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    BUFM?║g, N. Y. OOURIEg EXPRESS Circ. D.g|py20' - S. 298,053 International Falls, Minn. JOURNAL JSKm 1953 wt Hedda Hopper3*s Hollywood Haymes, Hayworth ^Hble Fourth Time on Matrimony HOPE, ARK. STAR ~ Circ. D. 4,505 ?√ßSEP 2 b 19% flippy, Says l-(|ur-Time iilbneymooners [lasirVEGAS. Nev. ?╟÷Rita gHay :wo#lr and. Dick Haymes a^e on .the ffourth honeymoon for each of ?╟≤them .-today. f ollownig a brief; -flash.] , , 1 - n wedding in a gamt$f&; -aprt .'hotel.. ... ~-vT feel' wonderfully happy," the redhaired bride said after the I three-minute ceremony. '",1 ?╟≤ I |-married to the man I really love, jj Ut sound's so wonderful to be called j' i.Mrs. Haymes." The movie star and the crooner j fly to 'N.e-W"'"York "Saturday and later -to Philadelphia, . where the j bridegroom starts '"a. night club | engagement Monday night. . S^/C/J ''Our careers, in fact ,, nothing, will ever separate us,'-'-. ;.Hita de- clared. She said she'll travel with Haymes on his night ekib tour. They have rented a--?╟≤./house in Greenwieh, -'Gorm;i Miss "Hayworth,j ?╟≤ said she'll commute between there | i I and Hollywood for one picture a i- j year. S^^HB^fc* JL I t The ceremony was performed by - . Judge Frank MacNamee in the ! I Gold 'Jftdem of the Sands Hotel. - j Roulette games arrdgsBi:" machines r i "continued whij^iiggTO-;jfe.e nearby ' casino. [i Rita's two daughtfep* Rebecca, '?╟≤ I 8. by her marriage 'W'lfetor Orson | Welles.""and Princess Y a s m i n, -!3g by -ex-husband -''Aiy Khan, p looked oft from a divan* ! The bridal couple said their 'T ildo's" firmly. Big tears came into l\ Rita's eyes at tfeW, words. The -1 double-ring ceremony was over be- nfore she got her ring bn Dick's I I.finger; she put- .it on Afterward. -jj. ii^^tYasmih^^Hilled, "M a m a, /?╟≤J-hy^'ant'-a ring, too." '^'il^Sl ?·i jjjjBeveral hundred persons lined ! -the way as the couple, arm Jin I arm, walked from her quarters in - irt of the " hotel to the Las Vegas, Nev. ?╟÷(IP)~4^ni\e nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes toUUy gSmhled once more with matrimony. The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, will recite vows each lias said three times before, in a of o ?╟≤chids anc Ijlip.wsrek; 's$ai -blue ies of the valley. | blue pin-stripe | ?╟≤emote :el-e'mdny. Miss-Ha :'hin-g globus. H ore .a s ho -rrU Iteltef a (toa'St- t-lvet hat and * -bouquet was fesre. 'her. marriages to Welles j "and-" Prince Aiy, Rita was wed to .oilman::Edward- Judson. Hay mes' j preVio^Sl wi#es were actress J*-j ! anne Bjfag^ancer Joanne Mar- i shall, and Nora Flynn Haymes, ex- wife Sf Err.ol- Flynn. The crooner got a Nevada divorce Wednesdayi I. from Nora, who obtained a Cali- I fornia decree from him last week. In. connection with his immigration difficulties, meantime, the honeymooning crooner could take cheer ffrM,?╜ federal court decision yesterday in Miami, Fla. In a similar case at Miami. Judge John W. Holland ruled in turn of Harry O. Voiler, 62. for- FederalfBTstrict Court that the re- mer MiamffBeach newspaper publisher, from Puerto Rico ill" ?√ß 19S1 ' 'did noT constitute I*an \ entry , into j the United States within ttie g#|^ ing of the '194;|fc--Jni&igratior^f^"- Puerto Rico and Hawaii are -insular possessions of the,. U,n\^^w States.?√ß'Judge-^Holland J held that "For a resideM.%lien to make a simple ceremony in the Gold Room of the Sands hotel. District Judge Frank MacNamee will officiate at the five-^aji|Bi; ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the invited guests three to one. THE UNPRETENTIOUS affair will be quite a contrast to the screen star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Only guests invited are business and legal associates of the couple. The only relatives on hand will be the bride's 'two daugnlers. They are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of Miss Hayworth's marriage to Orson Wells, and the Princess Yasmine, 3y2, like her