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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, November 1993



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    Tamid Sanford D. Akselrad: Rabbi Bella Feldman: Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop: Education Director Dotty Gross: Preschool Director November 1993/Cheshvan-Kislev 5754 Gerald Gordon: President Monty E. Willey: Temple Administrator Shirley A. Neale: Bulletin Editor RITA MOSES MALKIN CONGREGANT OF THE YEAR The entire congregation is invited to join us Friday, November 5th when we honor Rita Moses Malkin, this year's (1993-1994), recipient of the CONGREGANT OF THE YEAR award. This prestigious honor is bestowed annually upon a congregant of our Temple, whose commitment, dedication and leadership has been given selflessly, along with time, energy and devotion. When Rita joined Congregation Ner Tamid in 1976, she immediately became both the bookkeeper and treasurer. Rita also held countless other responsible positions through the years which included Temple Administrator, Sisterhood President, Board Trustee, and an abundance of chairmanships. Rita's talents and expertise drew titles such as Caterer-extravaganza and artist- in-residence, to mention a few., and devotion are the ingredients that Rita has given in abundance to Congregation Ner Tamid.. Our heartiest congratulations are extended to Rita! Please join us at 7:30 p.m, Friday, November 5th and take part in the festivities as we pay homage to Rita and welcome all of our new Congregants with New Member Shabbat. New members, please arrive at 6:45 p.m. fora special group picture that will be permanentx displayed in the Temple. STELLAR EVENTS IN NOVEMBER! CNT Sisterhood ANNUAL CHANAKAH BAZAAR Sunday Nov. 14 th 11:30 a.m. to CNT Semi-Annual BLOOD DRIVE Sunday Nov. 14 th 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. It's going to be bigger and better than ever! At the same time as our great Bazaar! Call 733-6292 to sign up Schedule of Shabbat Services Conducted by Sandford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist *Friday, November 5th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Honoring our Congregant of the Year Welcoming of new Members Oneg sponsored by Congregation Ner Tamid Saturday, Novemer 6th 10.00 a. m. Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Arin Coleman Kiddush sponsored by Scott and Jody Coleman *Friday, November 12th 6:00 P.M. Dinner - Grade 5 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Friday, November 19th 8:00 Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Douglas Chenin Oneg sponsored by Dr. Stephen and Linda Chenin Saturday, November 20th 10:00 a.m. Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Lucas Grower Kiddush sponsored by Martin and Ronnie Grower Friday, November 26th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Aimee Worth Oneg sponsored by Ron and Hyla Worth Saturday, November 27th 10:00 a.m. Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Cary Kottler * BABY SITTING A VAILABLE The offices of Congregation Ner Tamid will be closed hursday and Friday, November 25th and 26th in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. \/WVWWWWWWVWWVWWVWAWVWWWWM- ^ 2 Congregation Ner Tamid ? THANK G-D IT'S SHABBAS! Imagine a world in which one-seventh of our lives was spent on spiritual pursuits. A world where we spend time, not just on earning a living, but on recapturing life. For the Jew, such a world does exist, or perhaps more precisely, could exist by weekly Sabbath observance. To be sure, it would be pollyanish to think that we could just abandon all of the concerns of the past week or think that there are not people who still must earn a living, even if it means working on the Sabbath. Never the less, the spirit of our faith dictates the observance of our most sacred holiday, Shabbat. Heschel once described the Sabbath as a "palace in time" in which we, as Jews, created special sacred moments of spirituality to be shared weekly with one another. In so doing, he taught that we actually brought a taste of "the world to come" ? paradise ? to the here and now. For the most part, I am thrilled with our weekly Sabbath attendance, but I would like to see more children present. Therefore, starting this Fall, I am adding an extra incentive for all the children in our religious school. They will each have received a "T-G--I-S " ... "Thank G-d It's Shabbas" card with 18 hole-punches on it. Each time your child attends services they will receive a hole punch, and with the 9th punch, they will be eligible for a special pizza party in May. For those who attain 18-chai punches, there will be something extra special. Now that I've told you the