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    KEWANEE lit S^R-COURIER SCRANTON, PA. TIMES Circ. D. 55,306 L Haymes, ^^^^^^^,Wed : nearby crapshooters tried to make The 34-yeagpld actress and DistriaMud^e Frank MacNamee ?╟≤^Jy^-S^TT* R ?╟≤ *' Hay" er cr001ler' ^W'Wm recite vows w*ft offi|^'-4jti%i-fiYjB-apJnute ^^^^^Hayft*?15- todSyleach hasfsjaiid three times before, ceremony^ j^^^t^rftter'^g^neral JP^ " ,* * v-*^ ?? ^*-* " manager ;.ofS*^ Sands, will be the sevens worth. ^^tn^^p^^|l4ir. Haymes, ?╜S TOy^^S^Sn^/h?½1, ^otfrer (Jau^fe^ Rebe^a,^ at^]^^%^tenC" They w?╜ce-'pos^8^lo^ .^^ttf)SMp0 --. Wddfl??s3ay'following JDick and^it?·^retiH,??^^ ing a marriage license (AE WicepkotoX ,.iffi|^-~?╟÷?╟≤" onl^rattenoKj^^^P^lgf&phers and reppHer^ vHtf' 6utnuipp&er ih* *in# vifScti'gfiK^ts. thi^e'-.%p .t?║$e>-1 jg <ii?½^?? vU^ret?╜^|i^!^ Jiff aft"" will Be 4u^^a %Qntras^to??ithe screen j#&r'sy|JKrish' iiftrenen-^edding to Princ^||y JEpian in 1949. _p- Orggk.Mxxestk-"invited are .busiy ness-;-'airaF legal .asspci^es of ,the , jdoupJeTafhe onlj?·ma1??ves olfMBd a wjll -beH^ie?╟?Ff i'de^lytwo '"daughters. ,,They^?√ß?√ß'atii^ebejfie&'eagfit, th&off- spring of Miss.Ha^o'rth's^feaSr riage" tbTt??rson .W^^-^ahlt- tne; Princess TSa^h^e^'.Jftree and one- hal.f?· iSve her moslem father a dir^^^c&r^ant $f1$jjie prophet ^MohaffiWiidr '.' Ifeal- l&i^ier'f?? .ihe\-Wedding . wap Jcleafed g Wednesday when Hayme copped, a sejlgpnminute CfiVprce de^ee^So^^Om.^Lding- "jfari'splynn Haymes'. L'Sfi^^an gghour later, he brought rRita back fjgffi fme& *6??urthouse, where yb6th< ki^'ftervously railed out the marriage fSsgeense. forms. iijjHii^iinuiiiiiShould the -governTHent^in its ^deportation case against .-t% v Ar- jptetine-lK)ji^L tl^pnejvgwjfeOpoun- Jpf .Willie1 iSn^^.i!t^3Bfe??l"UPe in ? 5^M ?'**m ?╟≤wbt/gdinfe'jEo'TSeF-dfepDrted,'' ]f ?he answered. "We both intend to LrMiye^. the U. S.jgf 5 = H - j^.- TJfiT.crooner .saxa she will move legas* intov^niss Hayworthp.suaipat the Sano^jright <$fteri$hje weflding. A r^foflp^ asked ?╟≤,hrnr?╜ he^had ever ..l?║JLtej&- 3JS& of cRitas cooking. "Who rnarries Rita Hayworth tor cooking?* the singer asked. Rita Heads Cast Of'Ffee Show' ?·AS VEGAS, NEV. (U.R)?╟÷The tourists who mill around the lux- urious>$an_ds Hotel f outface and| swimming^l^^^^Hbor show" that isn't on the menuilS^^ The cast includes glamorous Rita Hayworth; daughter I|gb^ca,, eight, by ex-husbatta^Mf^n j Welles; daughter Yasn^wee,'' by ex-husband Aiy Khanj ^Ipec- ,tive hired by the hotel to guard the children aftejs. |^a i^J^tVed letters tfoeale&ing YaslnMn's death; a uniformed hb|el guard as] extra protection, anr-i^ufse. | They often are ^med |Jby crooner Dick Haymes, Rita's fourth husband-to-b?║, who's in dutch with the immigration authorities and ex-wife Joanne Dru, and an FBI agent wlw^lked to Rita yesterday abouj^e letters. Dick and Rita arcgMi&tionmjg here while he await^jgp^x-wew divorce. from his wife Nora EflH dington so the#Mc|irj^t married. Occasionally' spjfte? lawyer connected wit&$$y^ problems wanders *|K<|c|tie scene The whole entourage is on view by Mpool and in thW.