Moslem father a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed. FINAL BARRIER to the wedding was-elearetl Wednesday when Haymes copped a seven-minutSpdi- vorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than an hou.r later, he brougtlt Rita back to the court house, where both nervously filled out the marriage license forms. .., Should the government win its. deportation ca^ ag^j^t - the Argentine-born c^gnej^^ats will he and Rita tkeh live in? "I'm not going to be deported," he answered. "We both intend to live in the U.S.A.'r A REPORTER asked if he had ever tasted any of Rita's cooking. "Who marries Rita Hayworth for cooking?" the singer asked. Bride and Grot piCRglfAYMES, Rita Hayworth and thi latter's two daughters, Rebecca} 8, and Yasmine^ 3, 4,re shown above in Las- Vegas ^heiy|fcita and Dick today gamble it gain on matrimony. Each na$ jffepied it three times bef??Kjgvi Below, in a Hollywood night ch^b with actor Scott Brady, is N<?╜$& Haymes who removed the last obstacle to the wedding by Agreeing to a quick divorce from Dick. (International) enti a lorei| porrf CHICKASHA, 0KLA. EXPRESS Circ. D9?║jjjp9.8 - $,.,?·.4,07 s6Pgj4 m j Rita, Haymes 1 Recite Vows For 4th Time LAS VEGAS, Nev. . W?╟÷While nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, RjJflJiaiSBiBBfilib and Dick Haymes today gambled once more with matrimony. The 34-year-old actress and her crooner,'35, will recite vows each has said three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room of the Sands Hotel. District Judge Frank MacNamee will officiate at the five-minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the ia* vited guests three to one. The unpretentious affair will be| quite a contrast to the screen!, star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. M^| Hayworth will not even have a; new wedding gown. She said she: would wear a blue linen straight dress which she has worn before. Her head will be covered by a toast-colored hat of tulle and vel vet. She will wear gloves to match the hat. i^iiplp! Only guests invited are .business and legal associates of the couple. The only relatives on hand will be the bride's two daughters. They are Refoecca, 8, the offspring of Miss Hayworth's marriage to Orson Welles, and the Princess Yasmine, 31/2, like her moslem father.a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed. Barrier. Cleared Final barrier to the wedding was cleared yesterday when Haymes copped a seven-minute divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than an hour later, he brought Kite back to the courthouse, where both nervously filled out the marriage license forms. Both Haymes and Rita claimed permanent residence in Nevada, but said they will soon move near Greenwich,. Gonn., where they are looking for'ahouse. "All my work is in the East," the crooner explained. Miss Hayworth said she plans to commute between the East Coast and i Polly wood for picture making, m Should the government win its lilipoTtation case against the Argentine-born crooner, what country will he and Rita then live in? "I'm not going, to be deported," he answered. "We both intend to live in the U.S.A." The crooner said he will move into Miss Hayworth's suite at ,the Sands right after the wedding. A reporter asked him if he had ever tasted any of Rita's cooking. "Who marries Rita Hayworth for cooking?" the singer asked. j Cary Grant to Take Rol^ Of Retired Thief in Picture HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 24-^Gasy Grant won't make another''pic- I ture until next spring, when he goes to the south of France to : star in 'Catch That Thief" for Alfred Hitchcock. Cary plays a | retired thief, and helps the po- \ lice catch a young criminal who uses Grant's^ unique methods. I Cary would like to do a'^ilm; here, but %iys he hasn't C<%$y I across any good scripts. TalMnsl j about theJPInonth he and wife j Betsy spent in Japan this sum-., mer, Caryrsaid the GIs told hin\, "You d)on^iodk like Marflyn Monroe," but you're- mighty welcome." Cary talked to hospitalized soldiers, ahd Betsy played cards with the fellows. ... Robert Newton will have a vefcy. im~ \ portant part with John wa^ie in^The High and Mighty." . . . ?G%ne Fowlec's so bus^wr.?