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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    c. If the baker does want to use these ads in his local 3unday newspaper supplement, I believe the mat should be furnished to him at the expense of the National Promotion Fund. d. At the bottom of the ad could also be a brief message about writing in to the baker for a re- print of the ad to be hung on a house wall. These reprints should be ordered through the Angelita's Bread Company by the franchised baker and would be printed on an amazing new cloth paper by offset process, and here the expense should be borne by the baker himself. e. This series of ads could also be used when Angelita's Bread is in about 15 top cities, in the national Sunday supplements, such as F/hlADB MAGAZINE and THIS ./EEX -- with the idea of offering reprints of the ad to people who write in and ask for them. '.hen we get to that stage and are ready to use these ads on a national scope, I believe we might be at a point where we could use the name of General Mills at the bottom of the ad so as to make it a uniform brand name throughout the country. Thus, we could suggest the public write to General Mills at a box office number, enclosing ten wrappers of Angelita's Bread, and $1.00 for the Hospital Building Fund, for which the sender would receive a packet of the ten pictures printed on the new cloth print- ing paper v/hich has a tapestry effect and which would be just ideal for framing. f. If we at that time cannot use the name General Mills, then we can, with a little effort, run this ad on a national basis in the Sunday supplements, dropping in the name of the franchised baiter in each market ?╟÷ but this would only be possible in the markets in v/hich the Sunday supplement is printed. This would be a complicated procedure, although it can be done. The people in each market then would write in to their franchised baiter, and here again while there would be quite a bit of confusion as to how the baker pays for the reprints, this could be worked out. g. So far, we have proceeded only with the plates for the first picture inasmuch as they are quite expensive ?╟÷ but we do have the first ad ready to run in any market, or even on a national scale if -7-