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Diesel Engine direct connected to a ltern ator A n 8 0 0 -h o rs e p o w e r gas engine ge n e ra to r unit Three 6 2 5 -h o rs e p o w e r g a s engine gas compressors H o rizo n ta l d u p le x com pressor fo r la rg e a ir requirem ents M o to r-d riv e n a ir compressors with M u lti-V -D riv e s M o to r end o f c entrifugal re frige ra tio n liquid cooling system Pressure filters fo r w a te r purification WORTHINGTON PRODUCTS A IR A N D G A S COMPRESSORS Stationary— Horizontal, vertical and angle types; single-stage, muIti-stage,’ electric,steam,diesel engine,gas engine drive. Autom otive— For garages and service stations. Portable— Two-stage, air cooled, all types of mountings,- gasoline engine, diesel engine; electric motor drive. Rail Car— G a s o lin e e n g in e , d ie s e l engine, electric motor drive. V A C U U M PUMPS Rotative Dry Type— Horizontal, vertical; single-stage, two-stage; electric, steam drive. Direct-Acting W et Type— Horizontal single-stage. REFRIGERATING A N D ICE M A K IN G EQUIPMENT Compressors— For a m m o n ia , F re o n -1 2 a n d a ll o th e r refrigerants. Absorption Refrigerating Systems. Condensers, Coolers, Freezing Equipment— A ll types. A IR C O N D IT IO N IN G EQUIPMENT Compressors— For Freon-12, methyl chloride and C O 2 Steam-Jet Vacuum Cooling Equipment. Condensers, Coolers, Heat Exchangers. Units, Shower Condensers, General A ir Cooling Systems. H YD R AU LIC DECOKING SYSTEMS FOR O IL REFINERIES For removing coke from coke chambers. CONTRACTORS A IR T O O LS A N D ROCK DR ILLING EQUIPMENT Clay diggers, trench diggers, tampers, pavement breakers, rock hammers, drifters, wagon drills, forging furnaces and heat treating machines for drill steel. DIESEL ENGINES Vertical 4-cycle direct-injection and air-injection types, etc, G A S ENGINES Horizontal 4-cycle double-acting and vertical 4-cycle single-acting. CONVERTIBLE G A S DIESEL ENGINES Vertical 4-cycle, readily and quickly convertible for operation on either gas or fuel oil. G A S ENGINE COMPRESSORS Horizontal 4-cycle double-acting and angle.type 2 and 4- cycle single-acting, for all types of compressor service. STEAM TURBINES A ll types for generator and equipment drives,- 5 to 10,000-hp. SPEED C H A N G E GEARS Reducing and increasing. V -B E L T DRIVES— (M ulti-V-D rive) V-grooved sheaves, Goodyear EC Cord V-belts. Complete drives, sheaves or replacement belts. STEAM CONDENSERS Surface, barometric and low level jet types, for all ranges of capacity. Complete systems with auxiliary pumps and air removal equipment. STEAM-JET EJECTORS (For vacuum service) One-stage to four-stage; condensing ana non-condensing, for moderate to high vacuum. A ll types for power plant and process service. Thermo-compressors. FEEDWATER HEATERS A N D DEAERATORS O pen type,- for stationary, marine and locomotive services. WATER PURIFICATION EQUIPMENT H ot and cold lime-soda softening, pressure filtration, coagulation, iron and color removql, etc. PUM PING EQUIPMENT (For special and general services) Steam Pumps— A ll types and sizes. Centrifugal Pumps— Single-stage, multi-stage; all drives. Power Pumps— A ll types. Rotary Pumps— Positive displacement, all drives. Turbine W ell Pumps— A ll drives. Sump Pumps— For intermittent drainage of tanks, pits, etc. Irrigation and Drainage Pumps— Non-clogging types. Chemical Pumps— For acids and alkalies LIQ U ID METERS For hot or cold water, chemicals, hot or cold oil, gasoline, etc. Disc, turbine, compound and piston types. S ix -s ta g e centrifugal bo ile r feed pum p O p e n type fee dw ater heater T w o -s ta g e p o rta b le a ir com pressor o p e ra tin g pa vem ent breakers Surface condenser a n d centrifugal circuldting w a te r pum ps M o to r-d riv e n turbine well pum p G a s -e n g in e -d rive n centrifugal h ot oil pum p WORTHINGTON PUMP AND MACHINERY CORPORATION Works: Harrison, N. J. N e w a rk, N. J. Buffalo, N. Y. W ellesville, N. Y. H olyoke, Mass. Genera/ Offices: HARRISON, NEW JERSEY*Offices and Rnprnsnntativns in alt Principal Citins Litho'd in U. S. A.