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    i^Jilli ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 4 SAN FRANCISCO JL. Los Angeles J^lie Portland - Seattle if| San Jose, Cal. 1 Melrcury Herald ;Jcir, 30,340) ne-?╜ u* IT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT Newest Las Vegas Hotel Gives Us $25 To Gamble By EARL Wfcl LAS VEGAS, Nev. ?╟÷ Here in what has become the most amaz- I ing part of America, a new high in hospitality was attained when the new .Sands Hotel, gambling ; spot, held its magniloquent open- Us gents of the""press ~ were presented with 25 silver dollars with which to go out and make a1 fortune. Hhi Presumably we would fritter this money away gambling. But if the management thought the Earl Wilsons would squander money that way, the management was "We'll divide it up 50-50," the Beautiful Wife said. "You take five dollars and I'll take 20," |p|l A wild rumor that there'd be a slot machine in each hotel room had reached us. On your arrival, II the bellboys ! would say, "Shall I I show you to '""* your slot ma chine, sir' But Jack Entratter, ex-manage ?╜^lf4 -..a #sbare of the ^ethatigthe management had en us. The B.W., with her. usual ih luck, got most of it back. We Wound up with 23 bucks left :om the 25 and believe that may [entitle us to give lessons, because | nobody we know has lost as little as $2. In fact, in this "Gambling Society" here, we're a little ashamed to have been so stingy with our losses. THE MIDNIGHT EARL?╟÷ The John Roosevelts are planning- a trip to Nassau to recover from the election . . . British Pamela Shaw arrives here presently to join Johnny Myer, just back from his European quickie . . . Rita Hayworth did the Viennese Lantern with unidentfied young man . . . Following her appearance on the Jackie Glea- son TVer, Audrey Meadows was rushed to Flower Hospital for an allergy attack she got after eating Chinese food. Danny Kaye signed Fran Warden to appear \r of the fa- Texas State Fa mous Copaca b a n a in New York, now manager here, hasn't accomp lished that yet. He also denied the assertion of Comedian Danny Thomas, ^tar of the open- starting Christmas Day . . Patrizia Man- gano (Sylvana's sexy sis) appears the new Italian film, "Ring Around the Clock," opening next TERRY MOORE ing show, that a month waiter was caught T Q D A v , ?╜ dealingslices of BEST CORN bread off the ] bottom of the loaf, Here in the shade of some 90 ! slot machines, I beheld "Gambling Society." I saw Ray Ryan of i Texas?╟÷supposed to be the fastest ; gambler in America; Nick the Greek from Hollywood, Al Levy of San Francisco?╟÷and such plain folks as Jimmie Durante, Frankie Laine, the Ritz .Brothers,-. Denise Darcel, Lorraine Cugat, Missj Terry Moore, and Spike Jones. But there was a great difference In these people. | ^.^Mi Miss Moore said she had lost $20. The report was that Ray Ryan had lost $20,000?╟÷not a large sum to him. The hotel's big bankroll man, Jakie FreenEm of Houston, said while running around in his Western outfit that "The House" had been "$200,000 loser" for a while opening night. I The Three Suns claim to have a that can go 300 billboards an I hour. V I S H I'D SAID THAT: 'Money doesn't talk anymore ?╟÷ it gasps"?╟÷Charli< PATRIZIA Jones. EARL'S PEARLS ... At Majors || "But we overcame it," he said. I happily. EJrtJ .JL-AjLL the loose money in America seems to be here. And while you're jfcossing it to The House, a waitress says, "The House would like to buy a. drink, sir." "No, I must have a clear head to lose my money with," I said. And sur?· enough, although inexperienced, I was soon losing as fast as the greatest expert. I Cabin & female'snarled, "Darling, you make that hat look ten years |younger!" Henry Fonda's considering do- g a musical version of "Cannery Row" . . . Rear Admiral Richard !yrd is planning another South Pole expedition- for this Summer . . . George Raft's running around J France and Italy with the French sportswoman Suzanne Volterra. Sam Chapman's in the market for a good public relations job . . [Horace Schmidlapp and Georgette ' Cushing were a Hapsburg House midnitem. Grace Downs tells of the woman who stopped the airline hostess as she passed her seat and asked, Will you please tell the pilot not |to go faster than the speed of, sound?╟÷we want to talk!" .'JULSr That's earl, brother. BArclay 7-5371 PRESS O.IPPING. BUREAU 165 Church Streft.^{^gg^rk". WAVERI^OtilO REPUBLICAN HERALD Circ. W. 2,220 "^Pg DEC 2S1952 BEHIND WE ScSlES in ?