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    RTHE OftfGfJML _ omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS *?√ß 220 W. 19th St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 Hy Gardner "shilling for a gam-l , . . Inh(^<^of Tal-j l's personal ap- you phone the operators answer: J)ahling!" . .^ A Hol- falled Strip City uses ?'Our bartenders are felue Cross?╟÷our show- tvered by less!" Maurice Zolotow camping at the Beverly Hills Hotel between interviewing George Jessel, Martin and Lewis and Elaine Stewart for I three showbusiness articles The Saturday Evening Post. . Newly named chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Arthur W. Radford, turned down an offer several months ago to become civilian public relations head of an important CJr. (D 322,441) (S 255,656) Thjgp Clipping From #STON, MASS. Coast to Coast % HY GARDNER; LAS VEGAS, Nev., May 25?╟÷This undoubtedly is the only community in America where the local classified columns carry ads offering baby-sitting service on a 24-hour basis. No problem here trying to win that new pair of shoes baby needs; the bijppieadache is having enough left to buy yourself a pair of sox. ... Sydney Smith Cooley, the teevee charmer, here for the usu- reason, while her soon ex-to- be, Lee Cooley (he produces the Perry Cjixa-er show), vacations ...__?╟?... in Central America. . . . Another New Yorker making Vegas her temporary residence is Lota Kriendler, wife of the 21 Club impresario, Mac Kriendler. Ironic that after being wed for 20 years the number 21 proved to be the stopper. . . . Bill Willard, who splits his time between columning and playing straight man to former burlesque comic Hank Henry in the. saucy but funny Silver Slipper revue, is writing a book about Las Vegas characters titled "Snake Eyes." He claims it's fiction but admits that "any resemblance to anybody either ; living or dead is better off. When Lieutenant'Francisek Ja-' ^recki, the Polish flyer who escaped the commies and turned his MIG 'over to the American authorities, visits President Eisenhower on < Tuesday, he will have a suprise vgift for Ike. ' Relaxing at the |Flagiingft Hotel in Las Vegas, fJarecki was so intrigued by the battery of one-armed bandits ithat he is taking a miniature dime replica machine to the President. This is the tipoff. If Ike puts one dime irito the machine, it is automaticallv^ixecfc^r shim to get the jackpofe^hcie^n' tally, the miniature is also a toy bank. The report that JareckfreH in love with a red-headed Fla- Jmingo chorine was a very interesting publicity stunt, '4m Joe E. Lewis, a six-alerm fire at El Rancho Vegas, bought a f piece of Lai Vegas Park with what he would have lost if he fjhadn't sworn off gambling temporarily. The track opens Sept. 14 under the reins of Lou Smith, fthe Bostbnian prexy of Rocking- jjham. Joe's newest crush is a gorgeous Chicagoan with the maughty but nice name of Naughtie Kirk. I Somebody ran into Tallulah f Bankhead and asked what she ,was doing in Las Vegas. "I'm, I gainfully employed," she John General Omar Bradley cement firm. There's bility that the $75,000 per yew assignment will be offered ''&> General Omar Bradley upon his retirement in August . . . Esther Williams, awaiting her third child, spends her afternohs Instructing blifi^fftjhildren in how to swim . . . Swifty Morgan- gets a picture postcard every week from Virginia Hill calling 'nirh "Pa" and signing itjj "Me/- ^Hie key female figure in the Kefauver probe is now in Spain. Now that Dom DiMaggio ha^ followed Joe's footsteps into re tirement, a restaurant angel isl interested in backing a DiMaggio Brothers chain of restaurants in| New York, Boston, Hollywood, etc. Dom DiMaggio's ?·&t* on the Beach in San Francisco nas| long been in operation. Mary McCarthy tagged for Janel Russell's next movie . | . Charles| Laughton will complete ?ix reading engagements, in the Westl Indies, then sail to England to| make "Hobson's Choice." lay 7-5371 . PRESS CUPPING. BUREV"~ 165 Church Skee+:- New York NlSv YORK, ]?·Y. TELEGRAPH Circ. D. 63,107 ... JM #jiT ESTABLIsljjp. ^^^^^^ BArclay 7-5371 tAP,R^S CLIPPING.BU?║Lj A Toilgh Stint For TaHulah Says Vegas Night Club\ j Engagement Was Strain; No More Contemplated by Jack Gaver f (United Press Staff Correspondent) * Tallulah Bankhead appreciates | the $20,000 a week ?╟÷ "After all, I've always been about one jump ahead of the sheriff d?·spit<| money I've made ijrary lii she doesn't fancyJany mq ijclub engagements) i Talking over thfk initial I ment out in Las V%as, Nev.,?╟? I her successful debimf or at I week engagement amthe Sails; ?