incentive that I'm giving our children, you may want to ask me, "What's in it for us adults?" The answer is as near as the smile on your child's face when you share Shabbat, and as close as the spirit that dwells in the heart of every Jew. As it is written, "As much as the Jews have kept the Sabbath, so has the Sabbath kept the Jewish people." Let us join together as a Congregational family to worship, to sing, and to share our love of Judaism with one another. B'shalom, Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi MEMBERSHIP NEWS Membership has held several successful events over the past few weeks and we are well on our way to an exciting year. "The Havarah Experience," attended by over 100 people, inspired many to join an existing Havarah, or create a new one, bringing the total to twelve. Many thanks to Rona and David Mendelson for all of their hard work in organizing and planning this event. This is really a great way to make new friends and become more involved in Temple. If you are interested in knowing more about Havarahs or joining one, please contact Rona and David at 458-1536. Our new member dessert Continued on page 10 We Welcome the Following New Members Joyce Baum Diane Brady Beverly Goldberg Rissie & Douglas Henderson Dr. Eugene & Edith Kirshbaum Andrea Michaels Linda Wadleigh Abby & Judi Wilder Temple Board Jerry Gordon President Alan Mann V.P. Administration Stephen Joseph V.P. Ways & Means Lois Doctors V.P. Membership Steven Weiss man V.P. Religious Activities Denise Schnitzer V.P. Education Jack Nitzkin Treasurer Dyane Kohnen Recording Secretary Paul Cohen Trustee Nadine Cracraft Trustee Roger Ewan Trustee David Gross Trustee Debbie Levy Trustee Jerry Poiis Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Bob Unger Trustee Ron Worth Trustee Helen Zliser Sisterhood Lenny Gropman Brotherhood Ronae Fink Golden Chai Judy Kollins NTTY Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasscrman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo A. Wilner Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Oficio Monty E. Willey Temple Administrator A Word from Our Temple Administrator Congratulations to Rita on being selected as Congregant of the Year. What a marvelous selection. Rita deserves the honor and recognition. I appreciate all your help, Rita. With this edition of the Bulletin, we say good-bye to Garianne Farrish, our long time editor. Garianne left our staff to take a teaching position at Walter Johnson Middle School. Garianne will be missed, but she is fulfilling a year?long desire to get back into teaching. Taking her place is Shirley Neale. We welcome her and wish her good luck with us. I want to wish a belated happy anniversary wish to Jerry and Mary Fox. Over the last several months I have been remiss in ensuring that they were recognized in our bulletin. Also, thanks for the donation of the apples for com. pog? *? Bar Mitzvah of Douglas Chenin Hi, I am Douglas Chenin. I am in the 7th grade at Greenspun Junior High. I play the Baritone and Alto saxophone in the school band. I also play the drums. I like "Rock" music. I enjoy art, drawing, radio- controlled airplanes, boats, and cars. I love hunting, camping, backpacking, boating, collecting cards and comics, listening to music and talking on the phone. 1 have two brothers, David, who is 17; and Danny, who is 14 1/2. I also have a brother "on the way," his name will be Dillon. I can't wait to be a "big" brother. I am looking forward to my Bar Mitzvah. I have enjoyed learning Hebrew from Rabbi Akselrad, Melissa Glovinsky, and Bella Feldman. I have been learning about my religion, culture, and traditions with Congre?gation Ner Tamid since pre-school. My parents, Steve and Linda Chenin and I, invite the entire congregation to join with my friends and family, for services on November 19th, when I will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. ADDITIONAL BAR or BAT MITZVAH CELEBRATIONS in NOVEMBER November 6th, Arin Coleman; November 27lh, Cary Kottler. CONGRATULATIONS! Bar Mitzvah of Lucas Grower Hello friends, family and strangers! My name is Lucas Grower and I am a 7th grader at Greenspun Junior High School. I enjoy playing tennis, baseball, and reading. I am also Secretary/Treasurer of Congregation Ner Tamid's TNT group. Even though I attend school as a 7th grader, I am in Pre-Confirmation at religous school which is for 8th grade kids. I am hoping to see everybody who reads this bulletin at my Bar Mitzvah on November 20th. Your presence will be greatly appreciated. Congregation Ner Tamid 3 ^ Bat Mitzvah of Aimee Worth HI! My name is Aimee Worth. I am 13 years old and I go to Greenspun Junior High School. My hobbies are playing basketball, swimming, and being with my friends