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I agree.DESERT Press, Radio * I960 Tournament TV Guest List of Champions lTa.Be Badge Mo. Ar rxva1 Affiliation Tom Gallery May 3 HBC Dick Welaberg PBC756 May 3 rrn n Walt Ditzen & Mrs. 151 May 4 Syndicated Cartoonist Chick Hearn & Mrs. PBC757 May 4 MBC Curley Grieve & Mrs. 152 May 2 San Francisco Examiner Patrick McGuirk 153 May 4 KMX - Producer Tom Harmon 154 May 4 KMX Bing Crosby &. Mrs. May 6 Eob Hope May 2 Press Card (For Meals at D.I. only) 199-2GC 2ul?ǣ2l??2 203 204