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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A e m g o uaer for the year 1950 for tho aerviae given La o Vegas City for rut# making purposes, 1# ian&cgmfei n d unfair, in that, on the basis of GesoBlsai carter Malcne's statement of #0,009*00 par second foot, figuring the saxtansm veer by your p*tltlonar to bo approxinataly elm cubic foot par second, the value should be act loaa than five tinea greater than that fixed by your petitioner* 3rd. The •llalakiloA of Kul# 19 free the Rule* and mayo* latlcae under conditions that obtain at i*ao begss trill bo la* equitable and unjust, and trill work a real htrdthijr on your pe-titlonar, in that* a speculative feature hoc antered into a eenaiderable .portion of th* araa of the City of las Togas, and unless there it a reasonable charge allowed by yrntr Comiaalon for the tapping of voter mains, dtand* vill be sends frost tint# t o time by muaorsua parsons for water service for the tapping of tha water nalna and connect!one from the wains to inside of the proparty lines of the respective lot owners* solely for the purpose of enhancing tha value of their lota and not for the purpose of taking, tiiag send paying for water service* fhe order of the Geamlssinn rood tea that Hula lO is dls* allowed for tha reason that It conflict* with Hula i providing that the Company ahall furnish sarviea to the property 11ns of sash consumer* Hulas 9 and 19 vara eubnitted to y-our Cowsralasion by your petitioner for the reasctt that preetieally the same rules sad regulations have been in use under the franchise new in force granted by the Heard of County Cosmlsstoners of Clark County on ww^as-