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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, August 30, 1999






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, along with additional information about bylaws and supplemental agendas.

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    uac000974. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President DAVID FISK STUDENT SENATE MEETING 29-30 Monday, 30 August 1999 MSU Ballroom 6:00PM Stephanie Davy Senate President Pro-Tempore Education RylandG. Whitaker Engineering Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Tara Schroeder Health Sciences Oftr Ventura Business Catharine Bastunas Liberal Arts Monica Moradkhan Student Development Marc Maietta Business Brady T. Knapp Business Johnny Anzalone Education ml Moradkhan sciences Luis Ay on Business Sheridan Green Engineering Jennifer Hamby Education Marion McLaughlin Hotel Administration Mike Fecteau Liberal Arts Scott Pajak Hotel Adminstration James Benedetto Urban Affairs Monika Callahan Student Development Amanda Brink Hotel Administration Michael Turner Fine Arts Faiza Qureshi Urban Affairs I. II. III. IV. V. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. VI. VII. A. B. C. ocz r-vj -4JT X=»| CO C O D. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS A. State of the Campus Address by the Student Body President (as per CSUN Constitution Article V, Letter C, Number 6) BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Senate Committee Reports Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports Director Reports Nevada Student Affairs-DIRECTOR NYSTROM Elections Board-DIRECTOR RAMIREZ-ESTUS CSUN Student Services-DIRECTOR WAINSCOTT Entertainment and Programming-DIRECTOR GLANCZ Office of Student Information-DIRECTOR DELAFONTAINE Residence Hall Liaison Report Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report Student Health Advisory Liaison Report Greek Advisory Liaison Report Business Manager Report UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-25 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY (see attachment); Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-24 as submitted by SENATOR MAIETTA. (see attachment); Action Item: Discussion/Approval of sending Jennifer Peck, Amy Canepa, David Fisk, Steph Davy, Eric Nystom, and Marc Maietta to the Board of Regents Meeting September 9 and 10, 1999. The meeting will be held on the campus of UNR. Total costs of $1,390.00 to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 FY 00 (general-Travel) account, (see attachment); Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the following individuals Scott DelValle, Rocio Escamilla, Laura Lamont, Andy Perdy, Lisa Shapiro, Chad Todd, Ann Warren, and Alice Yue Lin to serve on the Office of Student Information Board. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • ( 7 0 2 ) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX ( 7 0 2 ) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments to Article X on the ballot for the Fall Elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 1 of Article VII on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 1 of Article IX on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 7 of Article VII on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 3 of Article IX on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; J. Action Item: Nomination/Election of 2 students to serve on the Campus Safety and Awareness Committee. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT {in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)} IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. ARTICLE VII. JUDICIAL BRANCH A. Definition: The Judicial Branch of CSUN shall be the Judicial Council. B. Composition: 1 - 1. The Judicial Council shall consist of [five to seven] seven to nine voting members; 2. The Judicial Council shall not render any decision unless at least seven (7) Justices are present. C. Eligibility: To be eligible for appointment to the Judicial Council, a student must be a matriculated CSUN member, and have an [overall] cumulative UNLV Grade Point Average of not less than [2.75] 3.5 ; to maintain membership on the Judicial Council, the Justice must complete at least six (6) UNLV credit each semester while in office with a per semester UNLV Grade Point Average of not less than [2.5] 3.0 and remain a student in good standing. D. Chief Justice: 1. The Chief Justice shall preside over all Judicial Council meetings. 2. The Chief Justice shall be responsible for publicizing the agendas and maintaining the minutes of all Judicial Council meetings. E. Associate Chief Justice: 1. In the event of a vacancy in the position of Chief Justice, the Associate Chief Justice shall assume the position of Chief Justice until a new Chief Justice can be appointed; 2. In the event of the absence of the Chief Justice, the Associate Chief Justice shall assume the position of Chief Justice for the duration of the absence. F. Powers and Responsibilities: 1. The Judicial Council interprets the CSUN Constitution; a. The Judicial Council may decide the constitutionality of acts of or within CSUN entities when requested to do so by an Executive Officer or Senator; ( b. The Judicial Council may invalidate an improperly conducted election and order a new election. The decision must be rendered within two (2) weeks of the election in question; I c. [The Judicial Council may decide appeals initiated by CSUN members * in regard to decisions of CSUN entities.] 