|*0tel dining rooms every day. Ty "rMexpecting suspension from my studio any hour,^said Rita "But we're going ahead with| plans to stay here and marry. We feel the wedding will be worth all this." wtoM?½ 1 Ii'Rita, Haymes I ! Vows to Belli OELINA, OHIO ^STANDARD ?f--^|u|. D. 5,650 Rita And Dick Take Fourth Shot At Cupid AUBURN, IND?? STAR Cir. D. 2,087 WM LAS VEGIgfc Mev. ,-(UP)^-Ritev HayWUl'li aillfpS)ick H^ihes, nervous asybegm^i-Sy make it Jour apieceSf>day M^ they exchang. weddijp vdW^J&MClthe pUcking of- dice fnd t$6??' pfroulet|e wheels in. a gambli^yh^tel. While ^.l^hpohoi tourists play tlfeir chigs. in fc#|sino .downstairs, the flanpn^iired mdvje*j&e*uty and the crodner^will say-.j^r-"^^'s". in .the presj conference room of the- plush? Sands Hotel. ' - 'Mlw? B|tat !||3fWfIH|lTT5ISe^n excited bride, made this ceremony tlie .! simplest 'oi. her career. T\Wh Wedding'No. 3 to. Prince Aiy Khan-featured champagne, royal, guests arid 'lavish clothes. But for her.:fi'iM'th. wedding, Ri'ta chose an ss.c of blue linen, a plain I ^idd v. oc'ding band and a -simple II I.avil ceremony \vith no decorations I kti]^ only 10 guests. A^^A^^'^jl ?╟≤The actress^ who usually'dodges \tm o\ess,g^B^time4 inyitpd;??^fe"m I a^- newsreel camerasfiiicli|d??d?╟÷II tg^thy^;^edding in this gari|||ing ] mecca. p - ^^jwE II " Judge Frank Mac^rafiQielbwas called 'M ^ perf&rm t$J t??t?╜Pipny j j only ' 20 hours - after |^.'yMei^on ffli^'^Xtweek,' ^ick.:N%ad|' divorce d$B||e fr^>iji Nora Edmfigton J^lynn on^'giiaun^/Jih^no^, |fit^pt fin the-marriageAV W i| ' Hayme^^%'||pe ^of i^fentma, [j faces poSsibl6'deT^rtatiott*on char- I jges he ilegallfej^-entered-;^his I I country from Hawaii. He also is j up to his piig^^ose/'inl^n^hyf -troubles with v?Σ≤e-*No. ^.?√ßwbaiipe | Dru. Nora^ drvi^Ged HjSmes last I Fridayg but had Digk ahd Rita I worrieoy N^pn she' del^pSl?^^ffg| I a waivery to. permit, today's f^ar- iriag'e. ^^*V '?√ß T? | Rita still hasn't' settled het ali- Smony with My Klian. An fitted 1 hotel guard hovers constantly! I around Yasmin, daughter of Rita and Aiy, because or*fnreats, pos- &J$?· from religious fanatics to the j| little girl's liie. After 'the ceremony, Rita was|| scheduled tp-piay^fcostess at a lun- eheon for ythe guests and press. I The ..Sappy, cpuplfe; had no plans | for "the rest of the day and will|| ^onefihQQ'K^ef^ptil S u n d ay . ItheJlcthe^;'^riBK*to Philadelphia,! wheife Haymes ^^j^ ak-s&gingl en^gemeiui^^||V^?^pfc* . - j ftlTA HAYWORTH MAKING i PLANS FOR SIMPLE WEDDING 1 TV and Newsreel Cameras will | Grind Away as Movie Star and Dick Haymes Exchange Vows |?1 EUGENILORE* REGISTEirArA^D c. D. 30, l-2^^^EP^80 LAS VEGAS OP) ?╟÷ Film star Rita Hayworth and crooner Dick Haymes Wednesday planned a "simple wedding" with television and newsreel cameras grinding ?√ßI away. '0imM Then they'll settle down as to Iwhate^ey. hoDfcvVg|l b^, a. |pdate flife'^f ^suburo^Kfes" m ^reen- Iwich, Conn.~^"^fflMLj|Bf%t^. .?