║6T2jJ^ writing jobs that he has to iSy* pass the World Series, and is he singing the blues. Gene's a sport loving guy if I ever met one. CAUTIOUS?╟÷Danny Kaye was ' quoted as saying he turned dow||| "PM Joey" because he wants-J^i be loved and doesn't belieye lew? following would accept him "fi&1| the role of a heel. Columbia.: says he was never paged for'tH??? i-role. I assumed thai.jp9n.ny '?√ß$&&" Jan actor. They'lftrplay.ah^nroler J if it's meaty enough. Is he sug- rgesting that' actors who play' heels are heels in real life? I i don't believe people thought iJjKaye a hero when he went to CHESTER, PA TIMES c'>c. D. 33,831 Washington -in 1947 t?╜rbe|riend ,the unfriendly 10 wrij%rs44tater taggedrJ3|jemies of our counter. ; Incidentally, I near he and Bing Crosby aren't getting on. too well on "$h|te Chrjstmas." I never thought they Would. I'll say this for Kaye?╟÷he's loaded with talent ^juidihe's a great entertainer. |: a- 1| Wm fe""" ' \y'SLja_\: I P !CONFUSING-^TheJanjJaJEflB., ?╟≤ tel in Las Vegas dfl^'SM need.a t^ggBfteity agent. No hotel ever j bud.; -such a publicity break as k thljf ^de?? children of Orson 3 W||3e| and Prince Aiy Kfi^* . wandering all oveX". the placg I wiih. flieir bodyguards and vari- ?╟≤. pus^empapions. I ..remember.'.; whe|p%.hese children's mothei^'i ^s^M.^fey must be kept out off he M >SpoligHt- at all'costs. Yep,- -it'-s-gj I a.:.i^atfg crazy, mixed-up world '?╟≤' \T%?'ra,;l.i.vitia in. . . ."The ques- '. - tiot>^p;? When will Prince >My^f , KhSffiiarry Gen% Tierney? Yabr'S. i j.guess is good as miiie. They're -. '^yery fond of eaehdother and labk-g | [.-"well. together,-1 saw them - a't^l..1 to^er party ?Θ╝ir , Charles Mendlfd.* ^m^rin Paris, g Gene wore AS^-fM* I rDuiniOiidr ring and Diamond and Pearl: earring::-;. She was sitting atone on a low footstool. Aly~sliog? ji;fn!otttlie seat" beside' her'' and 'd ^m&: her ^hahd. Gene gave.'upg-i gthe lead in "Mogambo" becausev she didn't want to- leave Paris-.: -J There are people and elements working against this marriage', but I don't believe he could find a sweeter or nicer wife. ; LIKE OLD I TIME'S?╟÷Theda Bara did a real "Sunset Boulevard" when a couple of Dennis Day's writers went up to. interview her as possible guest on his TV show. I'm told., thatg^e- writers didn't see Theda "a^gill, She sat on one side of -a .screen:, tjjey on the other. She decided against" doing the show 'as it j might affect a possible comeback in pictures. Released by., Ohica. } York jititL^ietSay 6Ye^l portth Time Todayl I rflIus4*Z^ Say^h'S marria^ to Orsonf Mg VEGaII \v/rl aud the Princess Yasmine wWB1?- ^While ^^e her moslem father a dt ?yersandSS^??^ke^ai^gndant of the pro^lSt and Dick Havr*\ Rlta Hayworthr?Σ≤1?1?Σ≤^- -mm 1 m* more v5ft I??day gambIed ciea?M barrier*?? the wedding was I Th^ ha ^rniony. cleared yesterday when Halm?Σ≤ I Af irwZW- ^d her St0^Tn-^^^M each has said thd.recite vo^ S^I^??haEddi,,!tra FI^ I a simple cer3imes ^ore. heTbroiLf ??╟≤' lan ,an hour later, f??"ly attendanfclSo^i1 be *e K^^ttey will Zn move near Nporters willfi,ta,og[?hers aniJ .Grf??Σ≤ch, Conn., where lh?Σ≤ ! i Ivited mesbi, Z"?? ?╜?╜ ?╜- '??*ng tor a ho's?Σ≤re lhey are| s?╜"??aijager of the* ?o?╟?j 1 ' &clicicU Mm attendanTphnfdS'W11 be ** ?√ßvited guests three S^t^ N^^^ IOr * house. Ifto's lavish French i-screen Cc??st and Holl?Σ≤^ .th? Easl l&SLt??-j???zt nzhi-! or picture Hulmce A1y Khan in dress which k L f M*ta,JS',?╜."ilat ""S l|Wcr head wUl he ~ om H0"- "I'ra j?· ?╟??╟??√ß ta ,lhen ]ive in? ?╜ toashcolo^d hatl, c^by >L i^f'^.^deported;"! ?√ß- - ~-..-?╜??i_v ?╜""?╜si???╜?╜ asmm '%-"?√ß jrfm ?√ß?√ß With all the obstacles-except 0^,;?^---^ W^^^MuML.' worth W^V Haym?╟? h^ hJS tTd"n??er ?Σ≤ei~,;^eir *eddi"9 ?╜?Σ≤^Slw