berg From Lil & Don Eisner Wishing you a speedy recovery. o Paulene Israel From Lill & Don Eisner Wishing you a speedy recovery. To Alan Hirsh From Steve, Maxine & Andy Gratz Happy, Happy Birthday. To Mrs. Anna Hager From Lill & Don Eisner Happy Birthday to a very special Lady. To Mr. 8s Mrs. N. Sussman From the Tell's Our heartfelt condolences on your loss. To Linda Goliger From Audrey, Joel. Matt 8s Justin Our Thoughts are with you ? Con dolences on the loss of your Father. To the Family of Gertrude Platkin From Natalie Shaw Condolences on the loss of Gertrude. To Malcolm 8s Lois Doctors From Linda 8s Martin Wilner Condolences on the loss of Father. To Bernice Moss From Lill & Don Eisner Condolences on the loss of sister, Edith. i Mr. & Mrs. D. Greenspun From Lill & Don Eisner Condolences on the loss of sister, Millie. To Mr. & Mrs. Harry Goldberg From Lill & Don Eisner Condolences on the loss of sister. Millie. To Cari & Ed Bernstein From Marilyn & Lew Etcoff Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. To Lynn Wolf From Audrey & Joel Mishalow Condolences on the loss of your husband. George. In memory of Gertrude Plotkin By Art & Natalie Berger & Family in memory of Grandfather of Art & Debra Shreck By Sisterhood To Dr. Mark Ohriner Congratulations on opening of Optometry Practice. From Dr. & Mrs. Joe Chenin Mickey, Neil & Dorothy Ohriner Temple Tributes To Gil Yarchever In memory of wife. Marian From Congregation Ner Tamid To Mr. & Mrs. Gottlieb In memory of son. Paul From Mrs. Helen Mendelson To Fran Lazovick For a speedy recovery From Congregation Ner Tamid To Nat Raichelle For a speedy recovery From Congregation Ner Tamid Fran & Harvey Sanoff To Mr. Stan Goldick In memory of your mother, Diane Felix From Aunt Helen Mendelson Fiona & David Mendelson To Dr. Stephen Kollins For a speedy recovery From the Sternberg Family Temple Contributions Choir Fund To Gil Yarchever In memory of wife, Marian From Sam & Hortense Alper Dr. Marvin & Marilyn Glovinsky Religious School Fund To the Ginsburg Family In memory of Ida Ginsburg From Marni, David & Michelle Diamond Prayer Book Fund In Memory of James Edward Ohriner From Dr. Mark Ohriner Library Book Fund Donated by June Newmark To Bernice & Sidney May In honor of their new grandson From the Kollins Family To Mr. & Mrs. Myron Caplan From Lill & Don Eisner Condolences on the loss of Father. To Lynette & Don Kimble From Lill & Don Eisner Maze! Tov on your marriage. To Mrs. Roberta Goldstein in memory of your mother, Diane Felix From Aunt Helen Mendelson Rona & David Mendelson & Family Trees planted in Israel In memory of Helen C. Elgarten By Mr. & Mrs. Dale Grade March Birthdays Jeffrey Newmark 2 Dede Rosenthal 12 Allison Drucker 23 Marilyn Sherman 3 Dean Yehros 12 Debbie Stone 25 Jennifer Etcoff 6 Tammy Yehros 12 Jeanne Schomaker 26 Ted Comfort 6 Linda Chenin 16 Sara Schuchmann 27 Charles Wexler 8 Kenneth Schnitzer 16 Sandra Greenblatt 28 Ron Worth 9 Michelle Stuart 19 Sig Kohnen 28 Gerald Krasn 9 Lawrence Newman 20 Natalie Bergman 31 Brian Rosenfeld 10 Helena Milmeister 21 Stuart Berger 31 ^^Mary Levine 11 Melissa Glovinsky 22 Sincere Apologies! We forgot these birthdays. Susie Stone Jan. 23 Benjamin Stone Feb March Anniversaries Robert & LaVerne Hirsh 22 Nathaniel & May Raichelle 11?Tell and Kvell? Congratulations to Joel Feldman, Melissa