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I agree.W 18-6-2 Laa Vegas - Feb, 13, 1943, v ? * F S G C F - Loa Angelas: Org FS Of GCF Photostatlo work street rood with your letter Feb. 12th file 7334 indicates 333,643,784 gallons excess produced o^er that consumed in seven months June to Deo inclusive. On this basis, 381,675,060 more frallons were produced in 1943 than were consumed or 1,045,700 gallons per day permitted to run down creek which do*s not include any ?‘fetspiL-g production from middle or open soring. This is not Jj - reasonable and not in accordance with • y observation which has been that Edwards keeps production pretty well balanced with consumption by ahuting in wells when not needed. Probably amount nassing thru water softener ond used by locom tives h?a been overlooked in your statement and this represents about one million gallons per day. 19ote also oonsu ption for June is shown as 136,834,330 gallons whereas our records indicate 141,660,100 gals used by LVL&W alone. Since May 1943 we have been mailing Supt. copy of our report to Auditor and while this is reontition of Information furnished us by Division it insures our reports to Audit r agreeing each trrnth. We now have assembled information required by Auditor for Annual Report except (l) Total Production, which I could