and family. My favorite subject is history and I am in the drama club. I will become a Bat Mitzvah November 26th. My family will be traveling from California, Ohio and all the way from Mexico. My friends and family will be there and I hope you can join us. Message from our President The Sanctuary Campaign, under the direction of co-chairmen David Gross and Michael Cherry, continues to move forward. We are continuing to receive commitments of major gifts. However, as I stated in my announcement of the campaign during High Holidays, the campaign will only be successful through the financial commitment of each and every Congregational family. While the majority of the $1,500,000 goal will be raised through major gifts, such gifts will not, nor should they, meet the goal. The sanctuary, pre-school, schoolroom addition, offices, chapel, and related facilities will belong to each of us, and as such, each of us must step forward and make to the best of our abilities, a financial commitment. Over the next several months, your Board of Trustees will be considering the establishment of a minimum level of commitment from each Congregant. I would anticipate that it will be a five year commitment, commencing January 1, 1994, and will be in an amount sufficient to assure meeting our goal. This decision will be made only after serious deliberation by the Board. In this regard, we would appreciate your input and suggestions. The Board represents a cross-section of the Congregation. Through its deliberations, the Board is exposed to the various concerns and viewpoints of the membership. Regardless, we would still like to hear directly from you, and in that regard, please contact individual Board members or attend one of our Board meetings, which take place on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m., in the library. I not only welcome your attendance but encourage your involvement. Jerry Gordon, President^ 4 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Cantor's dornet October proved to be another busy month at CNT. The holiday season continued with Sukkot and Simchat Torah celebrations. Our Junior Choir did a beautiful job with their first service of the year, as did all of our Consecrants! A special thank you to Debbie Resnick for conducting, and Billy Tiep for his wonderful guitar accompaniment. Debbie and Billy are assisting me on Sundays with Religious School and the Junior Choir this year. Their talent and enthusiasm is a great addition to our music program. We have a very special treat this year for Chanukah! Our very own Junior Choir will be performing their first musical ever! The name of the show is "Miracles Aren't Just Magic," written by Debbie Freidman. The songs offer a wide diversity of musical styles and flavor, and, throughout the script, you will hear the story of Chanukah as never told before. The play is filled with comedy and I know it will bring smiles to your faces and pleasure to your hearts. All are welcome to come and see this exciting show December 12th, at 11:00 A.M., in the Sanctuary. Please tell your neighbors and friends! The Adult Choir will be singing at our New Member Sabbath Friday, November 5th. We are always exploring interesting new music to enhance our services. B'Shalom, Bella Administrator - Continued from page 2 Rosh Hashanah. I want to remind parents of Bar / Bat Mitzvah children that we would like to introduce your child to the congregation prior to his/her special date. We do this in the form of a picture and a brief statement, by the child, of who they are and what they like to do. This is a special way for us to get to know each other. We would like to receive these no later than the 10th of the month prior to the date. This will ensure that we can publish the photos in time. As a reminder, the office will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 25th and 26th, to celebrate Thanksgiving. We will have services Friday night the 26th, to observe Aimee Worth become a Bat Mitzvah. USHERS Of the Week 1st WEEK OF THE MONTH Joe Schwartz 2nd WEEK OF THE MONTH Lennie Gropman 3rd WEEK OF THE MONTH Jack Nitzkin 4th WEEK OF THE MONTH Jeff Resnick IF THERE IS A 5thWEEK OF TIIE MONTH Joe Schwartz 8,000 THANK YOUS On Rosh Hashanah 50 years ago, the Jews of Denmark knew that the Nazis planned to send them all to Auschwitz to be killed. Their Rabbi told them to hide. But how could they escape? It took the spontaneous efforts of the Danish people to save their 8,000 Jewish neighbors. In an act of great piety and compassion, they hid the Jews and created a secret network to transport them to the coast and on to safety in Sweden. The tone was set by the Danish Lutheran Church which supported the effort fully. It was reinforced by political leaders and by King Christian X himself. So many played critical roles in saving our people. Now, 50 years later, we want to say "Thank You" to the Danish people. We need to remember what they did and to show our appreciation. Therefore, our congregation is participating in a national effort sponsored by the Commission on Social Action of Refon? Judaism to have Reform Jewish children write! "thank you" notes to Queen Margrethe 2nd of Denmark, the granddaughter of Christian X. The letters of our religious school children will be added to those of other Reform children from around the country, and a total of 8,000 letters will be delivered to the Queen before the end of the year ? one letter for each Jew saved. We are too often ready to complain that no one cares about us, that the world is always against us. But it is not so, and we must take note of those cases when others have risked their lives and their well-being for us. We are therefore pleased to acknowledge the acts of bravery and humanity performed by the Danish people 50 years ago. THANK YOU... To all have helped me through these tough times. Love, Carol Schnoll? Congregation Ner Tam id 5 * SISTERHOOD PRESENTS Annual Chanukah BAZAAR Sunday, November 14, 1993 11:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. LOTS OF FUN AND FOOD! CHANUKAH GIFTS! CHANUKAH DECORATIONS! MENORAHS & CANDLES! ARTS & CRAFTS! BOOKS & GAMES! ENTER! NOODLE KUGEL CONTEST! Plan on lunch! The Sisterhood has lots of goodies planned...brisket sandwiches, hot dogs, potato latkes and all the trimmings! r A DONOR CREDIT! Volunteers needed to make briskets and help in the kitchen during Chanukah Bazaar Event! PLEASE CALL FRANCES KLAMIAN AT 454-0990 r DONOR CREDIT! Help is needed in the gift shop prior to the Chanukah Bazaar Event. This includes selling during the event and break-down at the conclusion of the Event. PLEASE CALL JOY WILLEY at 897-1824 V J V J^ 6 Congregation Ner Tamid ? The Easiest Way to Support Our Congregation SCRIP is a painless way to buy Where do you buy SCRIP? WHICH STORES WILL your groceries and support the ACCEPT SCRIP? Congregation at the same time! At the Temple Office Monday through Friday, 9-4, If you buy your food at: DO YOU EAT? DO YOU BUY YOUR FOOD On Sundays between 9 and VON'S AT THE GROCERY 12:15? SMITH S STORE? and or ALBERTSON'S If so, please consider picking up SCRIP at the Temple on a regular basis. Just use your food money to buy SCRIP. Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Golden Chai and Board of Trustee Meetings. YOU are a perfect match for SCRIP! If you wish to receive SCRIP through the mail, please enclose your check with this order form. Thank you. Congregation Ner Tamid SCRIP Program, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121 You do not need to use this coupon to buy SCRIP. This is just for your convenience. Name_______________________ Address_____________________ City____________________ Zip Phone_______________________ Date Ordered_________________ Date Needed_________________ Amount Received Store Denomination__________TOTAL Lucky 05s ? 10s Q20s ______ Vons ? 5s ? 10s ?20s ______ Smiths ? 5s ? 10s ? 20s ______ Albrtsn ? 5s ? 10s ? 20s ? Signature L ? ? J? Congregation Ner Tamid 7 * OUTREACH THE COMMITTEE FOR INTERFAITH FAMILIES The first Outreach program of the year was held Sunday, October 10, 1993, in the social hall at Congration Ner Tamid. The topic was; "What you always wanted to know about interfaith issues but were afraid to ask." Rabbi Akselrad moderated a panel discussion and provided information and statistics to thirty people. The discussion was provocative and helpful. A sincere thank you to Rabbi Akselrad, and to our candid panel members; Stuart Berger, Jay Poster, Lotty and Jerry Polis, Sue and Steve TNT NEWS Our first meeting of the 1993- 1994 year was an exciting success! Our elections were held with quite a bit of enthusiasm and the following members were elected: President-Jolie Alhadeff Vice President-Lindsey Bemay Secretary/Treasurer-Lucas Grower Historian-Kevin Spoor Sargeant at Arms-Scott Gordon We also formed our phone committee with the following volunteers; Jennifer Etcoff, Marisa Marano, Shira Goldstein, and Steven Schyman. On October 17th there was a breakfast meeting for the board members at Marie Callender's. Paul Cohen, our Youth Activities Committee Chairman, explained Robert's Rules of Parlimentary Procedures and treated us to a great breakfast. Thanks for you help, Paul! On Tuesday, November 2nd, we will hold our next general meeting and installations. Families are invited to attend the meeting which will be held in the Social Hall from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. ?Important* In order to keep an office to