2. The Judicial Council may act as arbitrator between CSUN members and entities of the University of Nevada System; 3. The Judicial Council may consult legal counsel before rendering decision. Funds may be encumbered for the purpose of legal consultation; 5 4. The Judicial Council must meet at least once in the first month of each academic semester. 5. The Judicial Council must draft an operating policy at their first meeting ^ — of each semester, and present it to the Senate at the first Senate meeting in both October and in March. 6. Upon receiving a case, the Judicial Council has ten (10) working days to { accept or refuse to hear a case. Upon acceptance of a case, the Judicial Council has ten (10) working days to produce a written decision. ARTICLE IX. CSUN SERVICES A. Definition: Services shall be administrative bodies that perform specific operative functions as delineated in the Constitution and its Bylaws. B. Qualifications for Board Members: Members must be CSUN members with a cumulative UNLV Grade Point Average of not less than 2.0. C. Terms of Office: The term of office for Directors and Board Members shall be from the date of appointment until the installation of the Executive Board unless otherwise specified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Senate. D. Directors: 1. Shall be matriculated CSUN Members: 2. May neither file, nor hold, more than one office simultaneously within CSUN: 3. Shall have a cumulative UNLV Grade Point Average of not less than 2.7 4. Shall cmplete at least six credits per semester at UNLV with a per semester UNLV Grade Point Average of not less than 2.5; or be a newly admitted freshman in good standing; [1.] 5. Directors shall administer to, execute for, and preside over the Services to which they are appointed; [2.] 6. Directors shall be responsible for publicizing the agendas or standing agendas and maintaining minutes of meetings; f~7. Directors shall be required to create a board in accordance with its bylaw. ' The board must be placed on the Senate agenda no later than the second Senate meeting of the Fall semester; 8. Directors have the discretion to create an Assistant Director position; 9. Directors shall be required to attend at least 75% of Senate meetings in / order to submit their reports to the Senate; L 10. Directors shall be required to attend at least 75% of their own meetings; 11. Directors shall be required to meet with their boards at least twice a semester. E. Assistant Directors: 1. Assistant Directors shall be nominated by the Director of their Departments and approved by the Senate. (B/R 6/96) 2. In the event of a temporary absence of a Director, the Assistant Director shall assume the directorship for the duration of the Director's absence. a. If a Director misses more than more than 25% of their own board ' meetings, or more than 25% of the Senate meetings (due to reasons other than those mandated by the Family and Medical Leave Act), then the Director will relinquish pay in proportion to time absent to the Assistant Director automatically. The position of Director will be retained in accordance with the law. Supplemental Agenda Monday, 30 August 1999 MSU Ballroom 6:00 p.m. K. Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 2 of Article VII on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; L. Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 3 of Article VII on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; M. Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 4 of Article VII on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; N. Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 5 of Article VII on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; O. Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 6 of Article VII on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; P. Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 3 of Article IX on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; ( ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS AND ELECTION A. Definition of Officers: 1. The Executive Officers shall be the President, the Vice President, and the Senate President; 2. The Legislative Officers shall be the Senators; 3. The Judicial Officers shall be the Justices; B. Candidates for elective offices must be qualified to hold those offices, at the time of filing. C. Qualifications to hold elective offices: 1. Shall be matriculated CSUN members; 2. May neither file, nor hold, more than one office simultaneously within CSUN; 3. Shall have a cumulative UNLV Grade Point Average of not less than [2.5] 2.70 4. Executive Officers: a. may be elected no more than twice to the same office; b. shall have successfully completed no less than 48 