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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I Jj 1 March 24, 1941 ft, Mr. W. T. tflaait Cello-Vis ion Corporation 2223 49th Arcane North Miaaeapolis 12, Miaaeseta liii Dear Bill, It was mice be lag with yew la Las Vegas this week, aad am ealy sorry I missed wee for breakfast oa Thursday * I had to be dewa la court early aad I just dlda't make it back la time. I hope yea'll remember to scad as samples of all the aaterlals you aaaaMHwre at your pleat, aad I'm also geiag to go to work oa sett lag up Idle arraageaeat we spoke about ea the erderiag of cellophane for the Aagellte Bread. Please glue ay best to the Missus, aad X hope we see you out here agala real seea se we eaa get this Aagellte Bread project eff the greuad* Kindest regards,