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I agree.x» Ska Upgaa 3lr? atti> Manufacturing GJuntpaug LOCATION OF FACTORY L A S V E G A S N E V A D A OFFICE 7 3 9 H . W . B E L L M A N B U I L D I N G FOURTH AND SPRING STS. LOS A N G E L E S - - CAL. Los Angeles, C a l., August 28th, 1905 Mr. E. C. T ilto n , C hief Engineer SP LA & SL E y ., Los Angeles, Cal. Lear S ir : R e fe rrin g to correspondence our plant at Las Vegas, Nevada: H I am in re c e ip t todajr o f t 25th. The supply meter shoina into our p la n t, while the return me lie not S M-.)L. a. * s, L T AUG 2 9 1905 Chief Engineer. M n the subject o f water meters at rep ort I presume from th is that now, hut that the return meter doe consume at the very outside more t which passes through the intake m th is re p o rt, w ith approximately 1 W ill you k in d ly advise outgoing meter w ith a su ita b le on taken from these meters .391,572 cubic fe e t as passing only showed 203,450 cubic f e e t , intake meter is r e g is te r in g a l l rig h t r e g is t e r p ro p erly, as we do not ian one-fourth o f the amount o f water e r. We are, th e re fo re , charged from ,000 cubic fe e t more than we should be. what action w i l l be taken to replace the mil ;ru ly, GW