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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 24, 1979






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 8 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000012. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING #12 July 24, 1979 4:00 p.m. Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes §11 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations .fl. Radio Station Manager Search Committee (vote) 1. Danny Campbell, Chairman 2. Lise Wyman 3. "Skip" Kelley 4. Susan Mueller B. Preschool Committee (vote) 1. David Martinez VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Entertainment & Programming Board C. Elections Board D. Publications Board E. Bylaws Committee 1. Proposal #7 2. Proposal #8 F. Energy Committee G. Radio Committee VII. Old Business VIII. New Business A. Intramurals Operating Policy IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 July 24, 1979 4:00 p.m. Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order The twelfth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Senate President at 4:00 p.m. in Lounge 203 of the Moyer Student Union Building. The Senate President appointed Joe Matvay as Parliamentarian due to the absence of her Senate President Pro Tempore. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Bill Haldeman Marie Rope11 Byron Blasco Carol Tarpley Shellee Willden Lisa Wolfbrandt "Skip" Kelley Nick Santoro Sandy Williams Ray Corbett Marty Burzinski Chuck Weinberger Dave Craddock (excused late) Pam Roberts David Martinez (excused late) Cindy Simia Absent Robin Hunt (unexcused) Nina Ross (excused) Jeff Wild (excused) Shawn Carder (unexcused) III. Approval of Minutes #11 There were no corrections or comments on the Minutes of Senate Meeting #11, therefore, they stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements Memorandum addressed to the Senate The Senate President informed the Senate that in her last memorandum to the Senate, when she said "homework" she was referring to homework for school, not for the Senate. Agenda Items The Senate President announced that there was an addition to the Agenda under Item V, Executive Board Nomination, to add Letter C, Radio Station Manager. The Senate President also announced that under Item VIII, New Business. Item A, the Intramurals Operating Policy will only be submitted at this Meeting and voted upon at the next. The Senate President further announced that there would be an addition to the Agenda under Item VIII, New Business, which would be lettered B, entitled Delay of Senate Meeting #13. Minutes - Senate Meeting #12 July 24, 1979 Page 2 Bus Trip to Reno Vice President Wyman announced that everyone should have received a flyer in their box about the bus trip to Reno for the UNR vs. UNLV Football game. Bylaw Proposal #8 Vice President Wyman announced that Jeff Wild had to be out of town and she asked him to draft a memorandum about his feelings about Item E of Bylaw Proposal #8. She also announced that she is going to move to remove Item E on this Bylaw Proposal and she would appreciate your support. Bill Haldeman then informed the Senate that the Bylaws Committee has voted to retract Item E from this Bylaw Proposal anyway. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Radio Station Manager Search Committee (vote) 1. Danny Campbell, Chairman 2. Lise Wyman 3. "Skip" Kelley 4. Susan Mueller Shellee Willden moved to approve these four people as submitted as members of the Radio Station Manager Search Committee as a whole, was seconded, and passed with one abstention. B. Preschool Committee (vote) 1. David Martinez Pam Roberts moved to approve David Martinez as a member of the Preschool Committee, was seconded and passed unanimously. (David Martinez arrived at 4:06 p.m. - excused.) VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board There was no report of the Appropriations Board. B. Entertainment & Programming Board Dave Gist gave a report on the expenditures that the Entertainment & Programming Board has made so far. He also reported that at the Blood Drive last week, forty pints of blood were donated. He informed the Senate that he sent a letter to the musicians union concerning the prices for which they are supplying us with entertainment. Russ Martino and his group only cost us $100 which was $2,000 worth of entertainment. (Dave Craddock arrived at 4:09 p.m. - excused.) Dave Gist further informed the Senate that they have decided to hold a "Superstar Frolics." Bob Blaskey will be handling this and he has taken over most of the Muscular Distrophy recruitment. Bob Blaskey and the Superstar Frolics will be on the Agenda for next week of which Bob will be making a presentation. Chairman