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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 arc Bering If* 64° 20* 29* W. 940*0 feet; thanem southerly along salt curve sal along the westerly l%m of said north Fifth Street, 31.04 foot; thence along a tangent to said curve a ad continuing along tho westerly lisa of said street S, 27° 30* 40* 1. 977*20 foot to a point marked by » 2-ineh iron pipe »ot in tho northeasterly lino of mi 31*51 aero parcal of land conveyed to tho City of inn 7ega# by dood recorded in Booh 14, page 540 of deeds, records of aaid aiarh County; thence along said northeasterly lino if* 42° 15* 00* W* 320. 00 foot to a point marked hy a fe Ineh iron pipe sot at tho moat northerly eoraor of said 31*51 aero parcel of land; those# along tho northwesterly lino of said 31*51 aero pares! of land 3* 54° 19* 00* W* 447*20 foot to an anglo point in said northwesterly lino marked by a 2-lneh iron pipe; thence continuing along sold northwesterly lino fra®, set# anglo point 3. 27*45* 00* W* 334*53 foot to a point morhod hy s concrete moamont in said northwostorly lino; thoneo eontinning along said northwostorly lino 3* 27° 45* 00* 1* 145*47 foot to a point marked hy a 2-ineh iron, pipo sot at tho moat oatorly eoraor of tho 3.17 aero parsed of land conveyed to ©* o. Boggs hy dood rooordod in Book % page 407 of Beads, records of said ©lark County; thoneo along tho northoostorly lino of said 3*17 aero parcel of land If. 42° 15* 0#* W. 240.0 foot to a point marked hy a 2-lneh iron pipo sot at tho moot northerly corner of said 3*17 aero parcel of land; thoneo along the northwesterly lino of sold 3.17 aero parcel of lend 3* 27° 45* 00* W. #0.0 foot to a point marked hy a 2-ineh iron pipe; thoneo it. 42° 15 * 00* 1. 520.00 foot to a point in said easterly lino of Berth Main Street marked hy a 2-ineh iron pipe distant 3* 27° 45* 00* I?? 04.20 foot from a concrete monument not in said easterly line; thoneo along said easterly lino h. 27° 45* 0OW X. 2494.7© foot to the point of beginning* fOGlTBM with all and singular tho tenements, hereditament* and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. MMMfV HOtSVBft, to the following exceptions, incumbrances, reservations and restrictions* 1. dll taxes and aassaaments levied or assessed against said land subsequent to tho year 1941, shall bo paid by tho ©rantoes herein, and not by Grantor. —2—