Kauf?man and Larry Schnitzer, students at Woodbury Jr. *? Hight, on receiving straight ?A?s for the second time this year. Andy Gratz has again received straight "A"s for the second quarter. Andy is a 7th grader at Dell H. Robison Jr. High. We are very proud of all of you. Keep up the good work. Reform Burial to be Permitted in Israel The ARZA-sponsored Israel Religious Action Center has won the right to establish Israel's first Reform cemetery. The cemetery will be open to all Israeli Jews, Reform or otherwise, and will permit families to select the religious ritual for the burial If you have something special to "kvell" about regarding a member of the Temple family, please send the information to the temple office, attention of Shirley Gellin, by the 10th of each month. Golden Chai NEWS As I sit here and ponder over what 1 will write for the bulletin this month, many nice thoughts come to mind. Installation of Officers took place on February 2nd and was beautifully done by our Rabbi Akselrad. On March 16th we will have Mike Kalagian, Senior Ser?vices Liason Officer, speak on subjects applying to seniors. There will be a question and answer period. Mayor Lurie suggested in a letter to me that we have Mike as a speaker. I called his office and after our con?versation, I was sure our seniors would enjoy meeting and speaking with him. On April 20th we will have a speaker from the Coun?ty Assessor?s Office. He will speak on Senior Citizens tax and rent rebates. Also benefits for widows and veterans. I will do my very best to make each meeting more enjoyable than the last one, so please attend them all. Thank you, Dorothy Herman President service. Burial in Israel's cities is completely controlled by Orthodox burial societies, which give families little or no say in the funeral service, and compel burial in shrouds rather than caskets. Last year, the Israel Religious Action Center, sponsored by ARZA, established a Reform burial society. When its ap?plication for a permit was turned down, the Center appealed to the Israeli Supreme Court. The qtf before the Court was to hear the case, OrthodW authorities changed their position, and approved the license. It is expected that the cemetery will be operating later this year. You can support the work of the Israel Religious Action Center by joining ARZA. For more informa?tion, contact Rabbi Akselrad. Help Our Reform Kibbutzim Kibbutz Yahel, located in Southern Israel and the first Reform Kibbutz, is in desperate need of den?tists who can give 2 weeks or more to provide den?tal care in the Kibbutz's modern, well-equipped dental clinic. Kibbutz members do not have access to dental care on a regular basis. Volunteers must pay their own airfare, but all other expenses are covered. Dentists with at least one or two years of professional experience are preferred. For more in?formation, call or write the ARZA office. A Special Thank You When the Ark is now opened you will see two beautiful torah covers dressing our torahs donated by the Generosity of Mickey & Leo A. Wilner. If you know of someone who is ill or in the hospital and would appreciate a visit from the Rabbi, please notify the office. Kibbutz Lotan, Israel?s second Reform Kibbufc^ has recently purchased a VCR which operates both the Israeli and American systems. Donations of video tapes will be much