credits, the last 15 of which must be from UNLV prior to holding office; c. Shall have completed at least six credits from UNLV from the immediate semester prior to holding office; 5. Shall complete at least six credits per semester at UNLV with a per semester UNLV Grade Point Average of not less than [2.0] 2.5; or be a newly admitted freshman in good standing; I ARTICLE X. IMPEACHMENT AND REMOVAL FROM OFFICE A. CSUN Officers shall be subject to impeachment and removal by the Senate on the grounds of malfeasance or nonfeasance. [B. Charges may only be brought against a Justice on a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Judicial Council. The charges may then be brought before the Senate by any member of the Senate.] [C.] B. Charges may be brought against any officer, [other than a justice], by any member of the Senate. At the time the charges are leveled, the Senate shall hear the charges and determine hearings before the Senate takes action. [D.] Officers being impeached shall be given reasonable opportunity to respond to such charges, in person or in writing, during the impeachment hearings before the Senate takes action. [E.] D. Sustainment of impeachment charges by the Senate shall cause impeached officers to be immediately removed from office and barred from holding further CSUN offices indefinitely. Senate Bill No. 23 Of the 29t h Senate Session INTRODUCED BY: Senate President Pro-Tempore Stephanie Davy Summary: This bill is intended to update bylaw 33 to make it consistent with current CSUN operating procedures. We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: (Additions will be underlined, deletions shall be placed in brackets) SENATE BYLAW 34 PATRIOT LAW I. PURPOSE Procedure for removal, transfer, or discontinuation of CSUN entities II. PROCEDURE In order to remove or discontinue a CSUN entity, directorship, or program; the following procedures are required: A. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the CSUN Executive Board; B. A proposal must be drafted by the CSUN Executive Board and introduced to the CSUN Senate. The proposal shall be discussed at a regular CSUN Senate meeting and then tabled; C. The proposal shall be re-introduced at the next regular CSUN Senate meeting, and requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote in favor of removal, transfer, or discontinuation of a CSUN entity as stated in Article III of this bylaw. THE FOLLOWING CONSTITUTE AS CSUN ENTITIES A. CSUN Education Policies Committee; B. Elections Board; C. Entertainment and Programming; D. Nevada Student Affairs; E. Office of Student Information; [F. Organizations Board;] [G.] F. KUNV Radio Board; [H.] G. Senate [Ad Hoc] Constitutional Revision Committee; [I.] H. Senate Bylaws Committee; [J.] L Senate Rules and Ethics Committee; [K.] J. Senate Ways and Means Committee; [L.] K. Student Health Liaison; [M. Student Services] [N.] L. Senate Campus Safety and Awareness Committee; [O.] M. Any and all standing committees and boards organized by the CSUN Executive Board and confirmed by the CSUN Senate. N. CSUN Services Board: III. ( Senate Bill No. 22 Of the 29t h Senate Session Introduced by: Student Body President Jennifer C. Peck Summary: The funding that CSUN provides to Career Services in the form of fee waivers can be better utilized in the form of a co-sponsorship of the new online Career Connections Web Career Management System. Senate Bylaw 48 Career Services [Fee Waiver] Program Co-Sponsorship (Effective February 23, 1998) I. Purpose To establish [a fee waiver for students in financial need who seek the career planning services offered at UNLV Career Services] an ongoing co-sponsorship with Career Services that will aid in supporting the Career Connections Web Career Management System which is used by students to search for employment and internships, and serves as a guide for on-campus recruiting, resume referral, and candidate selection. II. Structure ( A. Funding for this service shall be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 account for the [1998 spring semester] 1999 fall semester. From [May 17, 1998] December 20, 1999 thereafter, funding for this [fee waiver] co-sponsorship shall be factored into the annual CSUN budget by the incoming Executive Board. [B. The criteria for the fee waiver as follows: 1. Must be a matriculated student at UNLV with at least 9 credits. 2. Minimum GPA 2.75 3. First come, first serve (fist 200 students/100 per semester) 4. Financial need of at least $5,000.00/year.] [C. The total fee waiver is $45.00 which includes a $30.00 web site fee and a $15.00 career planning program fee.] B. Projected budgeting for this service is $9,000.00 per academic year to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 account. [D.] C. Marketing of the [fee waiver provided by CSUN] co-sponsorship shall be done by the Career Services Office in conjunction with the Office of Student Information. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President DAVID FISK II. Stephanie Davy Senate President Pro-Tempore Education RylandG. Whitaker Engineering Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Tara Schroeder Health Sciences Ofir Ventura Business Catharine Bastunas Liberal Arts Monica Moradkhan Student Development Marc Maietta Business Brady T. Knapp Business Johnny Anzalone Education Paul Moradkhan Sciences Luis Ay on Business Sheridan Green Engineering Jennifer Hamby Education Marion McLaughlin Hotel Administration Mike Fecteau Liberal Arts Scott Pajak Hotel Adminstration James Benedetto Urban Affairs Monika Callahan Student Development Amanda Brink Hotel Administration Michael Turner Fine Arts Faiza Qureshi Urban Affairs MINUTES SENA TE MEETING 29-30 Monday, August 30,1999 MSU Ballroom, 6:00 PM C A L L T O O R D E R SENATE PRESIDENT FISK called Senate Meeting 29-30 to order at 6:07 p.m. R O L L C A L L : PRESENT ABSENT Johnny Anzalone Christian Augustin Luis Ayon * (arrives 6:16 p.m.) Catharine Bastunas James Benedetto Amanda Brink Monika Callahan Stephanie Davy Michael Fecteau John P. A. Garcia Sheridan Green Jennifer Hamby Brady T. Knapp Marc Maietta Marion McLaughlin Monica Moradkhan Paul Moradkhan Scott Pajak Tara Schroeder Michael Turner Ofir Ventura Ryland Whitaker Faiza Qureshi Cherokee DeLaFontaine Heather Ramirez-Estus Gil Glancz Eric Nystrom Holly Wainscott (excused) *denotes tardiness CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • U s VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • ( 7 0 2 ) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX ( 7 0 2 ) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 SENATE MINUTES 29-30/AUGUST 30, 1999 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PECK State of the Campus Address. SENATOR MAIETTA arrives at 6:08 p.m. V BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports: SENATOR MAIETTA stated that he had a family emergency and was unable to conduct the Ways and Means Committee. He wants to encourage the monitoring of spending that the Senate is approving. SENATE PRO-TEMPORE DAVY stated that the Constitutional Revisions Committee had a meeting and there are Bylaws that will be looked at further. SENATOR BASTUNAS stated the Educational Committee would meet in Chambers next Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports SENATOR BASTUNAS stated that the time would stay the same for the meeting. SENATOR PAJAK stated that he met with President Carol Harter and everything is going well. C. Director Reports NEVADA STUDENT AFFAIRS DIRECTOR NYSTROM stated Technology Fee Committee met again. His computer in the office is all set up and just needs to have a password locked in on it. He has met with Pi Sigma Alpha and the College Democrats. Working with the bookstore for welcome week. Met with the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee. There were questions from SENATOR MAIETTA and SENATOR FECTEAU. ELECTIONS BOARD DIRECTOR RAMIREZ-ESTUS stated that she would be available more in the office. She is working on the last addition of the packet; application packets will be available on September 15 at 5:00 p.m. Homecoming Packet will include a scholarship for the student. Director Retreat went well. She encouraged Senators to yield the floor to the directors for the agenda submissions. Filing will take place on Wednesday. CSUN STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTOR WAINSCOTT stated that she has class during the meetings and will give her report in public comment. The recognition packets for the organizations are completed. She is looking for Senators to support her. She gave a Thank you to SENATOR BASTUNAS for her help. Had a meeting with her committee. The Director Retreat was very productive with STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT CANEPA. SENATE MINUTES 29-30/AUGUST 30, 1999 There were questions from SENATOR AYON AND SENATOR VENTURA. ENTERTAINMENT AND PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR GLANCZ stated that he and DIRECTOR DELAFONTAINE are working together on publicity for Pauly Shore. The first band cancelled looking for another band. FYI He is picking a new assistant for committee. $6,000 for Oozeball, needs to be resubmitted on the agenda. Please take the time to pass on the publicity information. Tonight after report he needs to leave early to get the rest of his work done. There were questions from SENATOR BASTUNAS, SENATOR WHITAKER, SENATOR ANZALONE and STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PECK. OFFICE OF STUDENT INFORMATION DIRECTOR DELAFONTAINE stated that her and DIRECTOR GLANCZ are working well together. Picking OSI Board Members. Publicity for Peter Bellon will start next week. Thanks to those who helped this summer with the orientations. VICE PRESIDENT CANEPA did a great job on the Director Retreat. Also, she cannot stay because she needs to get work done tonight before the meeting is over. D. Residence Hall Liaison Report- Marisa Yamamoto stated that the opening events went well this past weekend. Started the S.O.S. Program, the future of Residence Hall looks bright. E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report- SENATOR GARCIA stated that the Health Insurance will have a meeting on September 30t h at 5pm, and a S.H. A.C. meeting this Friday. F. Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report-no report G. Greek Advisory Liaison Report-Don Mitchell-Panhellenic Formal Recruitment is this weekend. There will be more information about Greek Life available at a further date. H. Business Manager Report: BUSINESS MANAGER MOORE read the expenditures for the last week: $ 92.05 Telecommunications for Long distance phone charges for July, Repayment of $21.37 was made against this bill, $76.75 to Reprographics for CSUN information brochure printing, $35.20 to Reprographics for Misc office forms, $14.46 to Mr. Goodsense for Food and drinks for OSI meeting, $66.38 to Office Depot for Misc. office items not available through Boise, $414.00 to New Image Photography for Photography of CSUN staff members, $254.24 to LVRJ for Advertisements placed by last year's President in LVRJ. Ads were CSUN logo placed in 5 editions of paper. No notice of this activity was provided to Business Office, $234.85 to Imaging Technology for Printer cartridges for office printers. Filed under office supplies, $189.05 to Central Stores for Misc. office supplies $249.86 to Central Stores for Misc. office supplies. SENATE MINUTES 29-30/AUGUST 30, 1999 VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-25 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY (see attachment); SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to table as per bylaw 1, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-24 as submitted by SENATOR MAIETTA (see attachment); SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to table the item seconded by SENATOR BASTUNAS. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of sending Jennifer Peck, Amy Canepa, David Fisk, Steph Davy, Eric Nystrom, and Marc Maietta to the Board of Regents Meeting September 9 and 10, 1999. The meeting will be held on the campus of UNR. Total costs of $1,390.00 to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 FY 00 (general-Travel) account, (see attachment); SENATOR AUGUSTIN made a motion to approve, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the following individuals Scott DelValle, Rocio Escamilla, Laura Lamont, Andy Perdy, Lisa Shapiro, Chad Todd, Ann Warren, and Alice Yue Lin to serve on the Office of Student Information Board. SENATE PRESIDENT FISK rules this item out of order. E. Action Item: Discussion/approval of placing the amendments to Article X on the ballot for the Fall Elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; SENATE PRESDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to waive Bylaw 4 of this item for the duration of this meeting, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU. Move into a vote. Motion passes 20-3-0. (SENATOR AUGUSTIN, SENATOR KNAPP, and SENATOR A YON oppose.) SENATE MINUTES 29-30/AUGUST 30, 1999 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to amend the item to strike 7-8 and replace with 6-7, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. Move into a vote on the item as a whole. Motion passes 23-0-0. F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 1 of Article VII on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR BASTUNAS SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to amend 7-8 to 6-7, seconded by SENATOR BENEDETTO. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. There is discussion on item F from SENATOR DAVY, SENATOR BASTUNAS, SENATE PRESIDENT FISK, and SENATOR AYON. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section I of Article IX on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTUS!. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to strike 7-8 with 6-7, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. There is discussion from SENATOR AYON, SENATOR GREEN, and SENATOR AUGUSTIN. SENATOR AUGUSTIN leaves 6:55 p.m. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to strike D-2 and replace with, "may not file for more than one office in any given election, and may not hold more than one office within CSUN simultaneously" seconded by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 20-0-2. SENATE MINUTES 29-30/AUGUST 30, 1999 (SENATOR VENTURA and SENATOR MAIETTA abstained) SENATOR VENTURA leaves 6:59 p.m. There is more discussion on Directors status under CSUN Services from SENATOR MAIETTA, SENATOR AYON, SENATOR WHITAKER, SENATOR ANZALONE, SENATOR BASTUNAS, SENATOR FECTEAU, SENATOR KNAPP, SENATOR BRINK SENATOR GARCIA and SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY and STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PECK. SENATOR VENTURA returns at 7:10 p.m. SENATOR AUGUSTIN enters at 7:18 p.m. There was more discussion from SENATOR ANZALONE, SENATOR GREEN, SENATOR FECTEAU, SENATOR MAIETTA, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR SCHROEDER, SENATOR GARCIA, SENATOR AUGUSTIN, SENATOR AYON, and SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY SENATOR CALLAHAN leaves at 7:30 p.m. There is more discussion from SENATOR P. MORADKHAN, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR AYON, SENATOR WHITAKER, and SENATOR BASTUNAS. SENATE PRESIDENT FISK calls a recess for 5 minutes at 7:37 