√ß Hotel, the noted stagH|__tar sai< I sim1 WJA Uuth thrilled B! ened. WmSkWKE&M I "It's a great strain to underta | something like this," she said. "I I doubt if I'll be able to simmer I down until I get back home to my I country place at Bedford, N. Y. 1)1 appreciate the response the | people have been kind enough to Pgive me and the help by the man- j'agement of the Sands, but I just ican't wait for it to be over." No More Dates Set I A check with Miss Bankhead's I management here, the William [Morris office, disclosed that her [success in Las Vegas had resulted in night club offers from other [places but that no more dates had, [been set. Not every place, of course, can afford $20,000 a week salary for one performer because only in Nevada do clubs have the benefit of a huge revenue from gambling. "It sounds like a lot of money for three weeks, doesn't it," the actress said, "but I actually don't ?√ß get much more out of it than |H enough to meet running expenses, ?√ß considering the tax bite, costs of B bringing a staff here with me, ?√ß getting special gowns for the en- ?√ß gagement?╟÷$8,000 for the gowns sm alone. It really goes." I Miss Bankhead, who did a TV fBshow once a month for NBC last ?√ß season, isn't sure what the* net- Bwork will do with her in the way J of video starting in the fall. I "There's been some talk of ?√ß more shows in the musical variety ?√ß format thatT used," she said, "but ?√ßnothing definite. I'm not too keen ?√ß on continuing in that form. I feel ?√ßI would like to do a filmed series ?√ßof half-hour programs based on ?√ß situation comedy, possibly with Ime playing myself in stories that j would stem from my activities land my home life. "But a thing like that takes a lot of planning?╟÷you jj0fl*l\wantl If (Continued on Page 3, Col\2) \ I DAILY REPbfitBB HOLLYWOOD, ,f?║jp\ J^raJT Mulls Nightclub Tourl "afl'ulah Bdfekhead, following her I ilsh nitery de%jt at the Sands Hotel a jigs Vegas laslkweek. has Been "be- kj S^wrthcafe pffers, and she may I exrand"Mr nightclub dajtgsbeyond her M currgtat three-weexer at th^Wands. I Mis3^gankheadf is getting$20,000 I I weekly iWLas Vegas. Bookers frorriB I both coast^hawe been planing to Las I Vegas ever since the opening to catch ?√ß I the act, and right now Miss Bankhead I is mulling the offers without indicat-H I ing one way or the other whether she'll | I play the circuit. ?√ß ter- Ptlbiish^ ^M?╟÷?╟÷^^ ?√ß?√ßvey, found ^ mot his executxl WSm '?√ßread Asin a 8%S throuShou{ bg^^^^^oj^sure is!'\ THE ORlOiUm __m Romeik?· Tel. CHelsea?·&886a>^ This Clipping t"rom - Wit -49Si: Assignment Hollywood By GLOBIA GRANT Sorry to hear from Walter Y'incfi^tjiat his wife, June, is ailing at a Phoenix stfri: ?╟≤ riUIn. t&A journalist spent several weeks With her be )re his" arrival in Los Angeles. Ana me golf tourna-^ ~~^^ ment that Winchell helped stage' in Las Vegas was a rip roaring success for W.W's favorite charity, the Damon Runydn Cancer Fund> IHpHMIHIUlflH Former child actress Virginia Weidler closes up her West Los Angeles residence and moves to Washington, D.C. next month with her hubby, Lionel K r i s e 1, and two chil- . ,_^^____ dren. Ginny will fit right into the. capital social whirl along with other ex-stars Myrna Loy and Shirley Temple ->- both residing in the nation's capital with their respective husbands. i?·> -J| 20th~'Century-Fox's "Titanic," now playing at.local Los Angeles theaters is both a gripping and powerful drama. The actual sinking of the ship is one*%i the finest bitsjdiffflteo direction we've seen, jfnd bedluse the incidents ] reall]_naappen?╜l;,the picture has suspense than any3 movie seen injages. ;f??lp|f' Fan Johnspn's opening at the [ds Hote/in Las Ve^||j^as an >|lonaSS"well as.i?╜m|^essful ?√ßout Ijfej^alite June Ally|pn, on u hand With hubby Di<3?·$HBowell, | cried with excitement ?╟÷. $||e was THAT happy. Allyson ah# Johnson have been friends '0^e they were both in the chbr^:of the B'way hit musical "Best Foot Forward" and were brought to Hollywood by MGM.; *J^\^fc- " I The press photog**^"^ tfVl a field day sho I wife, ^ own" .partmerit.^^ Th? stag dinner given for Lou- ! ella arsons at..'lie Masquers Club vas, we hea^,' a memorable j occasion. "Lolly," the only femme in attendance, was feted, praised and flattered for'.a solid three J hours by the greats in show bus- [ iness and those tears in her eyes | afterward weren't phonies. Elaine Stewart, one of the lov-1 elies recently featured on the cover of Life Magazine, was the I guest of Texas socialite Bob Ev- I ans last |veek at the Palm S Springs Biltmore. Photographers! had fun snapping pictures of the i glamorous (Metro player while! Elaine corhplained to friends I that#all sh^ does, both at work and at play, is pose for photos. The day no one wants to take here picture is the day to complain. Brentwood resident,^ Edmond O'Brien hopes to makjlltiis debut as a film directojs^iis year. The actor is working^n several stories with his brajher, script writer%Liam O'Bri^Sf' JaXe^JnlMip^^w^o recently perfofeej^i vdl?? VSplhia Mayo and bale^oDeTO^rati Edmund Graingl^^^Arlzo^ Outpost" at RKO, gayeaus'^ps definition of a Californi|lrancher:"A man wijj^ a station wagon and one b<&d of cocker spaniel."