appreciated. Tapes can be sent directly to Kibbutz Lotan, D.N. Eilat, 88855, Eilat, Israel.Yahrzeits March 3, 1989 Abraham Ginsberg Gayle Leslie Nathanson Jeanette Sarah Bradfield Lewis E. Sacolow John R. Herman March 10, 1989 Melvin Layton Irene Rosenberg Moe J. Berger Louis G. Lang March 31, 1 989 Jack Appleby John Elman Annabel Rivkind William Lutsk smmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmMmmmmmm 1 1 Ben Zimmerman?s | STUDIO SOUTHWEST PHOTOGRAPHY 1 portraiture-celebrations-advertising-editorial i BAR & BAT MITZVAHS - WEDDINGS 1 | 3370-B Pinks Place 362-3686 MARK OHRINER, O.D. is pleased to announce the opening of his practice in OPTOMETRY Sunrise Medical Building II 3121 S. Maryland Parkway Suite 408 Las Vegas, NV 89109 732-2924 Business Control Company of Nevada, Inc. Phyllis J. Fredkin, President (702) 737-6900 3900 Paradise Road Suite 209 (Citibank Park) Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 INCOME TAX Individual & Corporate Full Service Accounting Since 1963 Fnmilinii PIPE & SUPPLY ? Haaanp - Wwf ? Sc?a> ? Utp *n*ancit Don Eisner Regional Manager MARKET ADVERTISING COVERAGE INC PRINTING, ADVERTISING DISTRIBUTION AND MAILING 3033 South VaJJey View Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 (702) 876 0775 / 076 8100 4301 S. Valley View Suite "10 Las Vegas. NV 89103 (702)368 2121 STEVE F0RTGANG, THE #1 BAR MITZVAH BAND for 15 Years in Miami, Florida, is relocating in Las Vegas. He is accepting Bar & Bat Mitzvah dates for the fall of 1989. Officially Licensed by UNLV FOR INFO CALL (305) 823-7765 16401 Stonehaven Road ? Miami Lakes. Florida 33014 1220 E. Harmon Ave.. Suite A-1 Steven N. Lang Las Vegas. Nevada 89119 (702) 735-4444 Steve has offered a Special Discount to Temple Members <YOUR CTRflVELCpura 3421 East Tropicana Avenue Suite D ? Pecos Center Las Vegas. Nevada 89121-7396 Linda Schnltzar Ken Schnitzer Owner (702) 456-4080 /instate x vH C.O00 ^ SHELSBARRA Senior Account Agent (D 1 & Pecos. Cinemax 8 Plaza) 3025 East Desert Inn Road. #19 Las Vegas. NV 89121-3812 Bus 794-3600 ? Claims 456-2200 MARVIN th Weddings Bar Mitzvahs Portraits Publicity 877- 2337^ State Contractor # C1-15912 Pira Protection G-46 | SPRING VALLEY PLUMBING. INC.| 4300 North Pecos Road. No.-28 Las Vegas. Nevada 89115 JEFFERY HEIT (702) 644-1220 POSTAL NSTANT PRESS The ?While-U-Wait' Printers! say..?.p/p-it!? QUALITY PRINTING AND COPYING XEROX COPIES 8ft X 11 /50? min. OPEN 7:30 AM TO 5:30 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY 850 S. Rancho Drive ? 870-7158 MoneyWorld Viliy_______________Realtors? 3025 E. Desert Inn. #120 Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 369-8744 Home: 456-5672 Pager: 381-7002 JANIS ROUNDS G.R.I. REALTOR' R0L RAUSCHER PIERCE REFSNES, INC. Member New York Stock Exchange. Inc. C. A- ?Cal?* Lewis Rtudnu Manager 1900 E. Flamingo ? Suite 170 ? Lai Vegas. NV 89119 ? (702) 369-09095749 1989 MARCH adar I adar II SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY FEBRUARY S M T W T F S 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 *j 24 ADAR 1 ^ 25 ADAR 1 / SISTERHOOD BOARD MEETING 10:00 AM GOLDEN CHAI 12:00 PM YAC MTG 7:30 PM ^ ?ADAR I SHABBAT SERVICES 8:00 PM . . ADULT CHOIR TNT DINNER V 6:00 PM Mil A 27 ADAR 4 "MEAL & A SHPEIL"flC 10:00 AM p= Vayakhel ^ SHABBAT SHEKALIM I 28 ADAR I vJ 29 ADAR 1 D -7 30 ADAR I Q 1 ADAR