╟? Ihe.cereia^;,Thursday will be held in tnlc#id room of the San^o^bteL %jj$k IP^^W^ guests 'invited, but hews||and camera men were told;they 'Could attend. ... The red-haired beauty sighed happily I that she, and Hayi^, I "are finaUy getting n*&m\ after so many difficulties." #// Among their recent trouble** have been an attempt by the.-goyv ernment to depart Haymes, a Citizen of Argentina|?╜ and death threats against Miss Haywofth axk 'Che^.'j|c^(ngest ?<|a.t|ghter, :^^|-ye?╜ld :^i#eis^a|mih. .k.^B&?√ß--ti^wel'di^^^P'ke the ^a^cliR w the movie thril- l?Θ╝rs, WjCSlt'-se^all of/theft headaches -^^v^^J^k ^^&!k fw Miss' ^aywoJd%s Yasmin, and II her other dau^|ter,c Rebecca, 8, " ^ill^are under protective guard t $$ Haymes' ditpeulties with the .Immigration Department remair, to be ironed out. Ink -C-rr=f: --?╟÷'-?╟÷ ?╟≤ "-*" ' LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷^pi; star Rita Hayworth and crc?╜|pr/ Dick Haymes today planne^^.! "simple wedding" with television ! ahd newsreel cameras grinSpg away. j'-,:Then they'll Wtle down as^??: I tvhat they hope will be a sedflf | life as suburbanites in Greenwi^^f ! Conn. j Thf ceremony Thursday w|J^| held in the Gold* Room of *l3R! Sands ^JfeffiL with only nine gu^s | ihvrtedniSFoews and camera|ifeen | were iol^fthey could atten'dis^j j The red-haired beauty sighed jha]$ij| that sheand Haymes Mare fihallM|Mting married after so J mah^oStiCiilties.'' Airion^Hheif recent troubles have I been an attempt by the govern-! : ment to deport Haymes, a citizen j : of Argentina, and death threats: ' against; Miss Hayworth and her j youngest daughter, three-year-vold j Yasmin. 'iy&fo.ta "We want a' simple wedding,"] Miss Hay#cf|h said firmly. "This; oM i^^(,.ih|p3rtant to me to clut- \ ter up with a lot of unnecessary! frills. It's enough that we love each other." But the weddj^, unlike the final [ clinch in the moj/ie thrillers, won'tk see all of thei?·'-^eadaches solved, j Miss Hayworjfe yasmin, and her j other daughter, Rebecca, 8, still! are under protective guard and! Haymes' difficulties wim the Im- j migration Department remain to; be ironed out. It will be Rita's fourth wedding \ and Haymes' third. The couple j plans to honeymoon at the Sands I over the weekend and then travel \ to Philadelphia, where Haymes; opens a night -club engagement,! leaving the crooner's lawyers to ] handle his case before the govern- FARGQjJ?·.D. jPORtJM (Bvening) Circ^L' "21.022 pita And Dick Set Wedding LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷Rita Hayworth disclosed Tuesday she 11 marry crooner Dick Haymes ma hotel conference 8 to?║0 Thursday with only nine guests, including their lawyers, and the press look ing on. -it-j&'&l&^'&Assi,, "We want a simple wedding, Rita said, '"ffiis one is-tow*#n- portant tn'J|^% clutter up with a lot of unnecessary frills. "It's enough thj|?· we love each other and we'rtfe finally getting m.arri dl|^*Br so many difficulties/'l.%?? wfewJ ^ ._3.1. .: Rita will^^ar ?? simple, straight blue linen Iffternaon dress that will show off her deep suntan. She sent to her Los Angeles home for a beige hat and gloves. She'l wear orchids. *JW^i The bridegroom will wear a dark blue suit ^ the simple civil ceremony befSee State Difrict Judge !F*f^A%Namee* #hej couple will exchang^jflain gl^pld wedding ba??dSigi]fJK^ --* ^ Ifc.'' ?