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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - September 23, 1953 ¥ 23-1-129 Mr. Wm. Reinhardt - Los Angeles oc: Mr. E. I. Bennett I am submitting herewith, original and nine copies of letter of submission to Mr. Stoddard, together with nine copies of Form 30 Estimate dated September 17, 1953* both of which cover construction of water mains to serve Francisco Parh Subdivision, Las Vegas, Nevada. This project is one for which the Subdivider has requested th© Water Company to furnish a letter stating that it will extend its water mains to serve proposed subdivision as one of the require­ments of the Las Vegas Board of City Commissioners prior to official approval of their subdivision and I am therefor® furnishing you, one copy of letter which I propose to later furnish Parde©-Phillips Construction Company after this project has been approved by executives of th© Water Company. You will note that this letter has been approved by the Las Vegas Valley Water District. I am also submitting herewith, one copy of ay letter to the District requesting their approval of th® above mentioned letter to the Subdivider and requesting their approval for construction of this proposed project under terms of Agreement HC*L, D. 11342 dated June 1, 1953, which you will note has been approved by the District. Attached pleas# find on® print of Drawing B-632 dated September 4, 1953* on which 1 have indicated in blue and red color the size and location of proposed pip© lines and fire hydrants. This information should be used by Mr. Adamson in preparing worh order prints for this project. L. R. Haag Ends. LRMsrr