II O Q 2 ADAR II 3 ADAR II SHABBAT SERVICES 7:30 PM .a YOUTH CHOIR Au KINDERGARTEN nn SHABBAT DINNER Mil 6:15 PM I 4 ADAR II 1 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL ' BROTHERHOOD MEETING 9:30 AM TEMPLE BOARD MEETING 7:30 PM TEEN IMPACT 7:00 PM ROSH CHODESH ROSH CHODESH SISTERHOOD MEETING 7:30 PM B ? Pekude l ^ 5 ADAR 11 wr\ 6 ADAR II "J 4 7 ADAR II Jk r" 8 ADAR II 15 ^ 0 9 ADAR II ej 10 ADAR II ^ g 11 ADAR II 1 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CONFIRMATION CLASS 7-8:30 PM GOLDEN CHAI 12:00 PM PURIM FAMILY SHABBAT AA SERVICES ff 7:30 PM f]|| Vayikra w SHABBAT ZACHOR J *19 12 ADAR11 20 i3adarh 2 -J 14 ADAR 11 22 i5adarm 23 16 ADAR II 24 17 ADAR II 25 i8adar|1 | NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SPRING BREAK PURIM CARNIVAL 4-8 PM FIRST DAY OF SPRING FAST OF ESTHER SHABBAT SERVICES 8:00 PM M r E Tzav feed MEQILLAH READING PURIM SHUSKAN PURIM In SHABBAT PARAH J 26 19 ADAR 11 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL JEWISH LECTURE SERIES 7:30 PM 2 20 adar " 28 21 adar 11 CONFIRMATION CLASS 7-8:30 PM 29 22adarh 30 23adar" 2 24 adar ?? SHABBAT SERVICES 8:00 PM APRIL S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 "? 24 25 26 27 28 2^ TEmple Board. Kenneth Schnitzer____ Malcolm Doctors______ Noreen Sternberg_____ Claude Rosenthal_____ Eileen Kollins_________ Marilyn Glovinsky____ Debra Schreck________ Gerald Gordon________ Joan Dunn___________ Moe Ginsberg________ Hortense Alper_______ Rona Mendelson______ Sheryl Kogan_________ Darin Tiep___________ Cal Lewis____________ Dyane Kohnen________ Fran Sanoff__________ Mary Fox____________ Dorothy Herman______ Sharon Dunn_________ Dr. David Wasserman_ Dr. Steve Kollins______ Michael Cherry_______ Leo A. Wilner________ Art Gellin____________ ___________ President ___ V.P. Administrative _____ V.P. Membership _ V.P. Ways and Means V.P. Religious Activities _______ V.P. Education ___________ Secretary ___________ Treasurer _____________ Trustee _____________ Trustee _____________ Trustee _____________ Ttustee _____________ Ttustee _____________ Trustee _____________ Trustee _____________ Trustee _____________ Trustee __________ Sisterhood _________ Golden Chai ______ NTTY President _______ Past President _______ Past President _______ Past President _____________ Advisor ____________ Publicity Sisterhood Board. Mary Fox__________ Hortense Alper_____ Dyane Kohnen_____ Debbie Stone_______ Maxine Gratz______ Kathleen Schaefer__ Phyllis Lewis_______ Lois Doctors_______ Julie Ross__________ Bernice May_______ Audrey Mischalow__ Sophie Pisetsky____ Phyllis Mark.______ Barbara Rosen_____ Jeanne Schomaker. June Newmark____ _____________ President __ V.P. Ways and Means _____ V.P. Programming ______ V.P. Membership Corresponding Secretary ___ Recording Secretary _____________ Treasurer _____________ Historian ________________ Donor ______________ Tributes ______________ Tributes ________ Oneg Shabbat _____________ Gift Shop _____________ Gift Shop _______ Parlementarian ______________ Publicity Correlation Ner Tarptd Tan u n9np _____________The Reform Synagogue of Let Vegaa Affiliated with the Union of American Hebrew Congregation 2761 Emerson Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89121 733-6292 Non Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Las Vegas, Nevada Permit No. 682