· "Hie igu^pi at Rita^s fourth wedding andSaymes' fourth also will; be his attt^hey* D5avid Marcus, and Mrs. Marcus; Rita^i v -aUbrney,:! Bartley Qppa, and h^ wife; the star's; chilffl|??t,, Rebeeea, $% 'and Yasimn, 3Mpie Bafclay.^eir nurse^ an490ift,,< Entratter yand, Jake -FriedlfraS^pl^^toe'owners of the lU^pP^'.'SjKidfe^HJo^l. The coupfe!^%n''m honeyteoon I at the Sands over the weekend and then travel to Philadelphia, !where''Hashes wiBP^eh"a night club singing engagement. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. EXAMINER Circ. D. 225,060 - S. 564,448.% "Simple'e Rita Reveals Welding Plans for Tomorrow {% LOUELLA O. PARSONS ment in hearings Monday. which resume LAS VEGAS, Nev^UP)?╟÷Film I star Rit^ Hayworth and crooner Dick HajTSjes Wednesday planned a "simple wilding" with television and newsreel cameras grinding away. Then they'll settle down as to what they hope will be a sedate- life as suburbanites in Greenwich, Conn. The ceremony Thursday will be held in the Gold Room of the Sands hotelwith only'nine guests invited, out news and eamera men were told they could jSttend. Many Troubles. . The redhaired bWuty sighed happily that she and Haymes "are finally gettin]g^jnaa?rie'dy after' so many diffidi$M&" y Among theirj^cent^rouble&liave been an attest by the government to depd&PEiaymes, a citizen of Argentina^!and death threats against Miss?· Hayworth and her youngest,. daughter, three-year-old Yasmin., M-"J|*^>M3& C "We want 9 simple wedding," Miss Hayworth said firmly>,"This one is to* importa-nt to me to-cluf- ter-i^Mth a lot of unnecessary friljs. It's enough that we*love each*| other." p{^^ But the wedding, unlike the .final clinch in the movie thrillers, won'tJl see all of their- headaches solved.! Under Guard., Miss Hayworth, Yasmin, and her| other daSghter, Rebecca, 8, stilt! are under' protective guard and , Haymes' difficulties With tHe Im- j migration Department remaih to; be ironed out. It will, be Rita's fourth wedding j arid Haymes' third. k::^'M The couple plans to honeymoon at - the Sands over the weekend ^nd then travel tp.^iiladelphia, where Haymes opens a night club engagement, leaving the crooner's j lawyers to handle his case before j the government in hearings .y^Epinl resume Monday. jPyTg WILLIAMSON,j-g^yVA. -'^?√ß__\3ES_Mi''' naa^vbrth Giving "Free Floor Show'5! ;|To Many Tourists || LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP) ?╟÷ The | ;j tourists who mill around the luxu-, 1 rioua Sands Hotel - f or dice andj :swi.mhrmg get -a ftee "floor show" that i isn' t. on tbife'. n%?╜^,-. : ?√ß Tf^iflSt .i^lldMrgl^P^S Rita i Hayip|gf;' ^ug^wr ffw^cca, 8c by '^Rusba^[1?''^pr ^^?- Wells; daug^ifXa^^^M* b^P^usband Alylpteuf* aT-^tective mpeBlby the jfeotefy/to guar^ tlte childre&A after Bita^ "eeiVe*- liters,, ^^^ening Yasmin"s^#s?½i~ & uh^o^ieiPiotel guard prote.ct^^.g^ftd a nurse. '~$l&s- ^^-?√ßii^^^ They often s^e $?½S^J;OTp#?^?er Dick . Haymes?