Gist then read the Minutes of the last Entertainment & Programming Board Meeting. He also informed the Senate that he will be attending an NECAA Convention this week. He further announced that the final film cost for both semesters is $10,033 and $1,000 worth of projectionists fees. He informed the Minutes - Senate Meeting #12 July 24, 1979 Page 3 Senate that Shellee Willden saved CSUN about $7,000 on this movie series with great bargaining tactics and he commended her for that. He also informed the Senate that Robin Hunt is working on a logo for us and this should be ready for next week. Bill Haldeman moved to approve the Minutes of the last Entertainment & Programming Board Meeting, was seconded, and stood approved. At this time the Senate moved back to Executive Board Nominations under Radio Station Manager. President Campbell informed the Senate that at the next Meeting he will make a motion to reclassify the position of the Radio Station Manager from one of a classified position to one of a professional position. If anyone has any questions, please go down and see him. This will be voted upon at the next Meeting. C. Elections Board Carol Tarpley read the Minutes of the last Elections Board Meeting, and announced that there will be another Elections Board Meeting next Tuesday, July 31, at 2:00 p.m. Carol Tarpley then moved to approve the Minutes of the last Elections Board Meeting, was seconded, and stood approved. D. Publications Board There was no report of the Publications Board. E. Bylaws Committee 1. Proposal #7 Bill Haldeman moved to approve Bylaw Proposal #7 as submitted by the Bylaws Committee, and was seconded by "Skip" Kelley. Discussion took place on this proposal which is entitled "Judicial Council Case Procedures". A vote was then taken on the main motion for approval which passed unanimously. This proposal now becomes Bylaw #5 2. Proposal #8 Bill Haldeman moved to approve Bylaw Proposal #8 as submitted by the Bylaws Committee with the deletion of Item E and then renumbering the rest of the Bylaw, which was seconded by "Skip" Kelley. President Campbell then motioned to amend Item A under Article I to strike the words "and officials," and was seconded. Discussion took place and David Martinez called for the question, was seconded, and passed with none opposed. A vote was then taken on the amendment as submitted by President Campbell which passed unanimously. A vote was then taken on the main motion for approval of Proposal #8 as amended which also passed unanimously. "Skip" Kelley redd the Minutes of the last Bylaws Committee Meeting which was held on July 24. Submitted were Bylaw Proposal number fourteen which will be voted upon at Senate Meeting #14. Dave Craddock then moved to approve the Minutes of the last Bylaws Committee Meeting, was seconded, and passed. F. Energy Committee Vice President Wyman reported that the Energy Committee had an informal Meeting today and she gave a report of that Meeting. She also announced that this Thursday there will be an Energy Meeting from the President's Minutes - Senate Meeting #12 July 24, 1979 Page 4 VII. VIII. IX. Office which will be concerned with the Energy situation her at UNLV. G. Radio Committee There was no report of the Radio Committee. Old Business There was no Old Business. New Business A. Intramurals Operating Policy The Intramurals Operating Policy was submitted and will be voted upon at the next Meeting of the Senate. B. Delay of Senate Meeting #13 Carol Tarpley moved to delay Senate Meeting #13 for one week, was seconded, and passed with two opposed and one abstention. Open Discussion Ray Corbett informed the Senate of the status of the summer Basketball program and President Campbell commended Ray for all of the time that he is putting into Intramurals and he feels that he is making some good changes. David Martinez inquired about the Meeting for the Hotel and Business Building and Marty Burzinski reported that they are considering building a new Hotel and Business Building in the soccer field which will be priced at $15,000,000. They have gone to the Board of Regents for the funding for this building but the Regents can't give them the $15,000,000 but can give them $11,700,000. He further reported that the building should be done in about three years. Parliamentarian, Joe Matvay, invited everyone to go roller skating tomorrow. Bill Haldeman informed the Senate that there are only six more proposals for the Bylaws Committee. Adjournment Due to the lack of further business, the twelfth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Respectfully prepared by; Lorraine Alderman Senate President Rene Bernier Senate Secretary UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS SUBJECT: Senate Item Submission