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^ Supplementary Statem ent Bo0 1 showing f o r C on stru ction o f A dditions and Betterm ents to Water Production, Storage and D istrib u tio n ' F a c ilit ie s during th e Period September 1 9 1952 to June 3 0 t 1954» in c lu s iv e , to be added to th e B asic Purchase P r ic e , in accordance w ith p rovision s o f S ectio n s 9 (a ), 9(b) and 9 (c) o f th e C ontracts Work Order Date o f Amount Expended under S ectio n * No* Com pletion 9 (a) M W 9 (c) T o ta l 696 30-28-52 I 9 694082 $ * $ 9 694,82 699 12-31-52 38 559028 18 559,18 702 1 1 - 3°52 852o50 852.50 705 12- 12-52 4 226,07 4 226,07 706 12-29*52 13 936o40 33 936,40 707 12- 10-52 1 993.00 1 993.00 708 3* 2*53 9 893062 9 893.62 709 5« i«53 16 525050 36 525,50 710 12-22-52 9 990,00 9 990,00 7 11 1*26-53 1 088,00 1 068.00 732 7 - 1-53 53 000,00 53 000,00 719 2 - 9*53 4 140,00 4 140*00 721 5“ 2-53 4 480,51 4 480,51 722 3-18-53 34 640,00 34 640,00 725 2-15-54 32 490.00 32 490,00 726 5-15-53 1 440,00 1 440,00 727 10c 2-53 15 190.00 15 190,00 728 6-29-53 1 778.66 1 778,66 729 7-23-53 4 279069 4 279.69 731 6° 5°53 1 476,33 1 476.33 732 5-20-53 2 200.00 2 200,00 733 5-20-53 2 440,00 2 440.00 734 6-29-53 1 610,00 1 610 0 00 736 6*15*53 3 576.99 3 576,99 739 7-31-53 560.00 560.00 740 7-31-53 3 828.14 3 828,34 741 7*20*53 4 274.32 4 274,32 744 9*29-53 476,52 476,52 746 10* 8*53 35 582.00 35 582,00 747 10 - 5-53 29 550,00 29 550.00 743 2-19*54 1 1 840,00 1 1 840,00 750 8-28*53 3 1 275,12 3 1 275,12 751 8* 8*53 5 346,00 5 346.00 752 10* 5*53 4 483 t>G0 4 483.00 753 8*26*53 3 863o78 3 863.78 754 10 5*53 917.26 917,26 755 1-18 -54 4 749000 62 600,50 67 349.50 756 10* 5-53 2 501,48 2 501,48 757 12 - 4-53 1 450,00 1 450.00 758 8-22-53 464.09 464.09 759 12 - 2-53 2 512,35 2 512.35