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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    iiiiii agency CHICAGO ?╟≤ NEW YORK ?╟≤ HOLLYWOOD ?╟≤ LONDON HOTELS ?╟≤ CAFES ?╟≤ THEATRES PICTURES ?╟≤ RADIO ?╟≤ TELEVISION 203 NORTH WABASH AVI. ?╟≤ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60 601 ?╟≤ TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 2-4246 wire of confirmation from James Browitt, Director and General Manager of the Kentucky State Fair, held in Louisville, Kentucky, for RED SKELTON for August 26th at a salary of $25,000 for two shows to be played on that date. Regarding the orchestra, they will provide for Skelton he will give us 15 to 18 men depending upon Red *s wishes, and there will be a matinee performance and an evening performance on this booking. It will be less ten per cent commission to me to be paid after he works the three dates I have already booked for him, I also have the firm offering for the Indiana State Fair for SKELTON August 27th and 28th in Indianapolis, Indiana, two shows daily for a total of four shows in two days. And while I believe they will do a 4:30 p.m, show and a 7:30 p. m, show, this is not definite* On Sunday, they havenft definitely decided yet but there will be a matinee show and an evening show. Salary on this date would be a guaranty of $30,000 for l' i the two days against a privilege of 60% of the net receipts, and for your information, last year Lawrence Welk did around $96,000 in two days doing four shows, I tried to raise the percentage to 65% of the receipts but there is a state law in Indiana that no attraction can receive over 60% of the net receipt s * March 1, 1966 Mr. A1 Freeman c/o Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada Dear A1: / Supplementing our phone conversation of yesterday, I have a M EMBER OF CHICAGO ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE