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Lettter from Hazel Erskine (Reno, Nev.) to Flora Dungan (Las Vegas, Nev.), March 8, 1968



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    T Monden t { Babzno Moutd makz a tta iem zn t to th z pnett????????? H A Z E L E R S K I N E 4 3 0 0 S W A N S O N L A N E R E N O N E V A D A 8 9 5 0 2 T E L E P H O N E 3 2 2 - 4 9 7 2 SU R V E Y S Manck 8th, 1968 fies .4 Ftona. Vungan 1705 Cochnan Lot l/zgat, Nzvada. Vzan Ftona, I am znctoting th it monntng ' t Jounnat onutuetz quottng Let Gnay at {tndtng no d it enhninatton a t th z pniton yzttznday. I kzand lut on th z 5:30 newt . . . Leuten in tk z zvzntng Vu. Beni Babzno ta lkzd cut WAACP and kz kad j u t t t z { t th z pniton eut 6:10. Let t z { t eut Z: 30 (Mutin tk z otkzn mzmbznt o{ th z vlzltcution. In th z a{tznnoon Babzno ta lkzd Mtth 15 pnitonznt pntvcutzty Mtthout Monden on. guandt. Hz -?5, koMzven, not attoMzd to l i t u z any ttatem znti at a memben o{ th z Commltiion. In {ao?t, kz tcuid th z nutz th a t zvenything cornet {nom Laub (Lozb?) to kz wat tunpnitzd th a t zvzn vicz-ckalnman Gnay Mould { z z i {nez to t t t u z a pnett ttcutement. Babzno tadd kz Moutd kavz to t t t u z h it nzponut to t k z Comnittion. Hz got p lzn ty tn betwzzn th z ttn e t tkough b et id ei th z gag nutz. Hz k zp t ttn e tttn g koM kz kad bzzn tkenz {?nom 9:30 to 6:10 and Lzt kad poppzd tn leutz tn tk z monntng and l z { t eut Z:30 . . . Hz k zp t ttn e tttn g tk z Comnittion doet nothing Mtthout nzcztvtng tn d tvtd u a t complatntt and Matn?t nzcztvtng enougk complatntt to ' kzzp tut buty. Tkz {act tk a t Hannah't kat 3377 emptoyzet tnctudtng onty onz Nzgno Mat not a matten o{ tk z Cornnittion' t concenn. I atkzd him i { th z Zoom attoMzd tk z Comnittion to look tn to mattent w ttkout a comptatnt and kz ta td y e t. So you can t z z kz Mat betng MOST dZtcnzet and onty antMenzd quettlont Mkzn kz kad to and nzvzn onez ttzppzd o u tttd z th z boundt. . . Hz dtd ta y th a t kz kad M ntttzn {oun on { iv z I z tte n t o{ nettgnatton bzeautz o{ h it {nuttnathont thnez Jarnany 1967. So you t z z kz dtd g z t h it potntt acnott Mttkout betng d itto yat a t a it. And kz dtd ta y kz gathenzd thenz kad bzzn tomz Impnovzmzntt a t tk z pniton t n th z t a t t couptz o{ montkt ttn e z T tona Vungan kad comz on th z tc z n z, and kz zvzn tu tp zctzd tkenz kad bzzn tomz Impnovemzntt tn tk z t a t t {oun on {.tv z dayt ttn e z tk z Commit t ton announezd t t Mat gotng to makz a v i t t i . . . Un{ontunatety tkenz Mat no pnett pnetznt a t th z WAACP mzzttng and I don?t th in k any o{ tk o tz pnetznt Mani to embannatt Vn. Babzno by n ztza tin g any o{ h it im pticationt . . . B e tt, ce Bnyn Anmttnong X iterada State Journal Friday, March 8, 1968?23 CHAIRMAN REPORTS: No Discrimination at Prison Leslie Gray of R e n o , "Vice chairman of the State Equal Rights Commission, reported Thursday he found no racial discrimination at the trouble-plagued Nevada Maximum Se?curity Prison. Gray and two other members of the commission inspected the p r i s o n where Negro inmates had complained last month they were r e l a t e d to menial jobs while the best ones went to the white prisoners. ?I?m satisfied everything is going along very well there,? Gray said. ?I don?t think there is any discrimination and much has been done to eliminate what had existed.? Joining Gray in the tour were Dr. Bert Babero and the Rev. Jerry Furr, both Las Vegas commissioners. ?Our report is that discrimin?ation in the past is pretty well eliminated,? he said. ?What all these inmates are talking about is that they don?t want to be in the prison.? He urged that the prison and the state mental hospital be kept out of politics. He claimed that, former dem?ocratic governor Grant Sawyer put them in politics and said that Washoe County Dist. Atty. William Raggio of Reno and Gov. Paul Laxalt added to a poor situation. He said he had asked both Raggio and Laxalt not to use the institution as a ?political football.? ? Gov. Laxalt, at least, is now taking that stance,? Gray said. ?I think it?s cynically wrong to get votes by damaging and exploiting the state hospital and the state prison.? >.-? Gray said he and the . others met with Negro inmates and also Warden Carl Hocker. Hocker says there was some segregation when he arrived on the job one year ago but he has worked to eliminate i t Gray said the commission will suggest Negroes apply for civilian work at the prison. He said Hocker would welcome them since there are no Ne?groes now employed.