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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-296


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas, Nevada Nov 29 - 1920. City Commissioners of Las Vegas Nevada Gentlemen I will put in the cement side walk and furnish every thing in the way of material and labor excepting the gravel for the sum of $2025.00 the material and work to comply with the city ordinance No. 47. Yours Resp. C. A. Bryant Las Vegas Nevada. thereupon the clerk presented the following bid: "Bid for laying sidewalk on west side of third street. To the Hon Board of the City of Las Vegas I do hereby agree to lay said sidewalk in good workman like manner and according to present plans and specifications for the sum of seventeen and one half cents .17 1/2 per square foot and furnish all mat­erial for said walk except sand and gravel. R. E. Lake, Sr." thereupon it appearing to the board that the bid of R. E. Lake Sr. was the most satisfactory bid of the two it was upon motion duly made and carried ordered that the bid of R. E. Lake, Sr. be accepted and the City Attorney is hereby instructed to prepare the necessary papers for the contract for the constructing of said side walk and the mayor and city clerk is hereby authorized and directed by the board to sign said contract upon its being prepared. In the matter of special assessment for side walk improvement for district No. 7 coming on before the board for review and the City Assessor having heretofore filed the roll of said special ass­essment on District No. 7 on the first day of December 1920, it was upon motion of Commissioner Mar­tin and seconded by Commissioner Conklin and duly carried, ordered that the Clerk publish notice of the same and that the Board and city Assessor meet on the 18th day of December, 1920 at two o'clock p. m. in the office of the City Commissioners to review said assessment and at said time and place opportunity will be given to all persons interested to be heard. The following being the vote, to­wit: Commissioner Martin, aye, Conklin, aye, Pembroke, aye and his honor the mayor voting aye. Noes none. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. DECEMBER 18, 1920. This being the time set by the board of City Commissioners to meet for the purpose of reviewing the assessment roll for side walk No. 7 on the west side of Third Street in the City of Las Vegas, Nevada and the following members of said board were present, Commissioners Conklin and Pembroke and his honor, the Mayor, W. E. Ferron and the Clerk and the City Attorney and the City Assessor. The Board then proceeded to review said assessment roll and hear any and all protests against said special assessment per resolution adopted by this board on the 1st day of December, 1920. No protests being orally or in writing filed with the Board it was then upon motion of Commissioner Conklin and seconded by commissioner Pembroke that the following resolution be adopted, "Be it re­solved that the special assessment roll for side walk purposes of District No. 7 to be constructed on the west side of Third Street as filed in the office of the City Clerk December 1, 1920 and the same is hereby approved and declared to be final for the special assessment of said side walk purposes in said district No. 7 and as special assessment roll No. 7 and shall from the date of its approval be the assessment therein as set forth and shall constitute a lein upon the representatives lots and parcels of land therein assessed. Be it further resolved that the special assessment contained in said assessment No. 7 be and the same is hereby declared to be due and payable immediately and the Clerk of this board is directed to endorsed said roll as provided in Section 68 of the City chart­er and immediately transmit the same to the City Treasurer,