╤Jiolly,WtHHl * ?√ß* * ?√ß.?╓¬rnJL*-** HARRISON CARROlt* * * * * * EXPECTING, LIZ TAYLOR'S DOG PRESiNfi^IPLETS HOLLYWOOlpTfe triplets at Liz Taylor's house. Not for Liz personally but for her French poodle. Liz who has adored animals since she was a little girl?╟÷s h e I always keeps a i r t u a 1 menagerie around the house?╟÷was so w o r rd e d about the impending blessed event for the poodle that she had the vet per- 1 form a caesa- fserian section. Liz's own | baby is expected laround New Elizabeth TaylorY^^'y t0 reports a slight delay would mean no crisis for M-G-M's "All the Brothers Were Valiant." j Director Dick ^horpe says the script is so arranged that, if necessary, they can shoot for a month without Liz. "I'm enjoying just sitting around the >-house*? says the star* "and I plan to do a lot more of it in the future?╟÷taking care of my baby." "What about the new contract I calling for three pictures year?" she was asked. "Well," said Liz, "we'll see." ?╟≤ DALE ROBERTSON now is- so I belligerent about the separation ^stories that he threatens to make things hot if gossip perseveres. "I've always wanted to be married and have a family," he {declares, "and I intend to do it. If Hollywood interferes, I'll quit Hollywood. I have an oil-man i friend in Canada, Lee Brooks, who will give me a job any time. And I can start at just about jthe same salary I'm making at {Twentieth Century-Fox." ITALY WORKED wonders j for Linda Darnell's health and j mental attitude. Before she l left here, she had been sick and depressed for a long time. "Within four days after my arrival in Rome, I began to improve," reports Linda. "I soon threw away all my pills and medicines and I haven't taken I any since. I even lost weight over there. I didn't start gaining until I got back. But I still feel fine, in fact I never felt better in my life." Linda does the Jimmy | Durante TV show Jan. 3 and j is talking about a TV series of I her own. She won't return to Italy until February. UNDERSTAND song writer Nicholas Brodsky tried to visit Mario Lanza and found no sign of a change in Mario's attitude. It will be the end of January now before Humphrey Bogart leaves for Europe and his movie, "Beat the Devil.". > Tony Martin opens at the Flamingo in Las Vegas on Christmas, which also happens to be his birthday. He and Cyd Cha- risse will celebrate here with Tony, Jr., Christmas Eve. Then the Martins grab a plane for the opening. ?╟≤ VIC DAMONE TO RECEIVE HIS DISCHARGE IN MARCH ?╟≤ HARD TO TELL when Lana Turner is fooling but she didn't hesitate a second on the "Latin Lovers" set when asked if she wants her 9-year-old daughter, Cheryl, to become a movie j actress. "What!" snapped^ Lana, I "and get mixed up in this rat- race?" TONY CURTIS' leg still is swollen from that accident on ; the "Houdini" pictpre and he is plenty worried. Not, however, about his fiexf4^ U-I picture, "Drifting." "I have a William Holden type of role," lie says. "I wear a trench coat and carry a gun inside." LATEST on Vic Damone: He gets his Army discharge in March. ... In case any of his old pals* are wondering about Harry Cushing, he now owns the Rome American. And will go to Switzerland in January for several months of skiing. . . . Marilyn Erskine's divorce is final. And she swears she has no further romantic plans at the moment. . . . Ann Miller sees Europe for the first time early in the New Year. . * . Actress Dorothy Porter is divorcing Lee Cohen. . . . Two | of the songs Ray Sinatra originally wrote for Mario Lanza's radio program have been! switched into! production num- I bers for thel Sands h o le 11 Vic Damone ESTABLISHED 1888 BAi^lay ^371 PRESS CLIPPING.BUREAU 165-Church Street %New York STi I>AUL, MINN. PfO$JSER-PRESS I D?·Clih1959 Kh 91 diapponsuL ?·gu>L VUqht?╟÷ J SILVER DOlMl^ADORN GARBAGE CAN By EAffct$?╜$?·i?║ON- LAS VEGAS, NEV., Dec. 23?╟÷Streets^of^fhjs,town; are green with Christmas decorations, as- are the sts^ef&jjf PIQ&. American cities today. But in what other city would yoW se6 garbage cans full of silver dollars? It's part of the flavor of this modern .Yiilj$||j| Silver dollars are dumped into garbage "cans in: the gambling houses on razzle dazzle Fremont St., the main drag. They're pushed on hand trucks to the banks.. Sometimes they're pushed back from the banks, $?i$***. *> **-,- "You know," a newspaperman explained to me, "one reason they use silver dollars here is the worry of robbery. J 'If. a holdup man gets. 100 silver dollars in his pocket, he's not going to run very fast But these guys who win or lose $90,00&-'$ .r4g$tljff|l,.shrug it off i ca^?