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The Wheel Las Vegas Rotary Club newsletter, date unknown, image 005





1967 to 1972


Newsletter issued by the Las Vegas Rotary Club

Digital ID



    man000043. Fayle Family Papers, 1895-1998. MS-00404. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    | f^ AHLAN'S j B VJORNER JOHN F. CAHLAN ] It c e r t a i n l y is refreshing and somewhat reassuring to know there are those people who reside on the shores of the Potomac River, who are so zealously guarding the cof-fers of our federal government that they now have run the public debt up around the $580 billion mark. One of the reasons the p u b l i c debt has gained such momentum is because those who convene in the august halls of the Congress now toss around billions of dollars the way their predecessors gave out with millions. The principal t e a c h e r along these lines was one Franklin Delano Roosevelt who so mesmer-ized the public of the United States that he deluded them to think the government could spend its way out of debt. Since F.D.R. those who followed him into that gorgeous m a n s i o n known as the White House, have improved on the original theory and now have the government in such a state that it is likely there will come a day of judgment when those in charge find the barrel is empty and there is nowhere to go except broke. One of the most asinine appro-priations which the Congress ever made to my mind, is the $5 million which was voted to make another study to find out whether it was conspirators who fired the fatal bul-let into the head of John F. Ken-nedy, then the president of these United States. Congress already has funded and received the report of the Warren committee and it had been accepted by the majority. However, t h e r e were those idiots in the halls who could not accept the report and con-tinued to harp on the conspiracy angle. They were so powerful they received the $5 million and delved about as far into the realm of the-ory as it is possible to get. And with what results? There is no possible hope that by determining the f a c t there really was a conspiracy any method will be found, either by the Congress or any other mortal or governmental agency, to breath life back into the long buried body of J.F.K. He is dead, but some of his more zealous colleagues will not allow him to re-main in that resting place which is designated by the "eternal flame". The $5 million dollars which the Congress appropriated belongs, or did at one time, to the citizens of these United States and I d o u b t there is one percent of that citi-zenry who is especially interested in whether there were five guys and four rifles involved in the slaying or whether, in t r u th it was Lee Har-vey Oswald alone who accomplished the dastardly deed. The latest theory, which may cost the taxpayers another four or five million, was produced by a couple of audio e x p e r t s who relied on echoes to determine t h e r e were more shots fired than the original Warren report stated. This theory lasted for a couple of days until the motorcycle cop, f r o m whose radio equipment the theory was drawn, told the experts his siren was on during all of the time of the incident, and the so-called experts could not have judged the echoes because they would have been drowned out by the voice of the siren. This just goes to show you how far our august representatives in Washington will go to keep their names before the public. It's about time for the public to rise up and tell them that it is not exactly a pot of gold that resides there under the rainbows which they are chas-ing. SALT Agreement Is Explained To Rotary The controversial and complica-ted SALT agreement was explained, to a great measure by John New-house, a representative of the State Department in Washington, at a speech last week at the Las Vegas Rotary club. He said the main purpose of the talks would be a commitment to stabilize the present status in nu-clear weapons between the Russians and the United States. However, he said that a balance along these lines would be almost impossible to ac-complish. It would, however, restrict nuclear weapons on both sides so there would be some control over what might turn into a holocaust. The Russians have not, he said, changed their attitude through the present treaty and we are bound to have an adversary aspect with the U. S. S. R. However, any progress along the SALT lines would hope-fully reduce the use of nuclear wea-pons in case armed conflict erupted. Both sides in the debate have ad-vantages as regards nuclear wea-pons and it seems, he said, that the United States has an over-all edge. However, that cannot be proven. The United States is ahead in technology and must maintain this lead in order to overcome the ad-vantages the Russians have in other fields. He s a i d the U.S. had a greater " m i x " of weapons but that the advantage is not very large as both can devastate each other and society as a whole. It is probable he said, that the SALT agreement, if reached, would put a ceiling on nuclear weapons. The treaty, he said, would go until 1985. It is hoped, in the negotiations, that the present edge the U.S. holds over Russia can be maintained, but that remains for the future to tell. Newhouse was introduced by Ash-ley Hall, assistant to U.S. Sen. How-ard Cannon and who operates the senator's office in Las Vegas. Ken O'Connell Back From Hospital Stay Kenny O'Connell is back on deck after spending a few weeks in the hospital following surgery. Ken went into Sunrise Hospital on Christmas day and was released last week after he had double sur-gery. The first was abdominal, while the second was to correct a blood disorder in his leg. However, Kenny bounced right back up and is now engaged in his u s u a l pursuits as executive vice president of the Greater Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce as well as a regular attendee at Rotary meet-ings. — Rl — Club Service A past district governor from the U.S.A., addressing the subject of how we can contribute to club ser-vice, asked the following questions: "Do you serve on committees when you're asked? When was the last time at a weekly meeting that you sat next to a man whom you did not know very well? Have you ever proposed anyone for membership? When was the last time you brought a friend to a meeting so he could get a feeling of the fellowship? Are you pleased with the things your club is doing? If not, have you made suggestions of how it could be im-proved?" — Rl — Vocational Service "The question is o f t e n asked: 'Why do Rotary clubs limit mem-bership to one man from each dis-tinct business or profession?' Be-cause our experiment has proved in operation that it makes for congen-ial fellowship, obviates business and professional jealousies, encourages mutual helpfulness, stimulates pride in the dignity of one's occupation, and broadens one's mind and sym-pathy with regard to the accom-plishments and problems of other occupations." — Paul Harris