- ipa-^'JfiPNtt.' ^s- ban?╜fcto-be, who^ftlft, 4lp^^l4th th? jim'sPgration aut^#itS|!?sr(^i4 ex- wi^ijoanne ,Dnj^j^_ap^|j'agent vtfho^'alked to I^fTu$^^p|tbout Ithe letters. . . a"-:t>'' '-:^^^1J-T-" ^Dipjte - and. R^ ,areC^p|pi??iing Ihfer^while he.'iwits hisijsU?║%reeksf divorce from wife??^Nor%se^fegy^aii get married. ?· ^' ^^^^"v' Occasi<*taJ^s6me 'laV^yg^ con- jnected .w(th one of- .these>j&j$pua" j problems wan&||s intoiv1^^ The whole ejgfejurage i??%e^ipiew I by th^ po<yan|r^a the~b^a$"e#?╜ftning IroorrSi evjsfey 0.tW^ '*$*%_&?·&& I "I'm-expteet^^sus^^sio% from 5 my studio any hourjFjp|||: Rita. \ "But we're going aheadcwpi'plans to stay here and mapJ-We. feel win be worthyall this." T?╜??Mrs Scrv. - Motion Picture Editor ^Copvrfsht 1953 by Intl. News Service ?√ßVx neOtoduSin whoie or in part strictly proWb,ted HOLLY WO?Θ╝fc,,.ifeit. 22.?╟÷ Rita Hayworth W*e an early morning <for EjjjpVegas) bride I when she and t$jfc Haymes are' married |a dmible^ring cere mony to be performed^jy Judge | Frank McNamee^g%J^'clock (Thursday in the^|^^?bm ??f the Sands Hotel JUl ' TrSffl'^ffng gowtfWGkbe a simple light blue linen dress with short slee^g, rounded -neckline, andlieifcoes will be i navy blue. At fl| moment a girl friend in/still shopping in Los Angeles for a small blue tulle hat and gloves to match the chapeau. She will wear no; jewelry, particularly none of ?╜g$ gems Aiy Khan gave her. B& W ' Only eight persons, including Best Man Jack Entratter, will | , witness the ceremony. They jare: Rita's lawyer, Bartley Crum; Diclfc lawyer "Wi his immigration case, Davis Mar- icusT Haymes' mother (if, she [can make it from New Yc^k),; .and Rita's two children, ftigar i-old Rebecca and 3 y.e^old i Yasmin. Her boss, Harry Wn,, Publicist: George Lait, andjAbe Lastfogel bMre been invit^ but are not expected to attel?║Ru '?: The chil^pn will wear httle white cotton frocks. .ISjK<&$ Immediately f o 11 o w l n g the ceremony a cocktail party will be given by the bride and bridegroom for cameramen and reporters and newsreelmen covering the marriage. The newlyweds will spend the rest of the week with- tm*chil- dren before leaving Sunday for the home Rita recently pury chased in Connecticut. As of this moment,-J&*looks l as if Dick's deportation hearing will be given a continuance, so that on the twenty-eighth both he and Rita will be in Phila^ delphia where the crooner booked for a night club act >hila- ?r ia DECATUR, ILL. REVIEW Circ. D. 30,421 SEP 2' im Rita Wants S^,^^^ Marriage to Haymes Will Be in Hote^^^ j Las Vegas, Ney., Sept. 23 (AP) I i Dic'0Ha|-mes, a crooner wJ^Jias. had p^fitf%ol:?·?trouble- with wives! aiiiJl!n:.k SU'ic takt:^ut a marri-i lage K&ensc' toilp with''Rita Hay-1 Ii .vnvtlV m,'~"o*\ wfo has had her share || star pick up the wedding license at ||'3';-p.. ;my CDT. That ?╟≤ is just.- one I Knur alter .h'ew'-at.s ;i divorce. irom |Nora:-E<lciirigton. Flynn eB-aymes. The Argehtme-bor-il . ?║anger- .and the acm " will be mirrial 'ihin^- pday morning in the.SajjilB,?