p.m. Meeting is called back into order by SENATE PRESIDENT FISK at 7:45 p.m. There is discussion from SENATOR MAIETTA, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR BASTUNAS. SENATOR P. MORADKHAN calls the question, seconded by SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN. Move into a vote. Motion fails 13-6-3. (SENATOR BASTUNAS, SENATOR FECTEAU, SENATOR BRINK, SENATOR GARCIA, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR TURNER opposed. SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN, SENATOR MAIETTA, and SENATOR ANZALONE abstained.) SENATOR AYON made a motion to amend C-3 to read "Shall be a student in good standing with their respective college," seconded by SENATOR PAJAK. There is discussion from SENATOR MAIETTA SENATE MINUTES 29-30/AUGUST 30, 1999 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to call the question, seconded by SENATOR VENTURA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-2-1. (SENATOR A YON and SENATOR TURNER opposed. SENATOR AUGUSTIN abstained.) Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion passes 18-4-0. (SENATOR BENEDETTO, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR GARCIA, SENATOR DAVY opposed.) Move into a vote on the item as a whole. Motion passes 18-4-0. (SENATOR BENEDETTO, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR GARCIA, SENATOR DAVY opposed.) H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 7 of Article VII on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to approve, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to strike 7-8 and insert 6-7, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22-0-0. SENATOR KNAPP made a motion to strike ten and replace with "five working days to accept or refuse a case. And to strike ten working days to produce a written decision" and replace with "fifteen days to produce a decision," seconded by M. MORADKHAN. There is more discussion by SENATOR MAIETTA, SENATOR A YON, SENATOR GARCIA, and SENATOR BASTUNAS. SENATOR PAJAK called the question, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU. Move into a vote. Motion passes 15-6-0. (SENATOR AUGUSTIN, SENATOR BASTUNAS, SENATOR A YON, SENATOR MAIETTA, SENATOR TURNER, SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY opposed) Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion passes 14-7-0. (SENATOR BASTUNAS, SENATOR P. MORADKHAN, BENEDETTO, SENATE M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR KNAPP, SENATOR TURNER, and SENATOR HAMBY opposed.) SENATOR PAJAK yield to STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT CANEPA. SENATE MINUTES 29-30/AUGUST 30, 1999 Move into a vote on the item as a whole. Motion passes 22-0-0. I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 3 of Article IX on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; SENATOR FECTEAU made a motion to approve, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to strike 7-8 with 6-7, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22-0-0. Move into a vote on the item as a whole. Motion fails 0-20-2. (ALL SENATORS opposed, except SENATOR KNAPP and SENATOR QURESHI abstained.) J. Action Item: Nomination/Election of 2 students to serve on the Campus Safety and Awareness Committee; SENATOR M. MORADKHAN made a motion to open nominations, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU. SENATOR SCHROEDER nominates SENATOR P. MORADKHAN, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU. SENATOR FECTEAU nominates SENATOR QURESHI, seconded by SENATOR MAIETTA. SENATE PRESIDENT FISK closes nominations. SENATOR P. MORADKHAN and SENATOR QURESHI receive the seats by unanimous acclimation. K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of placing the amendments designated Section 2 of Article VII on the ballot for the fall elections to be held on 7-8 October 1999 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to insert IV, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22-0-0. SENATE MINUTES 29-30/AUGUST 30, 1999 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to change 7-8 with 6-7, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU. Move into a vote. Motion passes 21-0-1. (SENATOR AUGUSTIN abstained.) SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY made a motion to divide to insert VII on ballot as item K1 and insert IV on ballot as item K2, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22-0-0. SENATOR A YON makes a motion to amend to Article VH - C to strike everything between "and" through to "Council,'7, strike "with a per semester G.P.A. of not less than 2.5" seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-5-0. (SENATOR BASTUNAS, SENATOR P. MORADKHAN, SENATOR BENEDETTO, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY) Move into a vote on item K1 as a whole. Motion passes 17-5-0. (SENATOR BASTUNAS, SENATOR P. MORADKHAN, SENATOR BENEDETTO, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY oppose) SENATOR AYON makes a motion to strike IV C-3 and replace with "shall be a student in good standing within their respective college," and strike everything after UNLV and before "or be a. ." in C