which you were elected and to participate in the activities, yoour $15.00 dues and applications must be turned in. This is the last meeting to turn them in. Joseph, and Nadine and Joe Cracraft. Our next Outreach event will be held Sunday, December 5th at Congration Ner Tamid from 10:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon. The topic will be on Jewish holidays and will be lead by Steve Weissman. The event will be followed by a fun and experiential workshop lead by Jackie Fleekop, Director of Education and Principal of M. B. Dalitz Regilious School. If you are interested in joining the Outreach Committee, please call Sue at 656-9963, or Nadine at 254-2862. Sunday, November 21st, will be our ice skating event at the Santa Fe Hotel Ice Rink. We will meet at the entrance to the ice skating rink, (south entrance of the Hotel), at 1:00 p.m. This is also the location for parents to pick up their children at 4:00 p.m. The cost is $3.50, which includes admission and skates. Locker rental (25 cents), and snacks are extra. See ya there! If you are 6th, 7th or 8th grader and haven't joined a TNT yet, it's not too late. Applications are available in the Temple office and we'll see you at the November 2nd meeting. Debbie Karasik Sheryl Chenin-Webb IF YOU LOVE CHILDREN! IF YOU HAVE THE DESIRE TO KEEP JUDAISM ALIVE! IF YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO SHARE IDEAS WITH OTHERS - WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU! Ner Tamid is looking for teachers and substitute teachers. Contact Jackie Fleekop at 733-6292 ti ? t 1993-1994 TNT CALENDAR SAVE THE FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH FOR T.N.T. WE WILL HOLD OUR MEETINGS IN THE MULTI?PURPOSE ROOM FROM 6:30 TO 7:00 P.M. EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE INDICATED BELOW. ?September 12 y Rbjigious School Orientaii<5n October 5 GeneraNMeetingafta Elections Multi-Purpb^e/rtoom, 6:30 to 7 p.m. Octobei^O Boa^fL/leeting Breakfast B0ARD MEMBERS ONLY ?Marie Calendars at TropN^na and Eastern from 10 to 11:30 a.m. November 2 General Meeting and Installations, Families are Invited to Attend Social Hall from 6:30 to 7 p.m. November 21 Ice Skating Santa Fe Hotel from 1 to 4 p.m. December 7 General Meeting Multi-Purpose Room, 6:30 to 7 p.m. December 12 Chanukah Play and Party Details to follow January 9 T.N.T. Goes to the Movies Details to follow February 1 General Meeting Multi-Purpose Room, 6:30 to 7 p.m. February 27 Purim Carnival Details to follow March 8 General Meeting Multi-Purpose Room, 6:30 to 7 p.m. April 5 General Meeting Multi-Purpose Room, 6:30 to 7 p.m.* 8 Congregation Ner Tamid CNT Preschool News October has been a busy, exciting month for our CNT preschoolers. First, we celebrated Simchat Torah. Rabbi Akselrad took us into the sanctuary and showed us the Torah. We helped to undress and dress the Torah, and we each had a chance to actually touch the Torah! We made Israeli flags, and Bella taught us a marching song for the joyous holiday of Simchat Torah. In addition, our themes for the month have been "Magnificant Me" and "My Five Senses." We learned that we all have unique and special qualities and that each one of us is special in our own way. We focused on using our senses to further self-awareness and enhance self-esteem. The month ended with a small Halloween party. It was exciting to have a chance to finally wear our costumes since we had been discussing them all month. The children and teachers would like to thank the Husney family and the Kaner family for their donation of toys and puzzles to the preschool. Please remember us when cleaning out your closets. We could especially use "dress-up" items for our dramatic play area. CNT preschool offers a child centered curriculum in which each child has the opportunity to learn and grow at his\her Dwn pace. We still have a few openings left for preschoolers. Please call the Temple if you are interested. We would love to have you and your child come visit our school. Also, if you are interested in serving on the preschool committee, please call the Temple. We would love to have enthusiastic members tielp us with special projects and fund raisers. The children and teachers would like to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. Shalom! Dottie, Leah & Annette CNT Semi-Annual BLOOD DRIVE To Be Held NOVEMBER 14TH 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call 733-6292 TO SIGN UP! Rabbi Akselrad's Conversion Class began October 14th. For more information, call Judy in the Temple office at 733- 6292. * & ? ?????????????????? ? CNT Preschool ? ? Committee Needs a ? D Chairperson D ? If you are interested in participating ? ? in any way in our new Preschool D Committee, please call Dotty Gross, Preschool Director, at the Temple. We look forward to ? ?????????????????? 