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S E C Y . - T R E A S . L A S V E G A S V A L L E Y W A T E R D I S T R I C T 9 0 0 S O U T H 5 t h S T R E - E T LAS VEGAS. NEVADA n H A R R Y E. M I L L E R J A M E S C A S H M A N T e l e p h o n e 5 9 2 0 J O H N B U N C H August 31, 1953 TO: SPENCER BUTTERFIELD, Vice President HARRY Eo MILLER, Secretary and Chief Registrar CALVIN Co MAGLEBY, Assistant Secretary JACK PEPPER, Publicity and Advertising Manager MEMORANDUM FROM: THOMAS A0 CAMPBELL SUBJECT: BOND ELECTION CAMPAIGN Advertising ~ Publicity - Direct Mailing - Speaking Program ADVERTISING: 1. General: It is now recommended that the newly organized Alex Struthers and C o ., Advertising Agency, be retained by the District to handle all advertising phases of the bond election campaign under the direction of Jack Pepper, Campaign Publicity and Advertising Manager. This will enable Jack Pepper to more efficiently direct and supervise the exploitation aspects of the campaign, and give more concentrated attention to publicityo The proposed arrangement has been discussed with him, and he is wholeheartedly in agreement with it. The fee or compensation charged by the Struthers Agency for services would necessarily be based on the amount of work involved in preparing copy, layouts, diagrams and other materia I and data for the various advertising media. This will necessitate outlining the scope of the contemplated advertising campaign and authorizing an advertising budget. 1.