Policy; Bylaw Proposal #8 DATE: July 20, 1979 In discussing Bylaw Proposal #8 with the CSUN Business Manager, John Purvis, and Vice President, Lise Wyman, it has become clear that this proposal is unworkable as long as Item E of Article I remains a part of the proposal. By requiring a two meeting delay on actions concerning the disbursement of CSUN funds,we would throw the Business Manager's Office and the various Boards and Committees into a state of financial chaos. Furthermore, it is clear that the intent of Item E is covered sufficiently for the time being by Item F which requires a two meeting delay in the approval (or disapproval) of the annual budget. Therefore, I support Vice President Wyman's proposed amendment to delete Item E of Article I of this proposal and respectfully asking for your support of the same. This deletion would stand until a compromise amendment can be worked out by the Bylaws Committee, the Business Office, and the Appropriations Board. Since I will be out of town the week of July 23, please feel free to contact Ms. Wyman concerning this matter. 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 TO: All Senators FROM: Jeff Wild, Arts and Letters, Vice Chairman of Bylaws rjb CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: It has come to my attention that certain Senators have been doing their homework as well as maintaining mischievous attitude during the Senate Meetings. This conduct is not worthy of a CSUN Senator and I strongly suggest that this behavior terminate immediately. rjb All Senators Lorraine Alderman, Senate President Senate Conduct DATE: July 18, 1979 Bylaw Proposal #9 CSUN Elections Procedure I. The Elections Board shall have the power to take the following actions against any candidate for CSUN office for violations or infractions of CSUN Campaign Policy by the candidate or his campaign workers. A. Fines, no one of which shall exceed the amount of the current campaign spending limit. A candidate subject; to fine may waive such, by declaring terminations of candidacy at the time the fine is handed down. "Termination of candidacy" shall not in this context, include expiration of the CSUN election campaign period. B. Disqualification. C. Withholding of filing fee. II. The Elections Board shall investigate any legitimate protest against a candidate for CSUN office. A "legitimate protest" in the context of CSUN elections is one which is written, signed by the plaintiff and principal witnesses, and submitted to the Elections Board. There must be at least three witnesses to the alleged infraction if no physical evidence exists. The validity of a protest shall be determined by the Elections Board upon investigation. III. A candidate for CSUN office is responsible for the actions of his campaign workers in regards to the campaign. IV. The candidate shall not:, in any way, obstruct the view of the posted material of any other candidate. Bylaw Proposal #10 Non-Profit Organizations I. Definition Organizations that transform resource inputs into goods and services having the capacity to satisfy individual and group needs and which do not seek to make a profit, shall be considered non-profit organizations by CSUN. Bylaw Proposal #11 Two-thirds Senate Approval for Grants-in-Aid I. Statement The CSUN Senate shall be empowered to approve a Regents' Grant-in-Aid by a two-thirds affirmative vote. Bylaw Proposal #12 Creation of an Ad Hoc Constitutional Amendment Committee I. Statement Any proposed Constitutional amendments brought before the CSUN Senate, must first be given to an Ad Hoc Constitutional Amendment Committee for study and recommendation. Bylaw Proposal #13 Creation and Establishment of an Impeachment Committee I. Shall be defined as in the context of Paragraph II. II. A. If the CSUN Senate votes that the charge(s) of impeachment merit(s) investigation, then an Impeachment Committee shall be established. B. The Impeachment Committee shall be established by the Executive Board and shall consist of a UNLV Administrator and two CSUN Senators. Station Manager: for new 15 KW, class C, non-commercial educational student FM radio station. Experience in developing and managing campus FM station helpful. Responsible for implementation of radio board policy, developing station personality, hiring staff and ensuring all federal and university regulations are complied with. Bachelors degree and four years experience or Masters and two years experience. Minimum salary $14,000. Application deadline September 15, 1979 with position available October 1, 1979. For a detailed job description submit resumes to Danny Campbell, CSUN President, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109. UNLV is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.