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*3<a - ' J ^ ' THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1905._________________________________________ . aBaMKMaSMMMMM&KKMMBXKMMpKMBKMKMBaKMKMSMKRMS my THHT A T*\ A T**T**t Tl`C`(T' !*------------------------------'--------------"--------------------------- """ ----- + 7 A run ^ NEVADA^RESS-I § g Newspaper /Hen Are Power #LL/L''L' /' [ g California Stock and Oil Exchange § //J Of LfOVU. a ^ - —, g a The go!d.n State of Nevada has fur- newspaper work. Weils Drury, who .^' /\' 8 g # 1 g\ r\ T\ 7^ gl S nished the newspaper world with as wasoneof the young hustlers fornews ^ / X ' . ' - . / '.. V - J 8 V O ill 5t O C t\%^ XOUOUUit S many shining !igt\ts as any other State ontheC^stock. isstiii in thehar- „ t * i*-< f) 8 g in the Union since 1M0. ^ ^ 1 ` ' f ^*4* /', IM 8 a st"!3st" iook over the *^mong the "o!d timers" in Nevada ;. f ^ 3J! - JA T\ - 11 C ^ ^ ^ 8 cnlaxy of literary stars this j^umaHsin who have retired from a.J- MfL - Jl4 s f^r^gfSTTPSn ?Mlfa HH!!tT*flV S State has supplied to the worid. one tive work, but who still cannot resist MW Mh# * ^ Hii\A E#M**EE 3 can hardiy realize^ whence they sprung the temptation to dtp^their pens and 8 H 8 pMd^lJ'rr'newIpap.rY^.`"of manure F ^ *** -*- ^ ^ g editor of the^Carson Appeal^^n^one^^f ^ ?Ptid ffif PrflSnQf*t<!S nf thp Innnmh Cnuh)6 E<!P!8 ^ George Wright. better known as Dan by the magazines He is the p,utitor of 8 vClHlH)l nubpcbnio U) tt<O !UiiU}JJH t-UUU)C t.a^'C g Qume, with his quaint styie made a new comic opera, which is being g&mBggB g <tonH fnt PrncnoMn<t pf thl Yo)!iw/Rnsp 8 this iife the more worth the iiving. placed on the boards its the East and H8Mjg^ ^ j v6!!Q TQf rfuS[!6CiUS 0! I"J i"!!Jw^nUjC g Alfred Dote,n. powerful with his pen yhich promises to make him both noted §, t—^ Carthy was a power in the land he newspaperman who left the held of g JUO iYivi^) t ^JvFivH HmH. H *Z3 A A V A g helped to build up. He, more fortunate! journalism for oiRc$. He was one of ^ S Te!ephone B!ack 34*1 g was enabled to end his days inthe quiet m%he^!d, but retired to take the post- ^ 8 SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 8 °* **'" countTy home in California, t,<m of Warden at the State Prison at HUrTE r^w^E. O^^rHE ^)<SM-r7 g / s^r^LsH vvixiT*r^ g Harrle Miyhels, one of the most force- Carson city. The people lost a good &U"TEj o c- ^ ^__________________________ rtjJeted'a^d "ilved^and ^JwnseJd."who has made a * ' __________I _ _________________ _____________________________ i.......-................................-.........-"} E^L"iA'g^ EB=/Sr^B: CREATE B^?W/AG CO^PO^7VOA ' W% A V^TS?W/*' E Rf ^ :: Townsend --Truthful Jdm.." y°^meu^^^ ---------------,--------------- Hw R H HR l`^'H Hs H ^3A H . uy^. wHw Hu. was a quaint, uriginai writer and one r*harlos Aflbhaelson is another young ' * AA%^ns/ A^/ A RAH^ A AnAn^ * V that had a Style'of his own. Ed Coinon , , made for himseif a na/ U. S. Senator George S. Nixon, Senator poration. Cashier Harris of the Farmers' Ormsby, l.oss Meder wiii be cashier at " ; made his Hrst reputation on the "Com- renutation He too got his first T L. Oddie George WingHeid Charies and Merchants' Bank of Reno has re- Tonopah. and George W. Cowing at Car- ' . ____________ , , ., , , _,,m stock" and up to the time of his death tionai T. L- Oddie. George wmgneia ^ ^,,„ .,g. g. to Tonopah to son City. A. G. Raycraft wiii be general ' he never "took a back trali." but stead- *Among*the newsoacermenl^"?^.^?