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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 26, 1952 to February 17, 1954, lvc000008-185


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    171 MADSEN MANOR Final Map SUNNYSIDE ADDITION Tract No. 1 Final Map PARADISE V. Tract No. 4 Final Map South 5th Place Right-of-Way SERVICE & MATERIAL WARRANTS t INSURANCE ON CITY VEHICLES SIGN VIOLATION MacDonald Hotel PAYROLL WARRANTS s e r v i c e & Ma t e r i a l WARRANTS Motion seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried by the following vote; Commissioners Bunker, Whipple, Jarrett and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Peccole. Commissioner Bunker moved that action on the final map of Madsen Manor be deferred until the same has been checked and approved by the City Engineer. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote Commissioners Bunker, Whipple, Jarrett and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent:Commissioner Peccole. Commissioner Bunker moved the final map of Sunnyside Addition Tract No. 1 be approved subject to the proper authorities acquiring the right-of-way across the Southern Nevada Power Company property and the nameing of the streets and the proper designating of utility easements. Motion seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried by the following vote; Commissioners Bunker, Whipple, Jarrett and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent:Commissioner Peccole. Commissioner Whipple moved the final map of Paradise Village Tract No. 4 be approved subject to the signing of the agreement by the subdivider. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote} Commissioners Bunker, Whipple, Jarrett andHis Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent:Commissioner Peccole. Discussion was held on the right-of-way on South 5th Place, the same being approx­imately fifty feet between subdivisions, that has not been acquired by the City. The City Manager was instructed to handle this matter and inform the abutting property owners that this right-of-way would be accepted if they would install the necessary improvements. Commissioner Whipple moved that Service and Material Warrants Nos. 2318 to 2324 inclusive in the total amount of $52,769.80 be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote}Commissioners Bunker, Whipple, Jarrett and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent Commissioner Peccole. Discussion was held on insurance requirements on City operated vehicles. It was decided to turn this matter over to the insurance committee for investigation and recommendation. Commissioner Jarrett moved that the MacDonald Hotel sign be declared a nuisance and the City Attorney be instructed to serve notice that the sign is to be removed and placed on property according to ordinance forthwith. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote; Commissioners Bunker, Whipple, Jarrett and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent Commissioner Peccole. There being no further business to come before the meeting at this time Commissioner Jarrett moved the meeting recess until October 6, 1952 at 8:30 A.M. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote; ommissioners Bunker, Whipple, Jarrett and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent Commissioner Peccole. ATTEST: APPROVED: Las Vegas, Nevada October 6, 1952 (Coupon Form) A recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City Las Vegas held this 6th day of October, 1952, was called to order by His Honor Mayor C.D. Baker at the hour of 8:45 A.M. with the following members present: Mayor C.D. Baker Commissioner Rex A. Jarrett Commissioner Reed Whipple City Manager C.W. Shelley Asst. City Mgr. Dora Lord City Clerk Shirley Ballinger ABSENT:Commissioner Wendell Bunker Commissioner William Peccole City Attorney Howard Cannon Commissioner Whipple moved that Payroll Warrants Nos. 1347 to 1352 inclusive in the net amount of $34,639.84 be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried by the following vote Commissioners Jarrett, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent Commissioners Bunker and Peccole. Commissioner Whipple moved that Service and Material Warrant no. 2326 in the total amount of $5,231.88 be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign same.