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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. R. M. Sutton 3* April 30, 1952 if there are any changes in the projects contemplated but not authorised for the year 1952, we should have that informa­tion. 7. I should also like to have a statement from you of any factors which you know of which would tend to increase or de­crease the revenues or expenses of the Water Company or the Railroad Company in connection with the production of water in the year 1952 as compared with the year 1951* This will be most help­ful in preparing estimates of the re­sults of operation for the full calendar year 1952. It is my intention to have Mr. Wehe put in evidence some exhibits estimating the result of operation of the Water Company and the Railroad Company for the full year 1952. This testimony will necessarily be based upon re­sults of past operation and such factors as we draw to his attention which will cause a change in revenues or expenses in the future. He will be in Los Angeles In the early part of the week of May 26, 1952, for the purpose of commencing the preparation of his exhibits. It will be helpful if I can have as much of the additional in­formation requested in this letter as Is possible by that time. I should appreciate it very much if you would let me know if you can think of any additional information which can be furnished by your department which would be helpful in the presentation of the court case. If I have not made myself entirely clear, or if I have requested information which you feel has already been furnished, I trust that you will let me hear from you. E. I* Bennett