^ associates have ^y° . take an active part in the buiiding up of cashier and wiii superintend the opera- -i ny forged abroad in his profession untii jtT now !n thf ^rk '" ^nah the business of the new corporation. ti.n. at ail thre. .Kites. mating Mstorv for the John 8- Cook remains in compiete The withdrawal of Senator Nixon and iEHgiHHESa H^gT^ ' ^3k'^-T^!B!a leading editoriai writer on this coast. and y^° .f!^^ ^ charge of the Gotddeid and RhyoiiteofB- his friends from the Nye and Ormsby ia P^$HzH George Cassidy is another of the oid- ^"^^and fast advancing Stae Tonopah Banking Corporation of Tono- g cook & Co. The directorate looked upon as a business transaction ' ! ^)tce newspaper men who has Hnishe<l Nevada maybe mentioned those pah, and have purchased apart '"terest ^ Tonopah Banking Corporation so!eiy. It is beiieved that John McKane. MM'Bsiii ^ 1 """** sone on to the world be- Reno and y^ *iowns and cities, in ) ,n the baniring ^yse of John S. Cook been announced, but it is un- Frank Go!den and others who have pur- KSH&aHES MM S B 9 ! \Jt!S A srS *3 BE3 % yond. He represented th^St&to in Con- Reno, two dailies, the Journal, edite & Co. of (^olddeld and Rhyolite, estab- ^ ^ ^ ^ United States Senator chased the withdrawing interests will ^Jasa^ S< §S H 3LlLn 3 one term and returned to his Ge(^geS. Nixon will be at the head. The supply the gap. and that the Nye t*nd ^aHrZaa ^ I Hr! B Hr\]rH * 1 ( ! ' 1 ' !! S mirn!MH]! " newspaper, preferring that work Banking Nye and Ormsby County Bank, during the Ormsby. as weii as the new Tonopah HHSsEjSsS jW Among the iiving writers of t.3-day madequiteareputationforhimse!f t The capita) of the Tonopah Banking Senator Nixon and his Banking Corporation and John 8. Cook A ^XSaySSsmi A ^ LA were baptized in the profession on California before entering Nevada, and Corporation is $2W.<MM, "P. friends ht!d the controiiing Interest, had Co., have a great future before them. nHTHH the otd Comstock and who are entitled to thbWeekiy Observer, edited by Sen- .fJohnS. Cook & Co. $60,000. fuiiy paid. ^^^;^^.^d^aRanditis -----=------------------------------ t first p)ace are Arthur McEwen and ator Nate Roff and Ailen Bragg. The with deposits already amounting to up- ' . . ,t,at'the new Tonopah%anking ABTOOtOHM.H THANSPORTATIO!V. i yclSa ^ ! * 8L*%P .. Samuel Siemens (Mark Twain). Both iatter aiso is the editor of the Silver ^„rd of $600,000. S. H. Kitto. cashier of . .. .,, ,gy, ^)tt, genertU The dimeuittes of travei and transpor- I t)WS&l B "* of these gentlemen began their news- State, published at Winneniucca. the Nye and Ormsby County branch of ^ * unward of U 000 000 Senator tation through the great desert country I EF*S^S5^SABB H 1 :: paper work in Virginia City a. peuart- The K!k. Independent s ably edited Goiddeld. has resigned and it is under- of Nevada, which have always been a t MM:!!!!' ers. and it was in this school of jour- by W. W. Booker. Th*e Elko Free Press stood that he will occupy an Important ^ thoir Intention of giving the new serious drawback to its deveiopment, A ^ -- ' nalism that they got their Hrst ideas of was edited by C. A. hproule, who re- position in the new Tonopah Banking Cor- ,p ^ Corporation a full share have quite ree^ht!y been largely overcome I men and things in general and learned cent!y died. The Herald, published at ^---------------------- 4. bv the introduction of the motor vehicle. T how to turn them into news tha* was Wells, is owned and edited by Phil &. . ^ 4$n e 4oh Tnhn R Ceok^A Co will move into the By this means three days of travel have 4 ^E***"****^ < commercial value Tripplett, one df the ablest writers in [one of the Hnest and most complete job John S. Cook & Co. will move mtotne reduced to one and a tedious, tire- L*A Tb, Antimony, B,bbitt !