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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    4 ?╟╓ ?√ß ?√ß.,v ?√ß This Identification became apparent to me the first ,vv I ; . i, ?╟≤ ; ?╟  i g|| : . , ... ** . 1%. .. ' I * 11 ?√ß \\V tine I stood on a Polish stage and looked but at ray first v . . v. ?╟≤?╟≤?╟≤?╟≤ - ?√ß ?╟  ' ,*v Iron Curtain audience*.. I*m not quite sure Just what I had^ expected to see*:, X.knew only that I expected the /audience ?╟≤ ?√ß to be somehow, different, from one of ours* It itias not# The Polish audience looked, acted, and reacted in exactly.the same rewarding way as. an American one. ' v."*?√ß ?╟≤"?╟╓< Later, when I got over the initial shock of discovering that an ?╟╓ audience, in Warsaw, Poland, was a reasonably exact facsimile of an audience in Willow Run, Michigan, I was able ^, to not?? that there are certain differences ?╟≤ But they are ?╟ ?╟  .: superficial. ..V V . . .y . > ?╟≤: The Polish youngsters tend to dress more conservatively* The girls f- as pretty as any in Europe, incidentally ?╟≤- are 1 a little less lavish in the use of makeup. A little older, ! , V V *' / :;t \ .4 ?╟≤* ** too, before they began applying makeup at all* But the clothes hairdos, makeup preferences (eye color high, lip color low) were basically America,- *63* - ||?√ß ?√ß?√ß 1 don't speak Polish* The vast majority of the young ?║t | ' ?╟  v .. * ?╟  | . ?╟≤. ?╟╓ - ?╟ ;V people in my audiences did not speak English (except for the $$ aforementioned song lyrics). But our communication was till absolute. They got the beat! they got the message* - And even Mitch could not have asked for a lustier bunch of sing-alongers