3rd Annual Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class to Begin November 7th We will be starting our 3rd Annual Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class on Sunday, November 7th, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There will be a total of 18 meetings with the Rabbi and me, Melissa. We will learn Hebrew from the beginning all the way through the chants and prayers. The last B'nai Mitzvah class was quite a success, with our four students who formed lasting friendships and a sacred bond to their Jewish faith. Although each person was in the class for very different reasons, the time and energy spent together was truly an uplifting experience for all. The Adult B'nai Mitzvah date is set for Saturday morning, June 11th, 1994. Please call Judy in the Temple office to sign up (that's 733-6292). There is a fee for the books and the class. Space is limited. ^Melissa TNT 1993-94 BOARD MEMBERS Jolie Alhadeff......................................President Lindsey Bemay....................................Vice President Lucas Grower......................................Secretary/Treasurer Scott Gordon........................................Sargeant-at-Arms Kevin Spoor.........................................Historian Advisors-Sheryl Chenin-Webb & Debbie Karasic J? Congregation Ner Tamid 9 ^ M.B. DALITZ RELIGIOUS SCHOOL News from our Principal Our school is taking shape and formulating new ideas to serve the special needs of our children, our school, and community. Teachers at the M. B. Dalitz Religious School are excited to have such creative and receptive students. I have received many positive comments from parents about our programming. Remember that new roads always cause detours and inconveniences. Change is not easy and answers do not always come easy. This school is concerned about our students. We will endeavor to offer our youth the opportunity to learn in a posi-tive environment. I will remove obstacles that hamper this process. Our children have the right to a quality Jewish education, and we have the responsibility to see that they receive it. October was a joyful month with our Visible Torah adorning the social hall at Simchat Torah. The consecration class did an excellent job and lifted the spirit of everyone in attendance. During the months of October and November, students will be collecting items such as food, paper goods, and children's cloth-ing to help those in need. I have reminded the children that strong threads make a warm, strong coat. Giving Tzedakah, helping others to live a quality life, makes the world and especially our own community, a strong and better place. In order to give our students the encouragement to attend Shabbat services, we have issued credit cards to all students. This card will receive a hole punch every time a student attends Shabbat services. Awards will be given in conjunction with this project later in the year. This month we will begin an exciting school-wide program of study and fun. The staff will take passport pictures as a kick-off to our simulated trip to Israel, which will conclude on Israeli Independence Day. During the Chanukah Bazaar on November 14th, the M. B. Dalitz Religious School will be having a Book CHANUKAH Family DINNER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10th at 6:00 p.m. A CATERED MEAL WILL BE PROVIDED SERVING CHICKEN & POTATO LATKES! PLEASE FILL OUT THE COUPON BELOW AND RETURN IT TO tEMPLE ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 1st. | RESERVATIONS | ? Chanukah Family Dinner Dec. 10, 1993 i FAMILY NAME................................................... I No. of Adults................No. of Children.................. I ? Members $6.75 Nonmembers, $7.75 Children, $4.00 ? I AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $........................................... I L __ __ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ __J Fair in the library. Remember that books are wonderful gifts that never break, and they hold membories within their pages. I wish you and yours health, happiness, and much to be thankful for during Thanksgiving. Shalom, Jackie Fleekop Director of Education Dear Parents; Please share this bulletin with your children, especially your older children. May they enjoy the Jewish Spirit with you! SOCIAL ACTION NOTES The Social Action Committee wishes to thank all of the congregants who brought in food items and toiletries during the months of September and October. We were able to make several donations to the Jewish Family Service, as well as to WEAP (Weekend Emergency Assistance Program for the needy families in the general community). A special thank you to the Religious School for their participation in the food project. During the Chanuka Bazaar, we will be assisting the Brotherhood with their Blood Drive, and also doing voter registration. We are especially pleased that we have several new members on our committee to assist with our projects and welcome anyone else who is interested to attend one of our meetings. During the month of December we are asking for your help in two projects that were very successful last year. Please bring in any sweaters, coats, Continued on paj-e 13? 