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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    24 54 Cont. JULIA (alarmed) What? Marie begins to cry. Julia leaps up to look in back. 55 EXT. SERVICE STATION - FULL SHOT Sammy has the boys in the car and they start away from the station, down the highway toward Vegas. 56 EXT. SIDE OF THE ROAD - JULIA AND MARIE standing beside the car, trying to comfort each other. JULIA That's nonsense, Marie. They couldn't possibly fall out... they must've gotten out at the last stop. MARIE Let's get back there. JULIA I'll fly! MARIE (tearfully) When I get my hands on that boy, I'm going to strangle him! JULIA (crying) Me, too -- right after I kiss him! They've said this as they jump back in the car. Julia whips it around in a dazzling U-turn and they begin speeding back toward - 57 EXT. SECTION OF HIGHWAY - SAMMY??S CAR zipping along, OVER scene, we HEAR Sammy's VOICE SINGING. (Brief chorus - to be selected). 58 CLOSE SHOT -SAMMY, COREY, EARL in the car. Cont. E-343