√ß HQtel, I where both have -'been gufests for || some time. It will be'wthe fourth marriage for both. I The couple spent a quiet night on the eve;';6f Haymes' divorce ac- Ition,' They ate dinner together in II Miss Hayworth's room while her two young daughters, Rebecca- offspring ., of "Orson Welles, and Yasmin, daughter, of'Prince Aiy Kan, | had'their dinner in the hotel dining nk,;gWl?? g ^n^| The ^^hgy'-^^gbjA5 $M>}e one, contrasted to. her lavish French, weddifig to the Moslem prince jp 1949., Federal judge; eF will -perform thc'.tj [hotel room! Jaclc'.fii] of the Sands, .will I tend,int. <'^| r.g'-g-w'-k*;-'o .> o-ij j The only invited .guests- .are eighfci 'business^and legal associates of the! (couple. The press>also invited.t,,willj i outnumber, the guests three to. one. 1 "I want a wedding withi. .np'.-frills' tKis time," Rita said. "Afyp:0>Vmi getting Dick, and that's alL'w n*a?·' 1 tefsi-^ll. ' Honeyi^ogii. plans -mustgwait re- |l sum|)tiJ9n ' oja a^^ =depdrtati^^hearing, pt&M|P%s|^oitH and scheduled to resume-n^t^bnday mijpOs Angeles. U. S^Tftrimigration^utliorities (hold that the alien, Haymes forfeited his right;-to remain in the' Lfip&t (States when, on an impulse,' he (?√ßvisited Rita in. Honolulu. He failed I to obtain a re-entry permit. SAN FRANtlSiEO, CALIF. CALL BULLETIN FORT WAYNlfe. IND. JOURNAI^ZETTE Circ. D. 63137;^S.';8718I4 [iDIck find Rita Plan Wedding Thursday LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 19 (INS) - Screen Star Rita Hay- Xth and Dick Haymes mad e next Thursday, conbtoit *at the, crooner's last wife, Nora Edding^ ton Flynn Haymes, will Mga| wa^er to recognize his pending Netada divprce decree., - Egjfcj * The couple was crestfallen when Nora dramatically de^^.m Hollywood after obtam#ger^m- terloeutory decree fro^?·a^v yesterday that she was in ho hurry to sign the waiver. -'^^a I Nora celebrated the d*cb f nightclubbing with Actor Jc^oU Br^dy. She was approach^S^ on the burning question of ^ether 1 she will permit Rita and Dick to iwed nextweek at the 2 a^m closing hour of the night spbts. She Sa?╜Tm sorry. I don't know whether I will sign the waiver. I have no comment to make, y . w " j?╜ Rita and Dick^an tp be wed in tlie Gold Roof of the Sands I, Hotel next Thursday with o??y a Sn^rsons witnessing the ceremony^ which marks the fourth trip I to the altar for both. -?√ß*?√ß .y.y,,...^,_ SEWm Haymes, Rita Sign Separate Fund Pact the wedding will LAS VEGAS, Sept, 19 (INS) j Dick Haymes rVand Rita Hayworth, whose plans for an early marriage have been snarled temporarily by his ex-wife,.today signed a pact in which each gave up forever any Claim on the other's money or property The pact was drawn up by Rita's lawyer, Bartley Crum j and was signed early today at is planned ||r, September 24- provided Haymes' ?║x-wife, Nora| es' jpc- Eddington Haymes, signs a waiver. The pact called for separate ownership of "all property ot every kind and nature whatsoever . . . divested of any community character." The document also stated: "In the event of death of either party, neither of the said parties shall have or acquire any right, title or claim to the personal estate of the other."