10 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Membership Continued from page 2 and coffee occasion was held at the lovely home of Jerry and Yvonne Gordon on October 10th. A balmy fall evening, a very relaxed atmosphere, gracious hosts, and delicious desserts were the key ingredients to a successful event in which new members were acquainted with more established congregants and familiarized with various Temple programs. Thanks to Jerry and Yvonne, and also Sarah and Jeffery for all their assistance. Members of my committee became "CNT Basket Bunnies" over the October 10th weekend and delivered 32 Shabbat New Member Welcome Baskets. From the overwhelming response of surprise and delight, we performed a mitzvah. If somehow you've been overlooked and did not receive a basket, please let us know. The donation of challahs and ruggalah by Joanie Freed of Freed's Bakery, was most appreciated and really enhanced the beautiful baskets. Thank you for your assistance (and also for helping us locate parts of Las Vegas not known to exist), Rona and David Mendelson, Sheila Kaufman, Debbie and Jeff Resnick, Phyllis and Wendy Lewis, and of course, my husband, Malcolm. The most exciting membership event of all is our New Member Shabbat service November 5th. At that time we welcome all of our new members to our Temple family and honor Rita Moses Malkin as "Congregant of the Year." We hope everyone will join us as we celebrate this special occasion. Pictures will be taken of our new members with Rita and permanently placed within the Temple. We hope to see everyone there! \1s vU six vlx \ls v'd ?|\ /|\ 7(\ 7|\ 7|\ /|\ 7|\ 7(S 7|\ To: Sandi Fried 7^ To: Debbie McKinnon V? Thank you for the besst ^ brunch we ever had! Helen Zliser Js Committees and Auxiliaries GOLDEN CHAI and PLYMOUTH ROCK The very busy Holiday season has closed again, with the Holiday of Sukkot and the scent of the Sukka remaining with us. We pause now to celebrate our secular holiday with all our countrymen?"ThanksgivingDay." O'Henry said; "Thanksgiving is the ONE Holiday that is purely American." When we try to visualize that first strange, cold and fearful Thanks?giving at Plymouth, we forget that the Puritans had a very strong association with Jewish Themes, and the Massachuset Bay Colony patterned their celebration of the Fall Harvest after our Bible's Harvest festival Sukkot. They celebrated: Life: The privilege to live and speak in a democratic society. Friendship: That Americans of all races, religions and backgrounds strive to work together. Hope: The chance to welcome other newcomers to the "Golden Land" (in our generation). With Life, Friendship and Hope for the family and I wish you and yours a peacful and happy Thanksgiving! May your table be bountiful with all of the above. Todah Rabah Ronae Fink, President Golden Chai Calender of Events: November 4 - Cathy Hansen, from Channel 13 News November 18 - Dr. J. Edgar Wakagama, PHD., his topic will be "U.S. Internment Camps vs German Concentration Camps. Dec. 2 - Chanakah Lunch for paid-up members. Dec. 16 - Sugar Vogal Jan. 6 - Misfits - Dance and Music BROTHERHOOD NEWS A special thank you to Jack Nitzkin, CPA, for his talk on the new Tax Laws at our last Brotherhood Breakfast. Steve Joseph provided us with a great breakfast at his Foster's Freeze Restaurant. The Blood Drive is set for November 14th at the Temple. Please contact Joseph Schwartz at 731-3994 for more information and an appoint-ment. Bring a friend! A Saturday night of hockey is tentatively scheduled for January 8, 1994. Everyone will be notified as to time and place. It's that time again, "Dues are due." Please join us to make Brotherhood a huge success. Dues are $25.00. Guest speakers are planned for all our meetings. The next Brotherhood meeting is set for Sunday, November 7th, at Foster's Freeze, located at Sahara at Decatur, at 9:30 am. Guest speaker will be Jay Poster, who will enlighten us on. "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Final Arrange-ments, But Were Afraid to Ask." Men and women are invited. THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO USHERED FOR HIGH HOLLIDAYS - Paul Cohen, Joe Craycroft, Malcomb Doctor