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5/21/08. 613 Mr. I * H. B an croft, 1 st Vice P resid en t, Mr. J. Ross C lark, , 2nd V ice P resid en t, S pecial Committee: Gentlemen:- R e fe rrin g to l e t t e r from Mr. Clark o f May 19th, 1908, F ile #59~PP, addressed j o i n t l y to me and to Br. Cochran, C h ief Surgeon, d ir e c tin g that we should "examine the water supply r e s e r v o ir at Las Vegas and rep o rt on i t s con dition and the con dition o f the water, and what steps, i f any, should he taken f o r the proper p reserva tio n o f the water and i t s proper s e r v ic e " . With respect to the con dition o f the w ater, Dr. Cochran is subm itting an an alysis which shows i t to he p a r t ic u la r ly good. Regarding the con dition o f the r e s e r v o ir , I have to report I examined i t la s t week. The concrete dam and intake and sp illw a y are as p e r fe c t as when b u ilt and the r e s e r v o ir which the dam forms appears to be p r a c t ic a lly o f the same depth as when excavated. Around the earth margin there has grown in p la ces, patches o f water p la n ts, such as f la g s , grass and weeds. The water is p e r fe c t ly c le a r in the r e s e r v o ir . F lo a tin g on the su rface, X observed a few bunches o f vegeta b le growth about h a lf the s iz e o f a man’ s f i s t . This p o s s ib ly was blown in to the stream above the r e s e rv d ir and c a rrie d down and was c o lle c te d in bunches in the eddies at the end o f the short flume which c a r rie s the stream in to the r e s e r v o ir . Regarding the p reserva tion o f the w ater. I f by the use o f the word "p res e rva tio n " conservation is meant, I have to advise that w ith the exception o f p o s s ib ly 500 g a llon s d a ily which escapes from leak s in the pipe lin e th at were not e n tir e l y stopped, none o f the water is wasted as what is not used f o r ra ilw a y purposes and f o r supplying the town o f Las Vegas is used f o r ir r ig a t io n on the Company’ s ranch. Regarding the water s e rv ic e from the r e s e r v o ir , I have to advise that the pipe lin e which supplies the r a ilr o a d and town is operated to i t s f u l l ca p a city , which is fa r in excess o f reouirem ents. As I reported on May 18th, 1908, to you, the pipe is d e te rio ra tin g by corrosion from ru st and many leaks have occurred in i t , These leak s have a l l been e ffe c t u a lly -1 -