^b of sii j; ^ ES'E,BE' SH ? Ada^ed Anti-FrichonMetalfor Engines, ^ ^ SynmnosandEkoMoMaoMnery. Kt W&R&WJR. S^M^SJMRX ""*"t" . ^ :!sns? rrusA.^.*s ^,. _.. .. ^srss^s?S5SMst ... * !53-!55 !57-)59 ftrst St., San Francisco, Ca!. .; West, but became more famous aa the of the best representatives. Fairbanks J^tures m NevLdr^J he W nghJdmteres"in ^e Nye and Ormsby rapidly being pushed in ait directions and 1 . t discoverer of "Mark Twain," after of the Lyon County Times represents newspaper ventmes 'n_Neyada are^.he ^'bgHeid myreM m tn^ye^no^^ eouinced with modern machines especial- 4^#^^ + * + + ** * ^ + * ######^^* # Clemons discovered himself. He 1ms the newspQ(Per trCateruity in th&t push- T`om?P*^ Ds,ily S nn$i Pittman Alonzo ^Tripp H C. iy built to perform the strenuous task of The New Depot Addition to GoidHe!d Mhtn street and in the center of the ad- retired with a fortune and is taking ing iittie bi!Tg. ,Mces^u?i'y^iaunched^by Lindiey C. Cutting. Lucien L. Patrick, D. M.' Ryan, mountain climbing with that of crossing a,rCMZbia^s^r.. the two dttlcm -^ofe.y.ngbyj wide^d towns, beginning at Cedar street, one wiii be a credit to the ne^ pleasured iife, at present, is to meet Carson City has two dailies, the Ap- fo^ly of Ca"for<da- r^t^Lr^^Lnkof NevadrofRen. ment. To judge from past progress it Mock from Main, which connects the Messrs. Hepburn & Harris have had g„,y,g „f his-oid friends of "Bonanza" peal, abiy edited by Hai M!ghe!s, a son The of the and others does not seem at aii improbabie that towns, and extending westerly over a phenomenal sale of iota, aggregating gays and talk over oid times. gf its founder Harrie MighelA and OBrmn, is a ^ii^nt ex^n^ ofthe Bank of Nevada within three months the traveling man beautiful stretch of slightly sloping iand, 3M,MOin six days, wM^.b^ta ail records charioy C. Goodwin who was a th.^ .y^by °Br^n1ta?m^ i^ba rtu?ati.^ and at Ren. ha. been appointed cashier of may in a period of three or four days ^ ^po^ r^n^s- from R^Ho",* sJ^n'i:.^ ^ ^1^1^ ^k."UT ^11 ^d"ing °, the Go,d.e,d branch of the Nye and visit all the important camps. ^ ,,, ii.. : '...... ..............- i"'_j', ,,^' . .. ., -, ... ................... * "" ...... .—.-h- r,' ;. ^ ^ ^, . . BammMniMiBHH!HHHHHHHHnHBHHH!HmHmHABBMHHHHHHBHH!HH!H!HHHHHH!HHHHHH)HHHHHHHHHBAH H ^ gBHHHaaBHMHiHBHZHHHHWBHHHSHHHMHHHHHHHHBHHaaHHHHWWaHHWHMWMHMMZZHHHHWHHHHBaaHWHHHKHH BZaaaaH-HH-aMH*.. ! M!N!NC MACHINERY ) ) / Z.r-........Jr...-.,., ^ . .' '. "" ........................................................ " < ............................................ 5 Builders of - s E Stamp MiHs and Accessories improved Bryan Ro!!er Mills j I Johnston Concentrators Evans HydranBc E!evators j ; ,Li - - : . - /L Water Wheels s - ------------—— E s Hydraulic Mining Machinery 5 j Mining, Pumping and Hoisting Plants j } Engines and Boilers i j Gold Dredging Machinery j E Ore Feeders, Rock Breakers, Etc. j ——---------------------------------------- E Write us Direct for Catalogues and Information g I R1SDON IRON WORKS [ t 4. Tangential Water Wheels, 36pp. 5. Evans Grave! 3levators, 48pp- E Cor. Stuart, and Folsom Streets :: S 9. Bryan Roller Quartz Mill, Spanish, 48pp. T * C * i* Milling Machinery, !38pp. E San Francisco * - * * * California :>iKglE:gE:lKgs:3^a;r"-'** E z