╜e* '?╜s'ed io that. Money hevery^feemed to me to be for that^l^ipose^ft - Anyway,' there's already a gag about the ne^jgjpte being called 'Tne Sands. '-Jjney say that.only n the Sands, will .; you find I've been here frequently, but my farm boy eyes pop each time. Most Americans don't know that this cockeyed city is becoming sort of an entertainment capital its desh?╜e to please "Gambling Society." : *lp%l Though the city's population is only 35,000, it employs about $5,500,000 worth of cafe entertain- |ers a year. Why, even New York doesn't have in ts famous night [clubs as many [stars as are here. Lost Wages," as its called, -has seven big^Jjgj u^s ,jift{gftffiH| leaf e.g; :.Gande3*; it h e sSina m e s" by, 'Sophie Tucker, Tony Martin,! Carmen Miranda, Louis Prima, Harry Nimrnq and Joanne Gil-j bert. ^gx-*^ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ^IL. EARL'S PEARLS; A moviel couple who recently split up /rove been going out together again,] and Gloria Parker said, "I knew) it?╟÷-it was one of those r/o//y- wood divorces that didn't pah\ out." WISH I'D SAID THAT: "Youi don't get ulcers from what yau\ eating you."?╟÷Igor Gorin. 'A^iM TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: JocA Carter told his wife he'd like fo\ buy her dreses that are tut 'way}, 'way down~to about six bucks. '?√ß 4 Uw oXe to : ' Wttson^Wi4rid when Danny Thomas "lost now or.^e- to | - u. voice?╟? and couldn>t-g0 on at , make Las Vegas, merry during the^ndg?√ß ^ the -thJr ni ht Chnstrnas: ^nn^T^mas, Pear1 wh6^gubbed \0r him? - Merely Bailey, the Andrews^sterf, Bert\Jimmie Durantei the Ritz Broth- Lahr, Lauritz Melchior, Bob Cros- ers> Frankie^ineg Jane Powell, | I '?╟?.,{ ?╟≤-->. , ' ?╟?_|Spike Jones and Denise Darcel. '^t's exciting if you can stay up night. Who's that at the ftganitting table next to you? May- m | Helmut Dantine | and Mara Mc- Aff ee at the Mocambo. . Jean Peters says her ward robe for the Korean junket will be all fur - lined. "Everything," she adds. ijlllen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland - Seattle San Francisco, Cal. Call Bulletin (Cir. 159,738) DEC % 3 1952 I Bob Taylor Dares !j Yvonne De Carlo I Bob Tayter didn't spend all I ^,^e/^'W while Ursula I lhi^.s-wasiriLas Vegas (chap- i eroned by a studio press agent) I to attend the opening of ihe L Sands Hotel. Robert and^onWV^ Cj,f,^ went dinfn%/a%IaI??flno'sl^ the valley. h?╜|H| been seeing Bob for a longBme," Yvonne te Is me, "but sSniy occasion- | any, i m g0ing out with ^^aw be a Texas oil man. g. Maybe a character from the underworld. It could even be jUrsula Thiess, the German Ursula actress / who's a friend;^ Robert Taylor gar^d who I |does;^pf nude! swinging scene' gin vn.^, new picture, "Monsoon." first picture and I did whatMjgytold me," she'told me. "It's . a^uick scene and-ll hope the pulSc forgets it qyickiy-."| Moulin Carlos Bey to attend the Rouge' party with T^hompson." ^arlos, one of Argentina's ?√??√ß trflst.^rs' Just arrived to play 'Opposite Yvonne in "Fort Courageous." He's tall, blue- lyed _and blond. Yvonne has been trying for months to get him up, here for me of her pic- BArclay 7-5371 PRISS CLIPPING BUREAU ?╟≤gl6i|gfiurch Street - New York NEW YORK, N. Y. WOMEN'S WEAR DAILY Circ. D. 46,425 OEC 19 1952 News and Notes IThe Hotel Cotillion Room of t h e ^^^ Pierre is offering a new program, featuring John Sebastian, harmonica virtuoso, and Dorothy Jarnac, dance-humorist . . . twosomericaa^dgfliuts at the Chateau Madrid ^^^ Nicolas Urcelay, Mexico fil^^pid recording star, and NelsohgSHMez, trompo artist . g. James S^ytftiilgton, ballad singer, agens tonight at the Sherry-Netherlai|feC??rnaval Room ); . . The Floridia^sfifth in the Ar- rthur Maisel chai^iof restaurants, has opened at Broadway at 151st ^eet .-. . Ethel ;Waters goes Into i^^ "Vie En Rose tonight . . . The SandshLas Vegas. Nev., will spend $301,000 ' for" ^nlertain- ment ^entifbr the 'hext 10 weeks . . . stars'^hned up include Danny Thomas, Lena Home, Edith Piaf, Billy Eckstine ands^lPgirl Folies Bergere-type show. -. Alice Ghostley, the "New Faces" comedienne, heads the new holiday show at the Bon Soir. Accompanied by G. Wood, who writes all her special material, the "New Faces" star doubles into this Greenwich Village supper club from the Leonard Sillman revue. |